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Aston Villa Protest Group


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Anyone want to get the chant going on the Holte during the night...it's an nice easy one to do as it's the same as Villa go marching in....."Out the door....on 74... I wanna be in that number etc."

Would be amusing if 10k are spending that as loudly as possible for minutes on end. Might tempt a few of the undecided to join in aswell.

We're out the door,

We're out the door,

On 74,

We're out the door,

We're out the door...

Simple, yet effective no? The kind of chant that might actual work. To "you're **** shit" chant...

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I'm sorry if you're supporting a group of players that by and large mostly don't give a flying ####, over your fellow fans in at least trying to make a statement you need your head looking at. 

I know we don't want this to descend into fan bickering and I've toned down my intial impulsive reaction to nay Sayers here and there on all platforms of social media but I genuinely can't see what possible logic you can have for not using this opportunity to protest. 

The logic appears to be that we should all support the team while they still have a chance of staying up.

It's up for debate, though generally I don't think it will make a blind bit of difference to their performance. It hasn't for 5 years at least.

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Oh out the DOOR.....oh out the Door....on 74....on 74 etc. Just like the Villa go marching in chant but yeah any version should work.

It was mentioned a few pages back but what I think would be really effective is if from 70th minute VP (or the Holte end to be precise) goes totally mental, as many pro villa chants as possible, wall to wall noise regardless of what the score is and then it all goes silent as the main protagonists in that shut up and quietly leave. 

Would get noticed anyway.

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1 minute ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

The logic appears to be that we should all support the team while they still have a chance of staying up.

It's up for debate, though generally I don't think it will make a blind bit of difference to their performance. It hasn't for 5 years at least.

People that think we have a chance of staying up need psychiatric evaluation. Don't squander the exposure we have for the limited time we remain in the PL trying to nail jelly to the wall supporting players who mostly don't give a damn. 

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Post by Villa Fan tonight on FB regarding #OutTheDooron74

"I've had a conversation with [Villas'] Lee Preece and they don't take them very seriously"

Villa fans are their own worst enemies trying to do down those that want to try something.

Also sad isn't it that an Executive of the club should disrepect and treat loyal, paying fans with such disdain. No point getting angry. As the efforts of the few & lack of support on VT have shown, talk is cheap and plentiful, but action is a very rare commodity.

I'm off overseas now till Monday. UTV

 I wonder over the next few months how many people will be saying "something must done..." 



Edited by MikeMcKenna
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Mike you've put the wheels in motion, don't underestimate yourself. All these other protests like the Liverpool one started somewhere. More fool the club if they think it will be a couple of people walking out and some boos at full time.

I think one of the problems here is that contrary to popular belief not every match going fan usesthe internet or the fan sites but the good thing with pushing it into the media is that many will now be aware.

Something will happen on Tuesday at around 9.15pm. I can't say it will work perfectly but people will walk out and it will get attention and it's something to build on.

Normally I'd be fairly indifferent to protests and question like a few are how much difference it can make.

However I'm so disillusioned with us about to get relegated, not just go down but probably go down as one of the five worst performing teams in the premier league era that I'm very happy to join in with this as it's got past to the point of booing at the end of full time now imo and this is a good non-violent way of doing something different. 

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2 hours ago, MikeMcKenna said:

Pity so many of the 'faces' of the old protests have been so anti. Many of same people are the ones who always used to complain about Apathy. Nothing can be done to unite fans anymore, just have to respect the differing opinions - nothing else we can do now. 

Mike, I've said this to you on Social media, do not under estimate Villa fans love of the shirt. I'm from the generation, like yourself and Dave Woodhall who bought £5 shares in the club and went to the ground and painted the turnstiles and the barriers. We've seen worse than what is happening now, but we never walked out on the team and that's where I can't and won't support any walkout. My love affair with the Villa has outlived any other relationship I have had, and for supporters of the walkout to accuse non supporters of Apathy only underlines their. lack of understanding of what being a Villa fan is. David Bradley says in the video that Aston Villa chooses you, be honoured that it has chosen you and stand by Aston Villa in it's hour of need. The team is struggling, it needs support more than any time in the last 25 years, show them that we stand together, the shirt and the fan, the only 2 constants in any football club. Just because some of us don't want to turn our backs on the team at 74 does not mean we are not hurting but we are not dead yet and we should be last ones to write obituaries about our club,leave that to those who thrive on despair. You have the right to walk but don't be surprised at the numbers that don't, this is Aston Villa not Liverpool, we are not interested in ticket prices of £77 for 500 people,a totally ridiculous protest where over a season they now pay more for their football than before their protest. We have to stay in the Premier league and that means winning football matches, we won't do that without the support of the fans. I have always believed that Villa fans are unique and the support the team has had this season has confirmed that, don't follow the fashion of in game protests stick with team, fight like lions, wear the claret and blue with pride and stand side by side with the shirt when it needs you most. UTV VTID

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The logic appears to be that we should all support the team while they still have a chance of staying up.

