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24 minutes ago, dounavilla said:

You asked Dion Dublin if he fancied banging on his dube. Lol

I can't even look myself in the mirror after NOT specifically saying to @ian_bell "Can you help us hit our protests for six"?

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1 hour ago, Demitri_C said:

Excellent work, suprised Collymores buried his head in the sand after all his fierce critism of the board. If he doesnt acknowldge this protest will lose all respect for him

That's Stan. If he can't take credit, or of it doesn't give him a big enough podium, he isn't interested. Every time we have needed him he has **** us over. From 97/98, to him sucking up to the board and Lerner from last summer, to now. The man is a disgrace. Try telling him he is wrong and he will block you. He's an odious cretin who thinks he's an award winning journalist.

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I don't know why anyone is moaning about walking out on 74 and wasting 16 minutes of the game. They were quite prepared to waste a whole 90 minutes of the recent Liverpool game and have wasted thousands of minutes watching the dross served up at VP over the last 5 or so seasons.

Some people are just not worth bothering about.

Perhaps because those people didn't view it as 'wasting' the 90 minutes at Liverpool. I, for one, stayed until the end of that game, and I was really proud of the fans that chanted, non-stop, for the last ten minutes.

Also, it's comments like 'some people are just not worth bothering about', that are going to deter some people from joining in.

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2 minutes ago, Rob182 said:

Perhaps because those people didn't view it as 'wasting' the 90 minutes at Liverpool. I, for one, stayed until the end of that game, and I was really proud of the fans that chanted, non-stop, for the last ten minutes.

Also, it's comments like 'some people are just not worth bothering about', that are going to deter some people from joining in.

I agree that comments like that aren't helpful, but I can understand it. Some people are desperate, I'm one of them.

I stayed too but for me this is no longer about the players who i have given every ounce of breath for week in week out up until now and will do so for the full 74 minutes next week. If I'm honest though, in their case Lescott's idiocy broke the camels back. The squad have given up so I've given up on them. All that truly remains for me is this plight, the combined push towards removal of the cancer that has riddled us for far too long. We're dying, but together maybe we have the cure. 

Maybe a walkout "isn't for you". I understand that. Hence why a total boycott is at this stage an absurd notion. Impossible. However, we must try something no? I'm afraid that means personal sacrifice, even if it is of a moral nature. 

Lerner out. word removed.*

*Opinion is my own not necessarily that of any protest group. Thanks!

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My issue is that I'm still not sure what we're trying to do, DDID. A call to arms to show the board we're not happy? They know we're not happy, we're bottom of the league. A demand that we 'once again become a great club and institution'? Okay, and how does the movement propose we do that? I still haven't seen enough explanation, through the mission statement or other comments, of what our end goal is.

I've mentioned this before and I think it's been taken as criticism/moaning/apathy (yawn), but it's not, it's a concern that after the three games of walkouts, nothing will have changed, because I don't really know how the club can answer the requests - because we don't really have any. I imagine it'll be met with a standard club communication 'we understand the fans aren't happy and we assure you we're looking to make changes for the better of this great club'. Big whoop.

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1 minute ago, Rob182 said:

My issue is that I'm still not sure what we're trying to do, DDID. A call to arms to show the board we're not happy? They know we're not happy, we're bottom of the league. A demand that we 'once again become a great club and institution'? Okay, and how does the movement propose we do that? I still haven't seen enough explanation, through the mission statement or other comments, of what our end goal is.

I've mentioned this before and I think it's been taken as criticism/moaning/apathy (yawn), but it's not, it's a concern that after the three games of walkouts, nothing will have changed, because I don't really know how the club can answer the requests - because we don't really have any. I imagine it'll be met with a standard club communication 'we understand the fans aren't happy and we assure you we're looking to make changes for the better of this great club'. Big whoop.

On this. I think they know we're unhappy. They must. They also think we'll probably just accept it as well.

This is us trying to show them that we won't just sit back and be unhappy or accept what they're doing to the club.

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1 minute ago, Rob182 said:

My issue is that I'm still not sure what we're trying to do, DDID. A call to arms to show the board we're not happy? They know we're not happy, we're bottom of the league. A demand that we 'once again become a great club and institution'? Okay, and how does the movement propose we do that? I still haven't seen enough explanation, through the mission statement or other comments, of what our end goal is.

