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Aston Villa Protest Group


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That's better Woodytom!. 

Suffice to say I disagree with a lot of it. I don't agree that we have no right to at least the vaguest inkling what is going on at our football club. That we shouldn't expect it to be run with a tiniest amount of due care and attention. 

On a personal note at this point no, I don't trust what he tells us. I'd like to hear it any way, because at least then he will be further accountable should it not materialise and the supporters/press even more motivated to bring him down. He needs to sell us. I will take the gamble that the next man is **** useless because you know what? He'd have to be one of the very worst possible to be any worse than this clown at running a football club. 

No need to apologise. I'm fine mate. I'm not angry.

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I think when you're in the kind of decline we are in then you have to offer at least some sort of transparency if not just to try and inspire a little of confidence

I think at times lerners self imposed silence really doesn't help him, this is one of those times, we are shit, we are going down, we have a load of bloke at the helm who seemingly don't know what they're doing, if they do then come out and demonstrate, instead they let snippets from the AGM out and let the press run wild

We have a policy as a club as not responding to speculation but I'm sorry because your audience does so it simply doesn't work

We are going to be torn apart over our finances for the next couple of days, a whole heap of it wont be true, the club will say nothing, they'd rather let the media and the fans believe something that might be false than come out and say something, it's madness

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15 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

That's better Woodytom!. 

Suffice to say I disagree with a lot of it. I don't agree that we have no right to at least the vaguest inkling what is going on at our football club. That we shouldn't expect it to be run with a tiniest amount of due care and attention. 

On a personal note at this point no, I don't trust what he tells us. I'd like to hear it any way, because at least then he will be further accountable should it not materialise and the supporters/press even more motivated to bring him down. He needs to sell us. I will take the gamble that the next man is **** useless because you know what? He'd have to be one of the very worst possible to be any worse than this clown at running a football club. 

No need to apologise. I'm fine mate. I'm not angry.

DDID, in my previous post in this thread I asked whether any of the leading OTDO74 could possibly ask the club for a meeting with one or two of the board members? Do you think this is feasible/possible?  I just think there are a lot of valid points in the open letter that deserve an explanation.  If you and/or others were interested, be a shame not to enquire at least with the club.  Great work to date by the way and having had more notice, be really interesting to see on Sunday whether more fans follow suit and leave.

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29 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

That we shouldn't expect it to be run with a tiniest amount of due care and attention.

I don't think for 1 second randy doesn't care. He might not care personally about the opinions/feelings of me and you individually for example but I very much doubt he wants the club to be in the mess they are in.

He has made wholesale changes time and time again - sometimes - in terms of garde and lambert - changes that a lot of the fans wanted. Nothing has worked. Admittedly he needs to take responsibility for those decisions but he won't have wanted them not to work.

You can't say that he hasn't attempted to alter the things that in his and a lot of our opinions weren't/aren't working.


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1 hour ago, ferguson1 said:

DDID, in my previous post in this thread I asked whether any of the leading OTDO74 could possibly ask the club for a meeting with one or two of the board members? Do you think this is feasible/possible?  I just think there are a lot of valid points in the open letter that deserve an explanation.  If you and/or others were interested, be a shame not to enquire at least with the club.  Great work to date by the way and having had more notice, be really interesting to see on Sunday whether more fans follow suit and leave.

The letter has been sent to the club and to Randy Lerner via mail. At the time of reckoning the club still think we are a joke, or at least that's the last OTDO74 heard. First "we" (as in all of us) need to gather support and momentum, particularly in the press. The nationals are still slow on the uptake (telegraph aside). 10,000 fans walking out against Spurs might just draw the attention Aston Villa need to their plight. From there if they engage, sure why not. I don't wish to speak for OTDO74 as a whole but if at some point the fans want OTDO74 speaking for them then I don't see a reason not to.

I suppose I'll be accused of being big headed again now but it is what it is. What OTDO74 do definitely hope to achieve is assist the fans in working towards the requirements stated in the letter. How that comes about is still a bit suck it and see, but the first step remains grabbing the headlines and a visual display of power from all supporters. 

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1 hour ago, Woodytom said:

I don't think for 1 second randy doesn't care. He might not care personally about the opinions/feelings of me and you individually for example but I very much doubt he wants the club to be in the mess they are in.

He has made wholesale changes time and time again - sometimes - in terms of garde and lambert - changes that a lot of the fans wanted. Nothing has worked. Admittedly he needs to take responsibility for those decisions but he won't have wanted them not to work.

