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Aston Villa Protest Group


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12 hours ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

Sitting on your hands and hoping Steven Hollis sorts it all out for you will achieve **** all except more misery for you bud.

I take it that's an opinion rather than something you know ?!!!

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Please RT guys. A lot of work has gone into this Open Letter, not just from us but from hundreds of people who have given their thoughts as to the contents. It should also clarify our short and long term objectives, if that is still necessary. 

It's also on FB - https://www.facebook.com/outthedooron74/

And of course our website - http://outthedooron74.co.uk/open-letter


Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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Nice open letter, agree with all of it but...

  1. Whilst a buyer is found we require you to make the necessary changes to ensure that Aston Villa is ran with the intention of winning football matches. That must include a guarantee from yourself to provide the necessary financial support to achieve this aim.

What right do we have to demand that anyone puts their own money into the football club? 


But all in all, good work :thumb:

Edited by PieFacE
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Open Letter


Dear Mr Lerner,

We write to you today regarding the future direction of Aston Villa Football Club.

When you first arrived in August of 2006 you provided a renewed sense of vigour to this institution. You spoke of our “Proud History” and you promised to provide us with a “Bright Future”.  Though there was much cause for optimism in the early days, it is with great sadness that we write to you today to discuss the bleak present and potentially even bleaker future over which you now preside.

In the summer of 2011 it appears that you made a conscious decision to pull the plug financially. Arguably the gross mismanagement of the clubs finances can be the traced back to the very start of your reign. While you have evidently incurred huge losses, the emotional cost to the supporters of this magnificent club is intangibly greater. Having material wealth is one thing, building up and then crushing the dreams of thousands, potentially millions of loyal Aston Villa fans worldwide is a burden you also now have to bare.

Over the last 6 years in particular our proud history has been sullied by record breaking defeat after record breaking defeat soon to be followed by our first relegation in 29 years. A relegation that comes with the added stain for Aston Villa of being the club who waved the white flag as far back as January, cutting the Manager adrift with a fractured squad and leaving a jaded and cynical fan base without hope. It may have come to your attention that many of those disheartened and emotionally drained supporters have abandoned the club. Many may never return, meaning that future generations will also be lost. This is not only as a result of years of decline which will now ultimately lead to relegation from the Premier League but also a direct result of the loss of that hope.

Without hope only blind loyalty remains and for many, even that has been whittled away.

We have also experienced failure after failure at an Executive level. From General Charles Krulak, who initially engaged with the fans but went on to mislead and goad loyal supporters on internet forums, to the scattergun approach of Paul Faulkner. Now we have the Tom Fox era, during which time a further false narrative was spun which inevitably failed to halt the decline that has finally brought our great club to its knees. Whether this was through their own inability or strategic constraints that you imposed, the Executives running the club have utterly failed in their mission. As has been shown until we get these appointments right we will continue to fail to employ a Manager who is capable of realising the clubs potential or who will have the means to do so.

Due to a lack of vision and a lack of expertise in crucial positions above the Manager you have wasted an opportunity to cement our positions as a top half Premier League club. The club has failed unequivocally to ensure non-television income was even close to being maximised at a time that the Premier League brand is booming. As owner of this institution all of this, ultimately, rests on your shoulders. We are a shambles both on and off the pitch.

“’I’m what you call the custodian. There have been plenty of custodians of Aston Villa since 1874 and if I can’t make it work, I will do what the others did, move on and let someone else try. People like me come and go. The fans will always own Aston Villa because they never leave.” – Randy Lerner (August 2006)

Did you mean this? Do you still see yourself as somebody who acts in the best interest of the club rather than the perception that you act solely in your own self-interest? The almost wilful neglect of this great football club which stood for over 130 years before your arrival cannot be allowed to continue. It must end now. Further austerity will lead to years of stagnation in The Championship, or worse still we may fall further down the Football League pyramid.

We feel that the message coming from yourself is very confusing. Are we a toy that you broke then simply discarded in the trash as if it were nothing more than a fleeting memory? Does it cause you the same personal anguish as it does ourselves Mr Lerner to see the club flounder?

You cannot possibly believe that you will now see a return on your investment? A football club should never be seen as such regardless, you yourself stated this upon your arrival almost a decade ago. More recently in 2010 you said that “we’re very much concentrating on developing a sustainable local business. One that can function and grow”. In that you have not delivered, so perhaps it is time you found somebody who can deliver and allow this football club to thrive once more. Far too much human emotion is riding on those 90 minutes each week for this dereliction of duty to continue.