I've mentioned this before and I think it's been taken as criticism/moaning/apathy (yawn), but it's not, it's a concern that after the three games of walkouts, nothing will have changed, because I don't really know how the club can answer the requests - because we don't really have any. I imagine it'll be met with a standard club communication 'we understand the fans aren't happy and we assure you we're looking to make changes for the better of this great club'. Big whoop.

Why do you need to know right now what the EXACT plan is? Personally I want change and if I'm honest I don't know how that is going to present itself yet. If we fight with too firm an objective at the start we risk dividing the fan base. The ONLY objective right now is to begin the fightback, gain momentum, get the fans engaged, gather media attention. How the end game will manifest itself is unknown. I don't have a crystal ball Rob.  

What's most frustrating for me at this moment is that people assume that this is it. It isn't, it is JUST THE BEGINNING. That is in the Mission Statement too.

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3 minutes ago, sexbelowsound said:

On this. I think they know we're unhappy. They must. They also think we'll probably just accept it as well.

This is us trying to show them that we won't just sit back and be unhappy or accept what they're doing to the club.

Indeed. It saddens me deeply that this isn't enough reason for some. Or perhaps this hasn't been conveyed clearly enough? 

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Perhaps because those people didn't view it as 'wasting' the 90 minutes at Liverpool. I, for one, stayed until the end of that game, and I was really proud of the fans that chanted, non-stop, for the last ten minutes.

Also, it's comments like 'some people are just not worth bothering about', that are going to deter some people from joining in.

If people are that easily deterred then maybe they have a fragile make up.

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Yeah, I get that DDID, but I'm struggling to see why some people will agree to walk out and agree to be part of the 'show of hands', if they don't know what the next part will be.

I'm personally unsure of whether to join, as the next part might be something I don't agree with. It's uncertain because, in my opinion, the mission statement doesn't explain it.

As I've said. I'm just raising a concern that others may be feeling.

Also, to you guys who are trying to promote it, you might want to sign into the OTDO74 Twitter and follow as many avfc fans as you can (literally, thousands, if you can). A lot of avfc fans will follow you back, and then the more determined ones will automatically retweet the posts your sending.

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If people are that easily deterred then maybe they have a fragile make up.

Or they'll think 'I've seen numerous comments belittling people who have a single word to say against the walkout, so f*ck'em. I'll support the team or boo the team as I **** see fit!'

It's not a great way to get people in your side pacbuddies.

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I am not trying to belittle anyone. Really, if someone is or isn't going to walk out on 74 it will have nothing to do with comments made by me. I was merely stating that anyone who has their decision/behaviour swayed by a slight comment like mine maybe has a fragile make up.

At the end of the day everyone will do whatever they want to do.

Here, have a smiley ☺

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4 minutes ago, Rob182 said:

Yeah, I get that DDID, but I'm struggling to see why some people will agree to walk out and agree to be part of the 'show of hands', if they don't know what the next part will be.

I'm personally unsure of whether to join, as the next part might be something I don't agree with. It's uncertain because, in my opinion, the mission statement doesn't explain it.

As I've said. I'm just raising a concern that others may be feeling.

Also, to you guys who are trying to promote it, you might want to sign into the OTDO74 Twitter and follow as many avfc fans as you can (literally, thousands, if you can). A lot of avfc fans will follow you back, and then the more determined ones will automatically retweet the posts your sending.

Trust. It's the only answer I can give you. 

If you agree with the 'show of hands', then do that? If you don't agree with the "next part" then you can oppose it. We live in a democracy. If Mike was to say "right, next thing I want to do is smear shit over all the seats, stink the place out" I'd probably walk away from this too.

Agree on the following Villa fans bit. It's actually quite difficult to round them all up! To be honest, there's about 10 of us max in deep with this at the moment, who all have jobs and things. And now trouble sleeping! If you want in then we'd be well glad of the help!

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13 minutes ago, Rob182 said:

Yeah, I get that DDID, but I'm struggling to see why some people will agree to walk out and agree to be part of the 'show of hands', if they don't know what the next part will be.

I'm personally unsure of whether to join, as the next part might be something I don't agree with. It's uncertain because, in my opinion, the mission statement doesn't explain it.

As I've said. I'm just raising a concern that others may be feeling.

