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Aston Villa Protest Group


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On top of that we will be handing them out at the game. 

I hope we can get more Villa Talkers involved to help with that between now and Chelsea. Take up 15 minutes of your time as opposed to the thousands of hours that have gone into this and OTDO74 behind the scenes and will make a real, visual difference


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Keep going lads! The new additions will still have fiddle to Lerner's tune.

That he has invested and lost a fortune is ultimately down to him.

If he remains as owner we will probably end up in Division 1.

I sincerely believe the club would not have reacted as quickly as they have, had it not been for the protests, but the biggest change needed is #LERNEROUT

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On 18 March 2016 at 17:14, dont_do_it_doug. said:

Why should he have to at your demand? I'm sure like everybody else he has a busy life. 

You clearly think this protest group is a waste of time. That's fine. You also seem to think that Banners Out On 74 is waste of time, despite the scenes last Sunday. That's fine also. 

As a reminder, this is what they think is acceptable. Is this acceptable to you? 

I dunno mate, I can't stand for that. There was no apology from the club either, just a reiteration of the draconian and confusing ground rules.

When we released an Open Letter to Randy Lerner there were three "request". They were in full;

  1. To make a public statement indicating that you are once again motivated to sell the club at a price at which Aston Villa can be sold to a person, or persons, with the means and vision to restore this club to its rightful place. You must then follow through on this pledge.
  2. Whilst a buyer is found we require you to make the necessary changes to ensure that Aston Villa is ran with the intention of winning football matches. That must include a guarantee from yourself to provide the necessary financial support to achieve this aim.
  3. You must also ensure that people with the correct expertise and a proven track record are brought into the club to provide the tools for the Manager to succeed.

And fair play to them they appear to be actioning number 3. Not too shabby a start. Should we just not bother with the other 2? How about the obvious remit for Banners Out On 74? If your answer is no and no then fine, just give it to me straight like a pear cider made from 100% pears...

“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.”

Is it just me that finds it funny that you start a reply saying why should someone have at your demands ... Whilst then listing a set of demands to Lerner :)


anyway carry on ...

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56 minutes ago, terrytini said:

wrong thread

Wow! I know this is the protest group, but some people just complain about everything :P.

Edited by sne
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What Aston Villa say

Paul Owens, Deputy Safety and Security Manager wrote to the group explaining: "For home supporters there are no obvious areas for banners to be displayed. Please consult with us in advance prior to bringing any banner to the stadium so we can approve its use.

"We would always ask that fans be mindful of the match day experience of other Villa fans when considering the use of banners. We would also ask that banners focus on support for the Villa.

"For away supporters, regrettably, we have nowhere suitable for flags or banners to be hung during your visit.

"Obscene chanting is confronted and if required persons can be ejected, however the logistics of stopping large numbers of persons is not always possible. All policies can be found on the club web site."

Clubs term and conditions

Ticket terms and conditions also state that a person must not be in “the possession of a banner or flag that bears material or slogans that are offensive, obscene, abusive or racist”. 

What the Aston Villa Protest Group say

"So although you hang a large banner at your own risk, and frankly it is up to the club to communicate clearly to you what they class as a “banner”, there is also nothing in the club rules to prevent you from holding up a t-shirt, a placard, an A4 piece of paper, a tea towel, a sock, indeed anything you feel is viable displayed with a message that you feel it is necessary to deliver.

"There is only a recommendation rather than a demand from the club that you please consult with them first and that you are mindful of other supporters when displaying your message.

"We are imploring you all to do just that, Banners Out On 74, April 2nd Vs Chelsea. A vivid and visceral display both in response to the overzealous stewarding that has added a darkness to the already dreary atmosphere at Villa Park, and also for the cameras. To leave the world in no doubt how angry and disaffected we truly are.

"So ask around you on the 74th minute on April 2nd, ask your fellow supporter if they mind you displaying your message of discontent. Whilst we continue to engage in peaceful protest the club have no right to impose their draconian heavy handedness upon us. Stand firm with your fellow Villan. If we do not make this stand now, today, where next?

"This is Villa Park, not North Korea. We must not allow ourselves to be silenced or our message to be controlled. Because nothing strengthens authority so much as silence."


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Said it earlier, but I think the waving of white flags / T-shirts / whatever is a pretty visually striking way of protesting.

Especially done in large numbers. Easily done as well.

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