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The Rémi Garde thread


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If he is not going to be here next year, either because he is quitting or because we are sacking him, then he might as well leave now. We are down, so let the man for next season come in now and try rebuild some of the confidence and get a few wins before the end of the season. We could lose every game between now and the end of the season if we carry on like this, and that destroyed confidence might seep through to the beginning of next season.

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11 hours ago, GeordieVillan said:

If he is not going to be here next year, either because he is quitting or because we are sacking him, then he might as well leave now. We are down, so let the man for next season come in now and try rebuild some of the confidence and get a few wins before the end of the season. We could lose every game between now and the end of the season if we carry on like this, and that destroyed confidence might seep through to the beginning of next season.

This makes no sense - We could and probably would lose every game if a new manager comes in. What would that do for confidence? Arguably worse

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13 hours ago, TRO said:

The club has been run rancid and Remi has unfortunately been caught up in it.

i think for once.....the baby needs to be thrown out with the bath water.

no more risks.....clearout!!!

It's a gamble if he goes, it's a gamble if he stays

The board clearout has begun and we will have a clearout of the players during the summer - we need some consistency somewhere and I think this should be Garde.

I don't beleive a new manager coming in at the end of the season would have the time or knowledge to be able to oversee a re-build. We all knew at the start of the season that our squad was not good enough, Garde has had 19 games to understand who is and is not up to the task, he will also know the players that he wants to bring in.

If you think about it sensibly, it's clear that the problem runs much deeper than the manager. I am of the opinion that no manager could have righted this sinking ship - we have literally no one who can score goals and so are doomed from the off.

It's all guesswork based on exactly how bad the squad is and how good a new unknown manager might be. It's a judegment call but my vote is to allow Garde to bring in his players in the summer and see what the start of next season brings.

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I agree. Maybe its a fallacy (which I have been guilty of) to belive there are managers out there who are less risky and would guarentee success.  That is essentially saying because a manager has experience in the championship he will thefore be a better manager for us.  But those managers have never experienced management at a broken club like Villa, which has a swathe of poor players on long-term lucrative contracts.  It is a massive ask to expect anyone to come in, asess all the problems and then somehow turn the Villa titanic around to steer us towards championship success.  At least Garde knows the players (and all their technical and charecter flaws) and he knows the underlying issues.  He is also probably better qualified to manage our French contingent, assuming they stay.  And he has, by all accounts, been working with Bernstein and Little to try and start putting plans into action (I got this from Hollis' interview on WM).  Are we being too quick to want to let him go?  I still think he could do well for us if he is given appropriate fiancial support and the opportunity to build his team.  His record before Villa is not bad and there is a reason others are after him.  I would hate us to lose a potentially very good manager without giving him a fair crack.

Edited by Gary Thomas
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I guess that with the recent departures of Fox and Almstadt, that Remi will also depart in the summer. I would guess that Fox and Almstadt played big parts in the hiring of Remi, what with their Arsenal connections. The departures of those two along with the fluttering of eyelashes coming from Lyon towards Garde in recent weeks leads me to believe that come the last game Remi will either be given the chop or leave by mutual consent. I may be wrong, that is my gut feeling at the moment.

My only hope is that with this recent review of the club taking place, that some of the bad eggs in the squad have been highlighted, and even if Remi departs the players who have helped our demise also follow him out of the door during the summer months.

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11 minutes ago, NeilS said:

I guess that with the recent departures of Fox and Almstadt, that Remi will also depart in the summer. I would guess that Fox and Almstadt played big parts in the hiring of Remi, what with their Arsenal connections. The departures of those two along with the fluttering of eyelashes coming from Lyon towards Garde in recent weeks leads me to believe that come the last game Remi will either be given the chop or leave by mutual consent. I may be wrong, that is my gut feeling at the moment.

My only hope is that with this recent review of the club taking place, that some of the bad eggs in the squad have been highlighted, and even if Remi departs the players who have helped our demise also follow him out of the door during the summer months.

That is one (fair) interpretation.  I'd hope that the alternative is that the new board have identified that changing the manager every few months and seeing no improvement shows that the problems are more deep-rooted and lie elsewhere.  For me that makes it more likely that he will be staying with backing to build a balanced quad in the summer.