“I don’t think he (Lerner) is a motivated seller right now. I think he’ll want to make sure that he’s put Aston Villa on the best possible path for the future” – Tom Fox, Aston Villa CEO (January 2015)

It is clear from your actions Mr Lerner that your heart is no longer with us. The perception amongst the fans is that you no longer have the drive or ambition to deliver Aston Villa Football Club back where it belongs. That you are no longer willing to make the personal sacrifices necessary to deliver the required results.

In your own words – “people like me come and go, the fans will always own Aston Villa as they never leave”. As the rightful owners of Aston Villa Football Club we therefore call upon you today;

  1. To make a public statement indicating that you are once again motivated to sell the club at a price at which Aston Villa can be sold to a person, or persons, with the means and vision to restore this club to its rightful place. You must then follow through on this pledge.
  1. Whilst a buyer is found we require you to make the necessary changes to ensure that Aston Villa is ran with the intention of winning football matches. That must include a guarantee from yourself to provide the necessary financial support to achieve this aim.
  1. You must also ensure that people with the correct expertise and a proven track record are brought into the club to provide the tools for the Manager to succeed.

Please be advised that until the above requests are acted upon we will continue our current Out The Door On 74 campaign and further protests will be staged to highlight the plight of Aston Villa under your ownership. The terraces are already in open revolt despite the heavy handed attempts to curb them by club officials. As the current custodian only you have the ability to end this. You must take action and it must be in the best interests of this Football Club. In the meanwhile we will be relentless in our pursuit of a brighter future for Aston Villa.


Aston Villa Protest Group


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1 hour ago, PieFacE said:

Nice open letter, agree with all of it but...

  1. Whilst a buyer is found we require you to make the necessary changes to ensure that Aston Villa is ran with the intention of winning football matches. That must include a guarantee from yourself to provide the necessary financial support to achieve this aim.

What right do we have to demand that anyone puts their own money into the football club? 


But all in all, good work :thumb:

I believe so yes. If you buy a football club you should be prepared to provide it with the necessary financial support to remain competitive on the pitch. Particularly when the state it finds itself in is down to your own gross mismanagement. If he was skint, maybe he'd get a pass on this one. But he's not, he's literally a billionaire. So yes. 100% he should do that yes. 

IMO ;)

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4 hours ago, Paul33 said:

That is not what I said ..... my point is that even if we did the right things or good things (however you want to define them) then some doom merchants will say it is crap. My point is NOT that we aren't crap but that some of those doom merchants ALWAYS think its crap even when it isn't or might not be.

I believe we can succeed under Lerner if he makes the right moves and I personally believe those moves are taking place behind the scenes. If you are seeing different then fine but I'm happy with what I'm aware of. 

Go on then enlighten us. What these moves behind the scenes that you think will make us successful?

Haha I'm still laughing at the idea of doing well in the championship is considered successful. It's a **** embarrassment that we're having to hope for that. 

You're good entertainment. 

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Just got in from work and read the open letter - how fantastic is that! Very well done to all the guys who have had input here.  Just makes me more determined to walk out again this weekend.  Serious question, how realistic would it be for a couple of you guys having a private meeting with one or two from the board? Really believe some valid points have been made and can see no reason why this can't be backed up with a meeting?  An offer could at least be made from our side don't you think?  OTDO74.

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5 hours ago, Paul33 said:

That is not what I said ..... my point is that even if we did the right things or good things (however you want to define them) then some doom merchants will say it is crap. My point is NOT that we aren't crap but that some of those doom merchants ALWAYS think its crap even when it isn't or might not be.

I believe we can succeed under Lerner if he makes the right moves and I personally believe those moves are taking place behind the scenes. If you are seeing different then fine but I'm happy with what I'm aware of. 

I'll stop believing it's crap when my eyes tell me it's stopped being utter crap. 

EDIT:  . . . and I will say as much then as well. Don't hold your breath. 

Edited by HanoiVillan
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Good to see the protests are still making the news:


Aston Villa supporters are ready for another walkout this weekend as they continue their protest against the board.

Villa fans will step up their ‘Out the Door on 74’ campaign in Sunday’s Premier League match against Tottenham Hotspur, with thousands expected to join in.

The protest – in honour of the club’s formation in 1874 - is a stance against chairman Randy Lerner and the Villa board, after nearly six years of steady decline, and an estimated 2,000 headed for the exits in the 3-1 defeat to Everton last month.

Aston Villa fans planning walkout in protest against Randy Lerner Villa supporters left the recent match against Everton in their numbers CREDIT: PA

With Villa on course to be relegated to the Championship, there could be even more fans joining the exodus on Sunday as the pressure grows on the club’s much maligned board.

