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Aston Villa Protest Group


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8 minutes ago, Zatman said:

that would involve the club paying money for them

Looking from the video of the stewards they seem more than willing to bring their own if need be

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1 hour ago, Gary Thomas said:

People say ‘Charlton know how to protest’ but one of the reasons they can pull something like that off is the fans clearly lined-up behind the leaders at the front; they did not sit on the sides shouting, “f**k this this apathetic march shit”, or “I’m out”, or “this won’t make any difference”.  The collective goal came before any individual interests and they made their voices heard.  As a group we could do that better IMO.  If there is a desire to protest we need more cooperation.  People all have different ideas, different views, different egos, different axes to grind!  This is great for debates, but if individuals keep putting their interests and preferences above everything else we will get nowhere because we’ll end up sabotaging any effort to organize anything.  To make a protest movement work – OTD74 or anything else – I think fans must be willing to put aside their individual preferences occasionally for the greater good. If this thread, and OTD74, has taught us anything it is that we will NEVER debate or argue our way to agreement regarding what a particular protest should be or look like. It is probably impossible. The only answer is to occasionally put our egos to the side to unite behind a consensus or whatever gets traction. OTD74 was a decent enough idea. Yes, there may have been better ones, but this one had traction.  But was it really backed?  Not really. How many thousands sat in their seats, or mocked or criticised, or declared others delusional?  So the inevitable happens. We shoot ourselves in the foot again because individual differences and what looks like 'point-scoring' works against collective action and Tom Fox and co get what they want. Just imagine for a minute if every single fan walked out on 74 against Chelsea – not one villa fan remains in VP.  That would have a massive impact and it would be all over the news.  But it will not happen because too many prefer to do nothing or score points by ignoring/attacking/sabotaging any effort they don't agree with. For what it is worth, I will back any protest that gets traction.  Not because it has no flaws or because it is guaranteed to work.  I will back it because going with the consensus is the ONLY way to fight back and make an impact. It is a cliché but we have strength in numbers.  We need to harness that.  Work out what ‘most’ people want and then unite behind it for the good of our club.

Very good post and I agree with the vast majority of it.

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Not sure what the OTD74 organisers are planning for Chelsea now, but I think most of us recognise it will be an uphill struggle to get people to walk out on 74; I’m on board if that’s the way we go but I am just saying it will be a tough sell and there is a risk it could flop on TV.  Perhaps a more achievable aim could be to promote a sustained 74 minute vocal protest?  Not very radical, I know, but something like 74mins of the “We want randy Randy Lerner out” chant sang over and over?  IF fans in ALL sections (Inc. Doug Ellis, Trinity Road, Upper North) would pledge to join in with the protest from minute one it would create a lot of sustained noise and would probably have the desired affect on TV.  This may not fit with OTD74’s plans, I don’t know, but I wanted to suggest it because I think it would have a reasonable chance of success.  It also sidesteps the whole, ‘why walk out this game and not the last game’ issue and the chant can be directly linked to our demand for Lerner to become a more motivated seller and to price the club at a level it will sell. We can also create a few defiant messages relating to what happened yesterday with our heavy handed stewards, “They can take our banners but they can’t take our voices” kind of thing.  OK, I need to do some work.

Edited by Gary Thomas
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Other clubs' fans are now coming to our home ground and offering support against our owners. These are our rivals and even they have got to the point of thinking our struggles aren't funny any more. 

With that in mind why are we talking about ways a protest can be watered down? I'm all for a peaceful demonstration but more needs to be done than chanting. Hitting the owner in the pocket and creating a visually stunning moment that makes the world stand up and take notice (Brian Little when he left Leicester to manage Villa springs to mind) is what is needed now. Otherwise there's no point trying to protest in the first place. This is Aston Villa, founders of the Football League, that we are talking about. We should be setting the bar not following the crowd.  

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I was going to leave on 74 yesterday, but I didn't, I left on 60 instead. Sorry.


It was a big mistake postponing the walk out for yesterdays game, momentum is now gone, media attention will now be gone.


Shame as I thought it did so well against Everton, would have been good for the cameras against Chelsea. 


EDIT: Just read the last few pages about Stewards removing banners etc... jesus christ, we need to keep this protest going. I'll be leaving at 74 against Chelsea for sure. 

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47 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

I was going to leave on 74 yesterday, but I didn't, I left on 60 instead. Sorry.


It was a big mistake postponing the walk out for yesterdays game, momentum is now gone, media attention will now be gone.


Shame as I thought it did so well against Everton, would have been good for the cameras against Chelsea. 