Might just be my hope though - knowing the shambles we are, he'll go back to Lyon and we'll get a new manager end of the summer with no recruitment team to sign anyone.

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8 minutes ago, rubberman said:

That is one (fair) interpretation.  I'd hope that the alternative is that the new board have identified that changing the manager every few months and seeing no improvement shows that the problems are more deep-rooted and lie elsewhere.  For me that makes it more likely that he will be staying with backing to build a balanced quad in the summer.

Might just be my hope though - knowing the shambles we are, he'll go back to Lyon and we'll get a new manager end of the summer with no recruitment team to sign anyone.

It could go that way as well, I am just guessing.The noises coming from Lyon at this time suggest an escape route is on the cards.

I am still open minded at the moment on Garde. On the one hand, I am intrigued as to whether he can turn things around here given time and backing. I think that he has inherited a bad situation here, where the squad is not a well thought out balanced squad, littered with players who are just happy to pick up their wages. He has not had a chance to stamp his ideas on the squad, so I cannot write him off completely.

On the other hand, looking in from a distance things have not improved at all results wise, and in fact seem to be getting worse as the season is coming to the end. It is hard to see him being able to turn around such a poor situation with the squad. I also don't think he has the will to want to stick around unless he can clear out the squad and start again, and I don't see the board backing him enough to do what he would require.

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6 minutes ago, NeilS said:

It could go that way as well, I am just guessing.The noises coming from Lyon at this time suggest an escape route is on the cards.

I am still open minded at the moment on Garde. On the one hand, I am intrigued as to whether he can turn things around here given time and backing. I think that he has inherited a bad situation here, where the squad is not a well thought out balanced squad, littered with players who are just happy to pick up their wages. He has not had a chance to stamp his ideas on the squad, so I cannot write him off completely.

On the other hand, looking in from a distance things have not improved at all results wise, and in fact seem to be getting worse as the season is coming to the end. It is hard to see him being able to turn around such a poor situation with the squad. I also don't think he has the will to want to stick around unless he can clear out the squad and start again, and I don't see the board backing him enough to do what he would require.

We have gone backwards under Garde, Ray, Duverne and Black. There are no two ways about it, he looks defeated, he can't motivate the players, he is out of ideas, his approach and that of his coaches is unpopular and he didn't even provide a new manager bounce in any way what so ever. He has been a flop, I think we need to clear the decks and get a new first team set up entirely and the let them build the squad up. I don't expect many to be here next season that were signed in the summer as they have been largely shite for the most part. The summer will require us to have someone in charge that knows what they are doing, Garde is totally devoid of any ideas and I would not trust him at all to get us promoted. All the pundits and journalists are of the same opinion that he doesn't have what he takes to see us up next season. Garde should not be given the chioce of staying or going, we should get rid of him ASAP.

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Believing what Hollis has said, Bernstein, Little & Remi talking "football" suggests to me that they are dicussing how to go about addressing the squad issues.

Current players - keep/rid. Future call backs (loanees) Youthplayers steping up & replacements (new signings/loans).

Bernstein & Little would be stupid not to listen to an honest assessment from RG, even if they 1) want to keep him 2) want to replace him 3) RG wants to leave 4) RG wants to stay.

So I think it's probably 50/50 if RG stays at the moment.

The absolute deciding factor is not what Bernstein, Little, Garde, King & Hollis determine what is to be done. But more, what has RL set as a parameter for Hollis to have a "free reign" to work within.

Again RL is our determining factor.

He really must sell. The quicker, the better for everybody.

From this situation, we can only hope that Hollis, Bernstein, King & Little can somehow squeeze something good out of, 1) who we have, 2) who we can get out and 3) who we get in (regarding player recruitment system/team - Management and coaches - Players).

The club is at a crunch stage atm because, we know we are down, things have to change, and we seem to be setting things up for a change. It's understandable that Hollis, who is rumoured to have been looking at things since Oct/Nov, wants to (and should) take his time going through everything with a toothcombe leaving no stone unturned. It really is now or never, and I think Hollis (more importantly RL) know this.