Lerner and chief executive Tom Fox were both targeted for abuse in the Everton game and Villa fans are also planning to protest in the home game against Chelsea next month.

Randy Lerner - Aston Villa fans planning walkout in protest against Randy Lerner Aston Villa chairman Randy Lerner CREDIT: PA

An open letter to Lerner will also released shortly, with protest organiser Mike McKenna admitting the time has come for change.

He said: “The fans are demanding that the owner Randy Lerner and the club’s director, change direction and tell the supporters how they are going to undo the mess that we have become.”

Villa are bottom of the league and have only won three times this season, with manager Rémi Garde considering his own position.

Garde has suffered four successive defeats, conceding 15 goals, and is nine points adrift of Sunderland in 17th place.



Well done on the open letter - certainly raises some key points. Now we need some answers!

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"Could be even more fans joining the exodus on Sunday as the pressure grows on the club’s much maligned board"

This, in a nutshell, is why we should all unite behind OTD74.  The more people that join, the more pressure is created on the board to act.  It is as simple as that

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13 hours ago, Woodytom said:

No I agree. After all it makes very little sense ;)

Interestingly, out of the thousands of people that have seen it you're the first to say that they don't understand it. So in the interest of fairness I'll try and break it down further for you.

1. He needs to declare outright that he is again motivated for sale, last we heard this was not the case. In other words, he's unwilling to budge on the asking price. That is unacceptable all round

2. He needs to provide the financial support to ensure a swift return to the premier league whilst a buyer is found. All we hear from the club at the moment is news of slash, slash, slash. Despite the heavy losses, which are all down to his years of mismanagement, this is unacceptable too. If it costs him £100m to get out of this then so be it, that is the burden you have to bear when you buy a historic football club with ambitious fans. Tough shit Randy, 

3. We need sweeping changes at board level. 

Now, you assert that we KNOW that these things will happen. I have yet to see any solid evidence of this. Perhaps you can point me in the right direction?

Also, if you read the letter properly, we are clear that OTDO74 is just the beginning. Further, different, protests will be staged. 

Clear enough?

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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It makes perfect sense to me.

My heart isn't in it anymore, BoA ML are instructed to put the club on the market. Tom Fox says he's now motivated again. Hollis says we're still cost cutting and it'll be addressed. Spent over 50 mill of cash. No cash available for new manager, who indicates there was cash.

Nobody knows what we're doing. Not even our own board.

Answer the questions or get the hell out.

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6 hours ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

Interestingly, out of the thousands of people that have seen it you're the first to say that they don't understand it. So in the interest of fairness I'll try and break it down further for you.

1. He needs to declare outright that he is again motivated for sale, last we heard this was not the case. In other words, he's unwilling to budge on the asking price. That is unacceptable all round

2. He needs to provide the financial support to ensure a swift return to the premier league whilst a buyer is found. All we hear from the club at the moment is news of slash, slash, slash. Despite the heavy losses, which are all down to his years of mismanagement, this is unacceptable too. If it costs him £100m to get out of this then so be it, that is the burden you have to bear when you buy a historic football club with ambitious fans. Tough shit Randy, 

3. We need sweeping changes at board level. 

Now, you assert that we KNOW that these things will happen. I have yet to see any solid evidence of this. Perhaps you can point me in the right direction?

Also, if you read the letter properly, we are clear that OTDO74 is just the beginning. Further, different, protests will be staged. 

Clear enough?

I totally understand what you are asking. That was never my confusion really. I wasn't saying that I KNEW those things would happen. I was stating that we KNOW where we stand with it all.

And we stand in a position that is nowhere near the level that you're trying to portray us at by suggesting that he NEEDS to tell us. We're not entitled to know specifics of how the club is run. Sure, it's handy to know but we don't have a right. Mentioned many a times over the last few years that randy Lerner is the owner of AVFC. That means he can do whatever the hell he likes with it. And guess what....... He is. Cue the usual cringe worthy respouse of - no its ours/wel be here after he's gone bollocks. Yes wel be here, and the club will be ran by somebody else who can do what the hell he likes with it.

Also, I'm lost to why you're asking a man a question, who the majority of people asking, have doubts over his integrity. 

Are we going to believe his response? 

The beauty of football is the surprise element. At all levels. The shock win or the signing we didn't see coming. Or the unknown player who makes a name for himself. 

The sport is losing that element by the day. 

We currently know exactly where we stand with the club. We support by far the worst team in the league and we have an owner who doesn't want to invest. What more do we need to know really? It's not getting better anytime soon. 

One day it will though. And apologies, but not knowing when that is, is part of the sport. 

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