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The now-enacted will of (some of) the people


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5 hours ago, Wainy316 said:

I associate project fear with leave.  The immigrants, the immigrants, the immigrants. 

Someone doesn't agree with you 



Nigel Farage has accused the official EU leave campaign of not focusing hard enough on immigration.



tbh all I've heard is how we will all lose our jobs , how BMW will refuse to sell us cars unless they put the price up by £40000000000000  , how our houses will all be worthless overnight whilst being threatened by a US president  ... I'm not actually sure I've heard a lot from leave other than a small retort to the headline claims Remain keep coming up with .... 


Whatever message the Remain campaign are trying to put across , they are failing miserably at the moment

Edited by tonyh29
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Aahh, apologies, I thought project fear was the people who tell us our houses are worthless because the Turks are coming to start world war 3 with straight bananas and Hitler as their leader and bankers bonuses will sky rocket because Airbus will leave because polish plumbs are cheaper than chinese whispas.

I'll be honest, I've stopped paying attention.

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3 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

...all I've heard is how we will all lose our jobs , how BMW will refuse to sell us cars unless they put the price up by £40000000000000  , how our houses will all be worthless overnight whilst being threatened by a US president  ... I'm not actually sure I've heard a lot from remain other than a small retort to the headline claims Remain keep coming up with .... 


Whatever message the Remain campaign are trying to put across , they are failing miserably at the moment

There's a certain and very blatant contradiction in that post, Tony. I've bolded some of the text to help :P

Furthermore, to be serious for a minute, both sides are doing exactly the same things - ranting on about the terrible consequences of doing what the other lot want.

So, as you say we'll be flooded with immigrants, be part of a federal Europe, be at risk of more islamicalists blowing us up, have to pay loads more money to Yurp an unable to do anything about anything ever again because EU.

or alternatively we'll loose thousands of pounds per household, crash economically, be less safe from terrists (both sides claim their way is safer) and have no staff for the NHS...

It's both sides talking fear, almost all the time.

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Well I've just watched the vote leave election broadcast. It would appear that if we vote remain, your mum dies in a hospital waiting room whilst a nurse fills in paperwork and helps some foreign looking bloke. Whereas, if we had chosen to leave there will be no queues in hospitals and the number of staff doubles and they have no paperwork so your mum gets seen straight away and is home for jelly and ice cream same day.

I eagerly await the remain broadcast where doubtless all the nations of the world share a cola on top of a hill whilst Boris rides through town stealing the souls of babies.


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5 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

Well I've just watched the vote leave election broadcast. It would appear that if we vote remain, your mum dies in a hospital waiting room whilst a nurse fills in paperwork and helps some foreign looking bloke. Whereas, if we had chosen to leave there will be no queues in hospitals and the number of staff doubles and they have no paperwork so your mum gets seen straight away and is home for jelly and ice cream same day.

I eagerly await the remain broadcast where doubtless all the nations of the world share a cola on top of a hill whilst Boris rides through town stealing the souls of babies.


Cola you say .... More of a Pepsi man myself so for that reason Boris out 

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It's very easy to predict our future if we stay in the EU. It will be very similar to now with a few changes,  some good, some bad.

But if we leave there is no way to predict what will happen. That is purely based on what OTHER countries decide and what agreements we can negotiate. For instance Spain could easily say that all English ex-pats living in Spain must leave, can only visit Spain for a maximum of 6 months and cannot work whilst in Spain (as is the normal rule with USA).  That's just one minor example of decisions we cannot control that may or may not impact on us. 

I think we should leave the EU. But I also think that leaving is far too risky. Just like Scottish Independence. 




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QT appear to have packed the audience with drunk exit voters tonight 

still a load of hot air and screeching though and not just from Caroline Lucas 

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9 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

QT appear to have packed the audience with drunk exit voters tonight 

still a load of hot air and screeching though and not just from Caroline Lucas 

I thought David Milliband put in a solid middle of the road performance. If you can forget his total lack of presence back in the day, last night he actually came over as a fairly reasonable middle of the road politician, not foaming at the mouth and spouting crazy stuff about hitler banana wars. He was calm.

