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The now-enacted will of (some of) the people


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Just now, Davkaus said:

You do realise that Syria isn't in the EU and us leaving will have no effect on our approach to offering asylum?

Regarding undercutting, fair point. Kids do the same thing, under 18s, under 21s have a much lower minimum wage. Maybe we should kick them out somewhere.

If the minimum wage isn't sufficient to live on, I think your ire should be aimed at businesses and the government for not fixing the issue, not as some people who just want to live a decent life and put in a decent day's work.

Of course I know that, just pointing out about immigration in general. Wage limits are set in stone, we accept them. Completely different to what I was on about in terms of migrants undercutting people. Of course the companies have a lot to answer for.

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On my project at work there are 13 people.

4 Greek, 1 Greek but born here, 4 English, 1 Hungarian, 1 half Brazilian/half English and 3 polish.

we all get on really well and are all there to work. No integration issues. Ruge, with no disrespect you live in an area with hardly any immigration. How can you possibly think the things you do when don't live amongst it?

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3 minutes ago, Chindie said:

Apart from the ones that 'undercut' a fair living.

Or the ones that come from countries that aren't quite shit enough.

Or the ones coming from shit countries but are too old.

Or the ones that have a culture incompatible with ours.

Or the ones obviously terrorists in making.


Get away with ya.

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1 minute ago, Rugeley Villa said:

Get away with ya.

This is all stuff you're saying, then moving away from as soon as someone digs any deeper.

If you have to switch arguments so often within a single page, maybe you should question whether you really believe the things you think you do. 

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1 minute ago, StefanAVFC said:

On my project at work there are 13 people.

4 Greek, 1 Greek but born here, 4 English, 1 Hungarian, 1 half Brazilian/half English and 3 polish.

we all get on really well and are all there to work. No integration issues. Ruge, with no disrespect you live in an area with hardly any immigration. How can you possibly think the things you do when don't live amongst it?

It's got a lot worse lately we have Amazon. And I swear I saw a woman in an hijab the other day. Upbringing I suppose and when you live in a mainly white British area you are more prone to anti immigration. By what's considered racist on here 90%at least of the people I know whether it be family,friends or just people I know would be considered racist on here. 

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5 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

This is all stuff you're saying, then moving away from as soon as someone digs any deeper.

If you have to switch arguments so often within a single page, maybe you should question whether you really believe the things you think you do. 

Why would I not believe the things I believe in. I'm not educated as you are well aware but I don't like what I'm seeing I know that much.

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Just now, Rugeley Villa said:

Why would I not believe the things I believe in. I'm not educated as you are well aware but I don't like what I'm seeing I know that much.


It doesn't matter to you whether the neighbourhood has someone from London or Stuttgart move in. It doesn't matter if a woman in a hijab walks past you (I say that as someone who would like to educate the hijab away to the history books but ultimately it's none of my bloody business what a when wears or not).

It's not a surprise people start to poke at your beliefs when it boils down 'I just don't like it' for seemingly no reason beyond, ultimately, you don't like foreigners.

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8 minutes ago, Chindie said:


It doesn't matter to you whether the neighbourhood has someone from London or Stuttgart move in. It doesn't matter if a woman in a hijab walks past you (I say that as someone who would like to educate the hijab away to the history books but ultimately it's none of my bloody business what a when wears or not).

It's not a surprise people start to poke at your beliefs when it boils down 'I just don't like it' for seemingly no reason beyond, ultimately, you don't like foreigners.

Imo we have let too many in and this country is a soft touch because of it. You can't just throw anything into the boil and hope it all works out well. I'm a firm believer in borders and always will be. Why wouldn't I like foreigners, that not true.

Edited by Rugeley Villa
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Just so we're clear, there's just too bloody many, regardless of whether they work, despite you not minding people here to earn a living?

Will banning immigration from outside the EU be next on the list? Sadly, only 3 out of the ten countries with the most citizens resident in the UK are actually in the EU. But at least we'll stop more of the bloody Irish coming over here.

Edited by Davkaus
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Hopefully VT will still be going in years to come when Europe itself is on its arse. How embarrassing it will be to have the views and visions  of an uneducated racist like me actually come true. will my words still be considered empty then?  Each to their own fellas .

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4 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

Just so we're clear, there's just too bloody many, regardless of whether they work, despite you not minding people here to earn a living?

Will banning immigration from outside the EU be next on the list? Sadly, only 3 out of the ten countries with the most citizens resident in the UK are actually in the EU. But at least we'll stop more of the bloody Irish coming over here.

It's all about control my friend. moderation is good.

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May has added to the (snigger) 'support' of the judiciary this evening. It's almost astounding how completely the government has failed to criticise the fascist narrative that actively slight to undermine our very constitution.

All the evidence necessary to treat the words removed with the absolute disdain they deserve.

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