It's up for debate, though generally I don't think it will make a blind bit of difference to their performance. It hasn't for 5 years at least.

The other logic will be that people don't think the walkout will make a blind bit of difference. If people think that, then they'll just revert to the norm of supporting the team in the way they normally do, whether that be staying until the end and singing, or leaving at 88 minutes to beat the rush to the train.

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My love affair with the Villa has outlived any other relationship I have had, and for supporters of the walkout to accuse non supporters of Apathy only underlines their lack of understanding of what being a Villa fan is.

I'm absolutely sick of the recent 'apathy' comments. Just because people are disinterested in the idea of a protest or walkout, doesn't mean they're disinterested in Aston Villa. Showing a lack of emotion or enthusiasm to fight Lerner and the current regime by way of a walk-out, doesn't mean you are showing a lack of emotion or enthusiasm for Aston Villa or its future. People generally show their enthusiasm and emotions in the ways that suit them. Some people boo, some people vote with their feet, some people stop buying merchandise and others will simply grin and bear it until better times arrive. None of this means people are indifferent to Villa. We're just different, in general.

Apathy schmapathy. Find a new buzz word please, people.

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@ClarrieBlue you have obviously chosen to partly misrepresent my comments. Heard that another fan said recently that he didn't support the protest but wouldn't be going anyway! Others support the ridiculous idea of a boycott and other questionable ideas

Frankly that you think I underestimate fans love of the shirt is not worth commenting on. I know you and others oppose the protest & respect that but many support the idea and haven't helped. Respect works both ways! If we fail, we fail but at least we will have tried something that was "legal, decent and honest"  

Thousands have already turned their backs and wear their non attendance as badges of honour whilst slagging those who actually go to games as "mugs" others moan that "something must be done...." But never stick their head above the parapet to get shot at  while sniping at those that do Many people become cynical when others decide to have go....


The likes of Markavfc40, ddid, myself and many others were there in the 2nd, 3rd div, but still turn up at every home game, spend thousands "supporting", travel 000s of miles and will still be there if we go down to 3rd again. We are not turning our backs - we are trying to influence the mess the muppets have made of our club? Some have chosen to cast us as disloyal - which is bollox

I don't need any lessons in understanding "what being a Villa fan is" thanks but you know that  so why make the accusation? Are the tens of thousands who left The Villa v Liverpool game less loyal  - I was there to the bitter end - were you?

Will you be there Tuesday?



Edited by MikeMcKenna
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If you want to check your facts pop pickers saw on Twitter earlier we are now up to 80 points from the last 83 games at VP

Those moaning about already spending their money if you average it at £25 per game (which is generous) that's £26 a point, not sure how much it is per win, those moaning we should try clapping I don't see how you can argue that we haven't tried clapping over those games

Mike et al do a proper financial analysis to counter these "I've paid money" arguments, show people exactly what they've paid for, my ST in the lower holte is £425 a year, depress the **** out of me and tell me exactly what I've bought

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30 minutes ago, Rob182 said:

I'm absolutely sick of the recent 'apathy' comments. Just because people are disinterested in the idea of a protest or walkout, doesn't mean they're disinterested in Aston Villa. Showing a lack of emotion or enthusiasm to fight Lerner and the current regime by way of a walk-out, doesn't mean you are showing a lack of emotion or enthusiasm for Aston Villa or its future. People generally show their enthusiasm and emotions in the ways that suit them. Some people boo, some people vote with their feet, some people stop buying merchandise and others will simply grin and bear it until better times arrive. None of this means people are indifferent to Villa. We're just different, in general.

Apathy schmapathy. Find a new buzz word please, people.

A very 'apathetic' argument ;-)

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43 minutes ago, MikeMcKenna said:


I don't need any lessons in understanding "what being a Villa fan is" thanks but you know that  so why make the accusation? Are the tens of thousands who left The Villa v Liverpool game less loyal  - I was there to the bitter end - were you?


This is an excellent point. The argument that we are turning our back on the team is a load of bollocks really. I have never left a game early ever and I have held a season ticket for 28 years. Loads left against Liverpool long before the 74th minute but some of those very same fans may well now bulk at leaving on the 74th minute in protest at how the club is being run.

We will not be turning our back on the team we will be showing our disdain towards the owner and board and demanding a change in direction of the club going forward. This isn't a protest against the players, or the shirt as some seem to like to put it, or a protest against the manager, it is making a stand against those destroying this club through mismanagement and shear incompetence.