Caroline Lucas, you've got to love her. She just wants everyone to be nice. If we just all like each other it'll all be ok. A few million extra people in the UK, that's ok there'll be loads of room because we're getting rid of the motorways.

I nearly turned the channel over when within 5 minutes of the programme starting the UKIP woman 'guaranteed' good jobs for all degree students if they voted leave. It's that level of hype on both sides that's just creating a farce.

I presume the tory hippy was the real life character that Stewart Pearson in The Thick Of It was based on? Spouting tory slanted new age wealthy connected hippy world citizen crap.

David Davis came over as a bit smug a couple of times, he isn't usually like that, he's usually very good at appearing normal.

I didn't know who sweaty head woman was, probably just some bigot.

But yes, I think that venue had the bar open for a good hour before the show started. 

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Fair play to tory MP Jacob Rees Mogg, he was just asked on Newsnight what he thought of Boris's lies on things like the EU banning bunches of bananas and he stated everything Boris has said has been demonstrably true.

So there you have it, from Boris and Jacob, it is illegal to sell more than three bananas at a time if they are physically connected. 

He then went on to invoke the spectre of Charlemagne, Charles the Great of the Franks for trying to unite europe in 800AD.

They are all unhinged.



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Both sides have been called out for (shock horror) lying in their respective campaigns by the Treasury Select Committee. Leave particularly for the £350m a week nonsense which they know is astoundingly misleading, and Remain notably because they are portraying a GDP per household loss as a loss of disposable income for householders.

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If the nature of the campaigning reflects the participants' view of the electorate, their opinion is very low.

One side thinks the electorate are not capable of thinking beyond short-term financial considerations and have no confidence in their own nation or political system, and the other side seem to believe that there are people who think that the UK being one of only two net contributors to the EU is unjust and consider 300,000 immigrants a year is unsustainable.

They both may be right. 


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We know that most of the racist vote will clamour for leave as the nature of the leave campaign's scaremongering appeals to them. Sticking it to them will be good.

Plus I'd like the opportunity to just go to Germany and fart around doing odd jobs one day.

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On 28 May 2016 at 09:25, Jon said:

The 'campaigning' (scaremongering) has been sickening from both sides 


I said a while back it would be nearly impossible to get any 'truths' from either side and it would come down to the most convincing set of bullshitters. 

I've given in and will be voting to stay in, for no other reason than I can't listen to anymore of it and 'in' is the devil I know. The thought of Boris, IDS and Gove the Toad leading us into an independent era, doesn't exactly fill me with confidence. 

Shame, because I wanted to be convinced by the Leave argument. if they had been even half way feasible, I'd probably have voted for them. 

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The right want out because of immigration fears. It irks me because immigrants are seen as the problem when in my view they are not. If they come to the UK to work then they are helping the UK economy - be it as employees or employers. Also they can't just rock up and sponge benefits if they are not working (refugees are completely different and need our help). If anything it is more likely to be white trash British people who sponge off of this country. Having said that - benefits and immigration are not the big issue. For me the problems are big businesses getting away with paying sod all tax and paying naff wages .. and... unjust oil wars going on all around us. The media are puppets of the government shaping our views and pushing our focus away from real issues. 

I'll be voting to remain personally. 

However as we are entering a post capitalist era with a tonne of automation emerging around us and less need for work, it will be very interesting to see how the world works in the next 20 years. Maybe there will be nothing to fight over any more - one can hope. 

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It's a strange one as if Corbyn and Cameron weren't leaders of their respective parties they would both be voting to leave ... Instead they are trying to convince us we should stay , hypocrites the pair of them 


ill be honest I'm not really paying attention to the news and what's being said ,like most people I'm bored of the lies .... I'll end up making up my own mind at some point but it won't be based on anything Corbyn , Cameron, Gove or Boris say ... Or Facebook for that matter


noticeably May has said very little throughout , so for you betting people lump on her as next leader as I think Boris and Osborne have both become damaged goods over the past few weeks 

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16 minutes ago, villanwesty88 said:

The right want out because of immigration fears.

If by the right you mean UKIP types  , then the right interestingly is currently made up of a lot of the disgruntled left .... 

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