You can't say that he hasn't attempted to alter the things that in his and a lot of our opinions weren't/aren't working.


Fair enough. Regardless he has failed, that is a fact now isn't it. At the same time he admitted almost 2 years ago that his heart isn't in it anymore. That he is still here is unacceptable to me. 

Those managers haven't always failed through their own volition. It's not the fans fault, at all. I know you didn't mean that, but it's worth reiterating. 

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10 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

The letter has been sent to the club and to Randy Lerner via mail. At the time of reckoning the club still think we are a joke, or at least that's the last OTDO74 heard. First "we" (as in all of us) need to gather support and momentum, particularly in the press. The nationals are still slow on the uptake (telegraph aside). 10,000 fans walking out against Spurs might just draw the attention Aston Villa need to their plight. From there if they engage, sure why not. I don't wish to speak for OTDO74 as a whole but if at some point the fans want OTDO74 speaking for them then I don't see a reason not to.

I suppose I'll be accused of being big headed again now but it is what it is. What OTDO74 do definitely hope to achieve is assist the fans in working towards the requirements stated in the letter. How that comes about is still a bit suck it and see, but the first step remains grabbing the headlines and a visual display of power from all supporters. 

Cheers DDID, I think my reasoning for suggesting a meeting, headed by one or more of OTDO74, is because the club are obviously not going to talk to thousands of supporters in one hit nor would it be feasible to do so.  A small group may just get some answers and a better understanding of our future, but again, this would only be of the willingness of the club.  Longer term, it may even improve relations between us all and create some transparency, something severely lacking recently.  Again, I hope OTDO74 does progress and doesn't just fizzle out.  Momentum is key as you quite rightly say and requires as many of us as possible to get behind this now.  Thanks again. 

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13 hours ago, markavfc40 said:

The reasons we are protesting, the requests that we want actioned with in the open letter, aren't unreasonable requests, we simply want a club that is doing the basics right and is employing the right people with the required levels of expertise to ensure that happens. If Randy can't do that as he has continually shown then he needs to do all he can to get out and let somebody who can take over.

But hindsight is a wonderful thing.....

I remember posting when we got ray wilkins that I thought it was one of our best signings in years. I remember TrentVilla replying saying that he would add fox and Almstadt to that. I agreed.

Now I'm not saying for one moment that myself or TrentVilla speak for the whole of the villa faithful but on the summer, the response to the hirings/signings were very good and had people even suggested relegation nevermind the shambles we've witnessed, they would have been shot down instantly. 

10 months down the line and we're protesting (in some form) about the hirings that we were only a short time ago very pleased with. We thought they would work out. And I assume randy Lerner did. Yet were pointing the finger in disgust at him. 

What were not accepting is despite off the field issues, we have a squad of players who can compete at this level, yet have chosen not too. This protest would not be happening if we were 5/6 points better off which would be more than achievable had the players shown more desire. 

Things aren't going well. Sometimes they don't in football. That, like the suprise element, helps make the sport. Somebody has to be bottom of the league. Unfortunately it is us and whilst I think it's fair for us to voice our opinion atm, I honestly genuinely believe it would be better placed aiming it at the players, who could have easily made that bit of a difference to give us a chance as oppose to randy, whose wrong decisions (that were supported by us) can not be fixed so easily.

Sorry if you feel this has gone OT limpid or other mods. Tried to keep it relevant to the topic. I think it's fair to challenge the protest but to do that with respect, I have to explain my reasoning.

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2 hours ago, Woodytom said:

But hindsight is a wonderful thing.....

I remember posting when we got ray wilkins that I thought it was one of our best signings in years. I remember TrentVilla replying saying that he would add fox and Almstadt to that. I agreed.

Now I'm not saying for one moment that myself or TrentVilla speak for the whole of the villa faithful but on the summer, the response to the hirings/signings were very good and had people even suggested relegation nevermind the shambles we've witnessed, they would have been shot down instantly. 

10 months down the line and we're protesting (in some form) about the hirings that we were only a short time ago very pleased with. We thought they would work out. And I assume randy Lerner did. Yet were pointing the finger in disgust at him. 

What were not accepting is despite off the field issues, we have a squad of players who can compete at this level, yet have chosen not too. This protest would not be happening if we were 5/6 points better off which would be more than achievable had the players shown more desire. 

