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Aston Villa Protest Group


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1 hour ago, dn1982 said:

I take it your classing the majority of fans as cowards and sheep then?? Fair play I just wish I was such a good fan as you. Have fun protesting and I look forward to seeing your banner at Rotherham away next season. 

Never said anything about being a better fan, those who don't wish to protest can do what they like, its up to them. Its those who moan about the state of the club yet don't do anything about it in any form yet ridicule those who are trying to do something, anything, or those who come into the protest group to snipe are the the ones I refer to. Im just supporting what I believe in. I want change to happen and sitting on my hands while obliviously saying everything will be ok isn't my bag. If a board reshuffle and a dwindling faint distant hope of meaningful player investment is enough to placate you then fair enough. It isn't for me.

Edited by Ingram85
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3 hours ago, dn1982 said:

You can want Lerner to go as much as you want but unless you've got a spare £100m knocking about it's not going to happen anytime soon.........We are all pissed off that we are likely to be relegated but protesting for the sake of it isn't going to do anything. 

Whether or not fans have got a spare £100m is not the issue, we’re not the owners of Aston Villa, Randy Lerner is and it is right we hold him to account with these protests. For God’s sake, it is HIS poor management that has dragged the club through the dirt and we now find ourselves, thanks to his hands-off custodianship, in danger of sinking into obscurity. That is the reality. He is killing the club if he starves it of badly needed investment and I do not think we should just sit on our hands and accept, "It's not going to happen anytime soon". The internal changes are mostly good IMO, but they will add up to diddly-squat if Lerner is allowed to just sit on the sidelines and not commit to fixing the damage HE has created. The only way he can do that is if he commits adequate financial resources or sells us as quickly as possible for a realistic price. Yes, we have limited power, but we have influence and we should be uniting (all of us) to put as much pressure on him and the board as we can as we approach the critical summer period. If things continue as they are we are doomed and that is what we should protest against. Commit to fixing the mess or get out so someone else can.


Edited by Gary Thomas
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28 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

Never said anything about being a better fan, those who don't wish to protest can do what they like, its up to them. Its those who moan about the state of the club yet don't do anything about it in any form yet ridicule those who are trying to do something, anything, or those who come into the protest group to snipe are the the ones I refer to. Im just supporting what I believe in. I want change to happen and sitting on my hands while obliviously saying everything will be ok isn't my bag. If a board reshuffle and a dwindling faint distant hope of meaningful player investment is enough to placate you then fair enough. It isn't for me.

You classed everyone that wasn't protesting as cowards and sheep therefore insinuating you're above that. I did ask you what change you wanted and I haven't got time to go through all the posts to read yours. If you feel that strongly I'd have thought you'd be stating what you wanted at every oppurtunity to garner support. 

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26 minutes ago, dn1982 said:

You classed everyone that wasn't protesting as cowards and sheep therefore insinuating you're above that. I did ask you what change you wanted and I haven't got time to go through all the posts to read yours. If you feel that strongly I'd have thought you'd be stating what you wanted at every oppurtunity to garner support. 

Why should he have to at your demand? I'm sure like everybody else he has a busy life. 

You clearly think this protest group is a waste of time. That's fine. You also seem to think that Banners Out On 74 is waste of time, despite the scenes last Sunday. That's fine also. 

As a reminder, this is what they think is acceptable. Is this acceptable to you? 

I dunno mate, I can't stand for that. There was no apology from the club either, just a reiteration of the draconian and confusing ground rules.

When we released an Open Letter to Randy Lerner there were three "request". They were in full;

  1. To make a public statement indicating that you are once again motivated to sell the club at a price at which Aston Villa can be sold to a person, or persons, with the means and vision to restore this club to its rightful place. You must then follow through on this pledge.
  2. Whilst a buyer is found we require you to make the necessary changes to ensure that Aston Villa is ran with the intention of winning football matches. That must include a guarantee from yourself to provide the necessary financial support to achieve this aim.
  3. You must also ensure that people with the correct expertise and a proven track record are brought into the club to provide the tools for the Manager to succeed.

And fair play to them they appear to be actioning number 3. Not too shabby a start. Should we just not bother with the other 2? How about the obvious remit for Banners Out On 74? If your answer is no and no then fine, just give it to me straight like a pear cider made from 100% pears...