Not once have out the door on 74 made this about the current players or manager and will be reiterating that point in the coming days so no one should accuse us of turning our backs on them. By the action of walking out we are trying to help force a change of direction to ensure a brighter future for all associated with this club going forwards.

Edited by markavfc40
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The "I've paid money" argument is silly for a couple of reasons.


1) Exactly. That's the point. If you were getting in for free it wouldn't really send a message if you swanned in and out as you please.


2) If I bought a TV series 12 season box set, and then realised about a season in that it was depressing trash, i'm certainly not going to watch another 11 seasons just because i've paid for it.


What you're paying for, as a season ticket holder, is to be a part of something. It's to stick with your club through thick and thin and ride the roller coaster of emotions with the other die-hards. Right now, sticking with Aston Villa means getting rid of the incompetent assholes who have run our glorious club so far into the ground that we've gone from being the joke of the premier league to being solemnly pitied.


I sincerely hope it goes well, ladies and gentlemen.

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Ok, Ok, I cant resist it just one.

Do all these 'stay and support the Team' people really do that ?

Coz I always get in my seat an hour before kick off.  I never leave early for 'drinkies', or 'traffic' or anything else.  I always watch the whole game.  I don't chat to my mates about what I did last night.  I sing at every opportunity.

 By no means suggesting everyone should.....but given the slightly 'holier than thou' undercurrent of those staying,, fair enough, if you are staying for the whole game and giving it everything you've got, fine.  But if Dave Woodhall - for example, nothing personal, never heard of him -  chats about his day job for 5 minutes, or nips out early for a pint, his argument rather vanishes up its own logic.


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This is my first post on this forum for years and can I first say that I totally support the” out the door “protest.

I live in Perth Australia, now and my last game I went to see was McDonalds first game in charge after MON’s surprise departure (We spanked Wet Spam 3 – 0). So I left the UK thinking that it would be all right after all. (A few days later the Barcodes put 7 past us )

I think it was this point in time that the seeds of the present state of affairs were sown.  (So I do apologise for emigrating and leaving the Villa in the S**T)

But I would caution , be careful what you ask for …… remember those heady days when the buy out was announced and Martin O’Neill named new manager and O’dreary left the Fickle faithful…. Oh how we rejoiced and all went to the start of the season with hope and cheer in our hearts… and for a few years we basked in the glory of being a top 6 team . But our new owner couldn’t continue to splash the cash and we started the cycle of selling our best players and not replacing them with quality. Which has steadily worsened until this year Timmy was let loose in the sweetie shop and went straight past the Quality street and into the Pick n mix, no All Gold just dolly mixtures

Now who was it that demanded this, who was it that protested against HDE and his type leadership…  we did ….. The Villa Faithful ….. and I was probably one of the worst offenders (I met the guy a couple of times and thought he was a dreadful old T**T).

I never thought I would be saying this but who was it that had the North Stand built, the Witton Lane seats re-done, Bodymoor Heath built, Generally made Villa Park such a great stadium….. and kept the Villa in the BLACK…. And did just enough to keep the Villa in the hunt

The problem the Club face now is that they have missed the bus in terms of playing staff, we are not allowed anymore to lash out huge wages to keep “star” players…. (Not that we have any)… But the point at which MON said his farewell was the point where VILLA had the chance to go that further step just to maintain OUR status as a top Premier league team, AND IT IS THAT , THAT , I WOULD BE PROTESTING ABOUT.

Our only hope now is that we can establish ourselves in the championship for a few years and then rebuild enough to return to the top flight hopefully with a GT MK1 type manager and an owner with more FOOTBALL business acumen.


Please excuse me if I have strayed off topic but I have 6 years  worth of pent up frustration (And staying up until silly o’clock) watching my club slide into a decline only matched by the Tommy Docherty debacle.


Good Luck with the OUT THE DOOR ON 74 and UTV

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This "I've paid my money so I'm staying is baffling" Probably the same fruit cakes that boo the team off at HT & FT, Yeah great contribution that makes.

Got nothing to do with money at all, Its about standing up and showing Lerner and his unwise men that enough is enough. Ive not been down since we appointed Mcduff and i said i won't step inside the ground until Lerner has gone, Im very close to buying 4 tickets as close to the directors and associates section in the Trinity as possible and wave politely at Mr Fox and Hollis on the way #outthedooron74

We will continue to publicly name, shame and exploit them for their inept incompetences at every opportunity until there tiny little balls start growing into a pair of big ones and start doing something about their contribution of masterminding the demise of Aston Villa Football Club!

Edited by Kingman
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8 hours ago, MikeMcKenna said:

Others support the ridiculous idea of a boycott and other questionable ideas

So we should all pull together and respect each other's opinions, until they want to do something different to the walkout at which point they're being ridiculous?

Got it.

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