Things aren't going well. Sometimes they don't in football. That, like the suprise element, helps make the sport. Somebody has to be bottom of the league. Unfortunately it is us and whilst I think it's fair for us to voice our opinion atm, I honestly genuinely believe it would be better placed aiming it at the players, who could have easily made that bit of a difference to give us a chance as oppose to randy, whose wrong decisions (that were supported by us) can not be fixed so easily.

Sorry if you feel this has gone OT limpid or other mods. Tried to keep it relevant to the topic. I think it's fair to challenge the protest but to do that with respect, I have to explain my reasoning.

Leaving aside the idea that we should leave this all to chance because 'that's just the nature of the game', who hired those players? Who hired the man who hired the men who hired those players? We are NOT 5/6 points better off because of all of those factors and the accountability runs all the way to the top. Despite popular belief, shit rolls uphill, as it should be.

There has been one constant at this club residing over 6 years of failure on the pitch, though some may argue 10. A decade of failure off it, which is unquestionable now. His name is Randy Lerner.

What decisions did we support? Unilaterally that is? It's irrelevant in my opinion. The thing that has ultimately bought this club to *potentially* the darkest hour in it's 139 year history is the complete lack of commercial direction, vision, measured and consistent financial support and a strategy that has flip flopped from one extreme to the next. Yes the players are a joke and should be **** ashamed of themselves for the most part, but they are the symptom of the disease, not the cause. The cause is Randy Lerner and the sooner absolutely everybody to a man see's that then the better, IMO. 

Would we have formed this particular protest group if we were 5/6 points better off? Had we not gotten smashed 6-0 the week before? Possibly not. But we aren't and we did, so the point is kind of moot. The feelings expressed are genuine. 

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15 hours ago, ferguson1 said:

Cheers DDID, I think my reasoning for suggesting a meeting, headed by one or more of OTDO74, is because the club are obviously not going to talk to thousands of supporters in one hit nor would it be feasible to do so.  A small group may just get some answers and a better understanding of our future, but again, this would only be of the willingness of the club.  Longer term, it may even improve relations between us all and create some transparency, something severely lacking recently.  Again, I hope OTDO74 does progress and doesn't just fizzle out.  Momentum is key as you quite rightly say and requires as many of us as possible to get behind this now.  Thanks again. 

It's more to do with the willingness of the fans. We don't have that remit yet. 

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18 hours ago, Woodytom said:

The beauty of football is the surprise element. At all levels. The shock win or the signing we didn't see coming. Or the unknown player who makes a name for himself. 

The sport is losing that element by the day. 

Leicester are about to win the league.

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45 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

It's more to do with the willingness of the fans. We don't have that remit yet. 

Very true, and you'd quickly lose the 'undecided' vote if you took that liberty.  "They don't speak for me", "Who do they think they are" etc etc.  Nah you're doing it well guys.  Best of luck for Sunday :thumb:

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Claims on Twitter that Brian Little and David Bernstein have joined Villa board

Brian Little and David Bernstein OUT! We're bottom of the league and need to make changes! Nothing left to chance! Etc etc ;)


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There was an unconfirmed report on Little & Bernstein on Radio WM this evening from 1.38 onwards below: 


Mark from 1.42 onwards suggested that if the club confirms these appointments (which has since been done on the club's site) then the walk out against Spurs will be off and further action postponed by OTDO74. Is there any further comment/news on that as yet? 

Edited by John
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37 minutes ago, John said:

There was an unconfirmed report on Little & Bernstein on Radio WM this evening from 1.38 onwards below: 


Mark from 1.42 onwards suggested that if the club confirms these appointments (which has since been done on the club's site) then the walk out against Spurs will be off and further action postponed by OTDO74. Is there any further comment/news on that as yet? 

That would be disappointing. As a group are we that soft that a nice name from the past can make us not care about everything happening right now?

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44 minutes ago, John said:

There was an unconfirmed report on Little & Bernstein on Radio WM this evening from 1.38 onwards below: 


Mark from 1.42 onwards suggested that if the club confirms these appointments (which has since been done on the club's site) then the walk out against Spurs will be off and further action postponed by OTDO74. Is there any further comment/news on that as yet? 

It's coming.

We've not gone soft. But it's clear they are listening, so we must throw a small gesture back no? Mark wasn't given the time to flesh out fully what he wanted to say, he was reacting to live news which is not easy even when you're media trained!

@DCJonah We've not gone soft. But if we want to be respected, we must show respect back I feel.

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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