“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.”

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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By the way, I heard that Mr Hollis, who I think is doing a good job at present, recently used the phrase "intention of winning football matches". So I ask those who think this is a pointless exercise, is it not important to be heard? 

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4 hours ago, Ingram85 said:

I love the way a 'cabinet reshuffle' has people coming here to leave little comments about stopping protests and unite together. 

Lerner is still in charge, we are still cost cutting, we still have an inept squad, we are still dead last, we will still be relegated, the players/owners still deserve none of our respect. Fans protests will still be stopped in the ground. It's as you were for me.

Just because we have different names in the positions of power doesn't mean things won't get a lot worse yet. Yes all the cost cutting and removal of useless employees is newsworthy but when the cuts start hitting the coaching staff, players etc... and then we continue to not bring anyone in to replace them then then what? Then we are the next Portsmouth.

Full steam ahead with the protests for me.

I think if people want to protest, let 'em at it.

I also think that the club is finally starting to do what it should have done a while ago (to say the least). Since the appointment of Hollis they are reviewing what "they" did wrong, who did it, getting rid of those they feel have failed. They are bringing in people who are more suited to the roles necessary, people with football knowledge and experience and so on. It's 5 years late, if not longer, but there you go.

There will be more changes, and that's the hard bit. It's been easy to see what the problems were, in terms of people not doing a good job. It's harder to find replacements who will perform in a more acceptable fashion.

We will be relegated. The players won't change till the summer, things will get worse. There's nothing anyone can do to stop that happening, bar 3 other clubs having been found to have cheated so badly they get all their points taken off them.

Stewards snaffling banners and so is something that shouldn't be happening, and I wonder if that will stop now. It was a bad move by the club.

I think that it's quote reasonable and fair for people to take a view that they see things being done, at last, and no longer see protesting as really having any point. Equally, there's still reasons why people have every right to feel let down, angry and wish to protest about. I'd kind of slightly take the view that "protest" isn't the right phrase really. More demonstrate the strength of feeling that steps need to continue to be taken in the right direction - including telling fans what the heck is going on, what the plan is, what the aims are for next season (accepting they're never going to say that much, until our fate is settled). I think that if the protest people "Think Mr Hollis is doing a good job" then there would be no hard saying so in any of these press releases - i.e. it doesn't have to be a confrontational "protest" but a demonstration of desire to see the Club behave correctly towards supporters, in terms of continuing to get the structure sorted, and to make sure that the welcome move towards football based (rather than purely business based) decisions and appointments continues. That should include resourcing for next season.

But I stopped going, so don't pay any attention to my views.

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2 hours ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

Why should he have to at your demand? I'm sure like everybody else he has a busy life. 

You clearly think this protest group is a waste of time. That's fine. You also seem to think that Banners Out On 74 is waste of time, despite the scenes last Sunday. That's fine also. 

As a reminder, this is what they think is acceptable. Is this acceptable to you? 

I dunno mate, I can't stand for that. There was no apology from the club either, just a reiteration of the draconian and confusing ground rules.

When we released an Open Letter to Randy Lerner there were three "request". They were in full;

  1. To make a public statement indicating that you are once again motivated to sell the club at a price at which Aston Villa can be sold to a person, or persons, with the means and vision to restore this club to its rightful place. You must then follow through on this pledge.
  2. Whilst a buyer is found we require you to make the necessary changes to ensure that Aston Villa is ran with the intention of winning football matches. That must include a guarantee from yourself to provide the necessary financial support to achieve this aim.
  3. You must also ensure that people with the correct expertise and a proven track record are brought into the club to provide the tools for the Manager to succeed.

And fair play to them they appear to be actioning number 3. Not too shabby a start. Should we just not bother with the other 2? How about the obvious remit for Banners Out On 74? If your answer is no and no then fine, just give it to me straight like a pear cider made from 100% pears...

“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.”