Also, to you guys who are trying to promote it, you might want to sign into the OTDO74 Twitter and follow as many avfc fans as you can (literally, thousands, if you can). A lot of avfc fans will follow you back, and then the more determined ones will automatically retweet the posts your sending.

What I would say to people who dont want to get involved in this its completely their choice of course, but simply coming online and moaning about how unhappy they are will not change anything (i am not saying you specifically, I am talking generally here) taking action does and this is a great idea. I think they will have no choice but to pay attention 

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40 minutes ago, Rob182 said:

My issue is that I'm still not sure what we're trying to do, DDID. A call to arms to show the board we're not happy? They know we're not happy, we're bottom of the league. A demand that we 'once again become a great club and institution'? Okay, and how does the movement propose we do that? I still haven't seen enough explanation, through the mission statement or other comments, of what our end goal is.

I've mentioned this before and I think it's been taken as criticism/moaning/apathy (yawn), but it's not, it's a concern that after the three games of walkouts, nothing will have changed, because I don't really know how the club can answer the requests - because we don't really have any. I imagine it'll be met with a standard club communication 'we understand the fans aren't happy and we assure you we're looking to make changes for the better of this great club'. Big whoop.

Rob we can go round in circles Ad infinitum. Frankly don't know what more we can say. Strategy has obviously been wrong for last five seasons, buying Championship quality players has turned us into a Championship club 'designate' -  we want them to reverse the strategy. Why didn't we sign anyone in January - ****** wages. Why have we give Bacuna a new contract ****** because he accepted a big wage cut. Footballers are paid too much but if we want to compete - we have to COMPETE. Ultimnately we are 'only' fans - the football experts at AVFC have ****** it up. I haven't heard anything that suggests that will not continue. 

Maybe the board will do exactly  as you say but at least we will have tried, no skin off your nose, but plenty of ours! Sorry but I can't be arsed anymore with arguing the toss. I don't give a damn if people see it as little more that the fans expressing their anger. 

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I understand and even appreciate the effort from the organizers, it's good that someone is trying to do something.

I don't know how many people will take this up.  Could be 100, could be 10,000 - a lot depends, but I don't think it'll work as much as this forum hopes.

Like Rob, I just don't understand the objectives apart from getting Lerner to sell the club, which we know he's trying to do.  Are we saying "sell it for less!"? That won't work I don't think.  No one seemingly wants to buy us.

The people on this forum giving it support, I'd say the vast majority won't even be at the ground on the mentioned dates.  Hopefully the flyers can get some people thinking about it, but the flyers have to have pertinent information on them. 

Good luck with it is about all I can say. 

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4 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

I understand and even appreciate the effort from the organizers, it's good that someone is trying to do something.

I don't know how many people will take this up.  Could be 100, could be 10,000 - a lot depends, but I don't think it'll work as much as this forum hopes.

Like Rob, I just don't understand the objectives apart from getting Lerner to sell the club, which we know he's trying to do.  Are we saying "sell it for less!"? That won't work I don't think.  No one seemingly wants to buy us.

The people on this forum giving it support, I'd say the vast majority won't even be at the ground on the mentioned dates.  Hopefully the flyers can get some people thinking about it, but the flyers have to have pertinent information on them. 

Good luck with it is about all I can say. 

This is where I'm at.

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1 minute ago, lapal_fan said:

I understand and even appreciate the effort from the organizers, it's good that someone is trying to do something.

I don't know how many people will take this up.  Could be 100, could be 10,000 - a lot depends, but I don't think it'll work as much as this forum hopes.

Like Rob, I just don't understand the objectives apart from getting Lerner to sell the club, which we know he's trying to do.  Are we saying "sell it for less!"? That won't work I don't think.  No one seemingly wants to buy us.

The people on this forum giving it support, I'd say the vast majority won't even be at the ground on the mentioned dates.  Hopefully the flyers can get some people thinking about it, but the flyers have to have pertinent information on them. 

Good luck with it is about all I can say. 

Thanks Mate, but your comment, sort of proves that whatever we write, some don't read.

To the best of my knowledge we do not state anywhere in our objectives about

"getting Lerner to sell the club"

While I accept that some/many on VT may not be at the game.

"Support" could come in other forms; such as help pushing the twitter handle #outthedooron74 and sig @OTHDO74 for example and shoring up our argument on FB

Anyway Thanks for the 'good luck' we need it!

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