EDIT: Just read the last few pages about Stewards removing banners etc... jesus christ, we need to keep this protest going. I'll be leaving at 74 against Chelsea for sure. 

Watch this space. 

If people want to go with us again great. If not, we tried. And will continue to try. 

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I'm gonna ask you guys outright because this thing started here and this place is home to me - Considering the events of yesterday are you guys willing to give demonstration another shot? Because we are now more motivated than ever to show those totalitarian bastards what organised Villans can do. 

I suppose what I'm asking here is if we can devise something for all of us to utilise, blow the **** away, are you willing to go with us again despite perceived mistakes of the past?

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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Not this season, no.

I'll be getting a season ticket next season so if these protests go into next season then I'll be involved.

But I'm not going to anymore games this season. I would have gone to the Chelsea game to join in with this protest but I won't be anymore as the protest could be called off the day before.

But I wish you all the best and really hope you get the support back.

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@Stevo985 They more than likely will bud unless the obvious happens. So thanks. 

Edit - Re Spurs and Chelsea protests, it's safe to say we all feel we made a mistake in granting the club respect for the appointments. Because they showed **** all back to the fans. I won't say I'm sorry because we felt it was the right thing to do at the time, but it was a mistake nonetheless. 

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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Viewed from afar, I'd say the protests still have plenty of momentum and support. The heavyhanded approach by the club employees only heightens this and is something we can tap into.

So it could be another walkout, tennis ball protest (I'd love this one), encouraging everyone to bring lerner out flags, whatever. There is only one story at Villa and that is pure unadulterated misery. There is nothing really football related to talk about either on or off the pitch, so let's focus on this I say.

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2 hours ago, philthevillan said:

Other clubs' fans are now coming to our home ground and offering support against our owners. These are our rivals and even they have got to the point of thinking our struggles aren't funny any more. 

With that in mind why are we talking about ways a protest can be watered down? I'm all for a peaceful demonstration but more needs to be done than chanting. Hitting the owner in the pocket and creating a visually stunning moment that makes the world stand up and take notice (Brian Little when he left Leicester to manage Villa springs to mind) is what is needed now. Otherwise there's no point trying to protest in the first place. This is Aston Villa, founders of the Football League, that we are talking about. We should be setting the bar not following the crowd.  

I agree. We agree. 

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Press Releases


Monday 14th March 2016

Firmer Action Necessary

First of all we think it is only proper to hold our hands up and say we made a mistake. We acted in good faith in postponing the walkout yesterday with no hidden agenda and we felt it was the correct decision at the time.

It is clear though that we were wrong to show the club respect as it was made clear yesterday they have zero respect for us, the supporters. The behaviour seen by club officials at the Tottenham game is disgraceful and is indicative of a power structure failing to take responsibility and it must end. We want this regime changed and we as a collective need to make it happen sooner rather than later.

We have thought long and hard about the criticisms levelled at us for postponing the Tottenham walkout. We are a young protest group learning on the job and we would like to float an idea to you.

We are still happy to proceed with Out the Door on 74, however in light of the recent developments we believe firmer action is needed. The mood we encountered at the ground yesterday certainly suggests that.

Including the usual disappointment and understandable anger aimed at the board, we had the horror show as officials wrestled with ordinary, decent fans wanting to display an inoffensive message. We the supporters are hurting and we should be able to portray that hurt in a peaceful manner. Even the Tottenham Hotspur fans joined in with our Lerner Out songs.

So we are proposing Banners Out on 74. They may think they have control but Aston Villa Football Club is not a dictatorship so let’s give THEM pause for thought this time. This is Villa Park not North Korea. This has to be a democratic movement and we are more than willing to keep working as hard for you as we have intended since our inception.

Our initial alternative proposal would be that fans bring their own banners, of all sorts and of any size. Whether that be a bed sheet, a t-shirt, a tea towel, or even just a piece of A4 paper to visually display to a national audience their disgust. Whatever the size or shape, it doesn’t matter. The cameras will capture it. We will hold them up on the 74th minute and they will stay held until the end of the game. The game is on TV of course, so the visual aspect will be electric and will only serve to further highlight the way our club has been driven in to the gutter.

If you put your faith in us once more we will also be looking at ways in which to assist fans who cannot bring their own. Though we absolutely encourage everyone to have their own say. This has to be your choice, we are still firmly committed to Out the Door on 74 Vs Chelsea if you feel that is correct.

Aston Villa Protest Group.

Website: OutTheDoorOn74.co.uk

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OutTheDoorOn74

Twitter: @OTDO74 #OutTheDoorOn74


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