If you'd read the first post you'd understand. Some on here want to protest about not being able to protest. Some want further change. I asked if you are still after change what change do you want realistically. Wanting Lerner out is something we all want but unless a buyer is found its not going to happen anytime soon. I see other posters have jumped on this point but unfortunately it's a fact. I asked will you be protesting until Lerner goes. We have had a statement from Hollis indicating we will be in a healthy position if we go down. We have a Villa man on the board We have football knowledge. We even have a Football board now so the only thing I can see that isn't checked off is Lerner stating he's "actively" looking to sell and follow through on this pledge!! Everton were for sale for a decade before getting investment so the chances of us getting a new owner soon are slim and I'd say virtually zero as a Championship club. I'm looking forward to seeing how successful your protest is. 

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I have answered all of your points in the post you quote. 

You answered neither of my very basic yes or no questions. Though it is clear that you believe that he will supply the necessary investment to ensure a swift return to the Premier League. Unless you think he shouldn't, which is an entirely different argument to be had. I still count 2 demands unfulfilled and 1 that unquestionably they have taken steps to correct. Credit has been given. I'll ask again;

Do you think 1/3 is enough? How about 2/3?

How about the remit of Banners Out On 74?


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2 hours ago, blandy said:


But I stopped going, so don't pay any attention to my views.

No Pete that is not right. Everyone's view should be welcomed. If people don't want to protest that is fair enough and I wouldn't ever have a go at anyone for making that choice. Likewise I don't think anyone should really be having a go at those who choose to protest.

What I would say with regard to some taking issue with the protests is that if it could impact negatively with what is happening on the pitch then I think it would be perfectly valid to object to those who choose to protest if by the actions of some it could have a big impact on the many in terms of a negative result on the pitch.

I think most fans would accept though that this club is down and has been for sometime. The support given what has been served up has been excellent but has made no impact what so ever. We are that poor.

My feelings are, that with nothing to play for on the pitch, that there couldn't be a better time to protest. By protesting now my hope is that it will mean that the required changes are made so we can start next season all believing we can get promotion and can get back to doing what we should be doing, getting right behind the players on the pitch and not having to focus on what is happening off it.

As a protest group I think we already have had a positive impact. Some may not believe it, simply put it down to coincidence and I fully accept that. If there is only a tiny chance that positive change has been achieved and still can be achieved though, then for me, with nothing to play for on the pitch,we have to try to influence positive change off it.

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3 hours ago, markavfc40 said:

No Pete that is not right. Everyone's view should be welcomed. If people don't want to protest that is fair enough and I wouldn't ever have a go at anyone for making that choice. Likewise I don't think anyone should really be having a go at those who choose to protest.

What I would say with regard to some taking issue with the protests is that if it could impact negatively with what is happening on the pitch then I think it would be perfectly valid to object to those who choose to protest if by the actions of some it could have a big impact on the many in terms of a negative result on the pitch.

I think most fans would accept though that this club is down and has been for sometime. The support given what has been served up has been excellent but has made no impact what so ever. We are that poor.

My feelings are, that with nothing to play for on the pitch, that there couldn't be a better time to protest. By protesting now my hope is that it will mean that the required changes are made so we can start next season all believing we can get promotion and can get back to doing what we should be doing, getting right behind the players on the pitch and not having to focus on what is happening off it.

As a protest group I think we already have had a positive impact. Some may not believe it, simply put it down to coincidence and I fully accept that. If there is only a tiny chance that positive change has been achieved and still can be achieved though, then for me, with nothing to play for on the pitch,we have to try to influence positive change off it.

I agree. You have to keep going. I believe that the protests accellerated change at AVFC and imho the job is not done till Lerner ***** off! 

Hollis has got rid of the rubbish but with all due respect to Brian Little and David Bernstein, they could still be hamstrung by Lerner, fail and be the next in a long line of scapegoats. 

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I have today ordered my very simple but effective t-shirt saying "Proud History No Future - Lerner Out" and look forward to holding it aloft on 2nd April. UTV.

The stewards would probably rip that off too, so let's hope you don't have Lerner Out underwear! Think of the poor children haha.

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If anyone makes a DRLUTWU banner, they will have my ultimate respect.

Edited by choffer
I'm possibly not the first person to have had this thought.
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3 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

What are you judging that on?

The effort required.

I love the idea. But making a banner takes effort and I can't see enough people joining in for it to have the desired effect.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to be retweeting the shit out of it and backing it. Just have my doubts as to it's effectiveness.

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