This could all be pie in the sky and Hollis initiating changes maybe yet another RL mistake. But, looking at things at face value, Bernstein & Little looks good on paper. King too. Krulak could just be eyes & ears with a "report to base" move from RL.

However, the common denominaters for an improvement from now on in are.

1) A capable board

2) A recruitment structure

3) A capable Manager & staff

4) A squad in harmony, capable of improving over time.

5) and the big one INVESTMENT that enables us to compete at whatever level we find ourselves at.

i.e Championship -> promotion to PL


Championship -> stop the downward trend


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2 hours ago, VillaCas said:

This makes no sense - We could and probably would lose every game if a new manager comes in. What would that do for confidence? Arguably worse

but if we wait until the summer the new manager might want to give chance to players like Westwood, Richards etc and we are back to square 1

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it maybe unfair to Garde, but i'd feel much happier if I knew we were starting with a new manager next season.

whether he is directly to blame or not it feels like he has become part of the losing culture and his verbal criticism of the club and players plus mixed messages around relegation just make the misery of Villa something he has helped own and embelish.


Edited by VillanousOne
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4 minutes ago, Zatman said:

but if we wait until the summer the new manager might want to give chance to players like Westwood, Richards etc and we are back to square 1

If he needs to watch us play this season I have most of the matches recorded.  in other words, I think that argument holds little merit.  He can watch tapes of what we've seen and if he can't figure it out from that, he shouldn't of got the job in the first place.


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3 hours ago, KHV said:

We have gone backwards under Garde, Ray, Duverne and Black. There are no two ways about it, he looks defeated, he can't motivate the players, he is out of ideas, his approach and that of his coaches is unpopular and he didn't even provide a new manager bounce in any way what so ever. He has been a flop, I think we need to clear the decks and get a new first team set up entirely and the let them build the squad up. I don't expect many to be here next season that were signed in the summer as they have been largely shite for the most part. The summer will require us to have someone in charge that knows what they are doing, Garde is totally devoid of any ideas and I would not trust him at all to get us promoted. All the pundits and journalists are of the same opinion that he doesn't have what he takes to see us up next season. Garde should not be given the chioce of staying or going, we should get rid of him ASAP.

It does seem that way as we lurch from one defeat to the next, especially in the last five matches. As long as the players who have played a big part in this disaster of a season follow him out of the door then I do not have a major problem with that happening. However, there will always be a doubt as to what could have been achieved in better circumstances in my mind, which I guess will be there until we see what kind of Job Garde does elsewhere. 

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Looking at how the new footballing board is shaping up, Fox gone, Almstadt gone, proper support for the manager - as King said, it is now up to Remi - he did say not long ago that he had no intention of returning to France and that England was the place for him - doesn't strike me as the type of guy to say one thing and do another - especially now all the rotten elements above him have been removed I can see him staying - doubt very much he will be sacked.

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He won't be sacked, but I still see him walking in the off season. He (completely correctly, IMO) is going to want support to rip this squad apart and bin the vast majority of it, and there is next to no chance of that happening. There will be squad upheaval this summer as rats leave the sinking ship but the kind of backing Garde will want is not going to happen.

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7 hours ago, VillaCas said:

This makes no sense - We could and probably would lose every game if a new manager comes in. What would that do for confidence? Arguably worse

Thats pure speculation. Based on what we've seen under Garde, its highly likely we will lose every game from now until the season ends.

A new manager with free reign to what he wants and pick the players he wants with an eye on next season might just stop the rot and win a couple of games or at least get some draws before the end of the season.

I find your attitude bizarre - "we are going to lose anyway so why bother trying to change something". You should takeover from Randy.

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Remi Garde is just at the wrong place. He comes across as a likeable guy but he hasn't done much. He is now apart of the losing mentality of the club. We have to get rid of that in one summer.

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Looking at the changes in the club over the last 10 weeks and the most recent noises from the two, I'm wondering if at some point in there was a huge agreement made between Hollis and Remi. Along the lines of, we will try to get all the targets you need to survive, but if we can't get them all then it isn't going to be enough to sign just one. In that case, and we go down, Remi has the opportunity and complete support to rebuild the squad as he wishes in the summer.

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