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The Rémi Garde thread


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This might sound weird but we need to back him or sack him!! We need a manager in place before the end of the season simply so he can look at the squad and know who he has to get rid of. we can't afford players who aren't good enough who font have the right attitude to remain at this club any longer. Houllier tried to get rid of Gabby 4/5 years ago and because we have continually changed managers he has gotten reprieves. So for me Hollis needs to have his plan in his mind now. Personally I'd let Garde stay but this has nothing to do with results It's because I think he knows who he needs to get rid of to get a dressing room that's all pulling in the right direction. I would like to think backing him now may actually benefit the team aswell as he can relax and plan for next year. Playing this bunch of players isn't working. So play a few kids. I'm not saying through them all in but give a couple a go here and there. Mason is supposed to be a decent RB Lyden has been around the squad now for a while so keep giving him minutes. Pick any young striker and play them instead of Gabby. Play Gestede. Play with width. None of these may make a difference but we'll find out about them with next year in mind. If Garde hasn't got a future there's no incentive for him to try and build. We need to come straight back up. We need to prepare now. 

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4-2-2-2 is the answer,Gestede and, when fit, Kozak up top,Ayew and Gil wide with Gana and Veretout  in the middle nothing fancy here,get the ball wide and cross first time.Our build up play is so slow and ineffective that we need to go to basics.

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So a lot think its mostly down to Remi. Well we need to think a little better here. As I have said previous is another thread. Richards has quoted, "Everton showed there quality". Which reads to me, Richards is saying they are much better than us, so if they goal a goal up its no good trying cause they are a much better team.

Lets go to Liverpool, again Lescott admitting they are a better team than us, so the team again showed no comitment, an lost, for me to a medicore Liverpool side.

An then there is today's fiasco. We held them off the first half, with a quality defensive display. We go into the second half, go a goal down and collapse. reading into Remi's quote that its mentality, to right it is, they ain't f**ing listening, is what he means, they do what they want.  Again the squad thinking Man City are much better, an there is no way back, so it was for all to see how in the second half we started to lack comitment and graft.

When you have professional players moaning because of certain training exercises that Remi and his coaches put to the players, you must know you have problems. I cannot believe professional players at the top level would even put this out in the media. Get on with it you lazy F*******ers. No wonder there is no commitment or direction on the pitch when certain players are moaning about training methods at bodymore!!!

Another reason not to blame Remi. Most of these knobbers know they ain't gonna be joining us in the Championship, so why make an effort for the cause. 100% the players to blame for me, an with proof at Chelsea, if the players aren't committed, whatever you do, whoever you bring in here, it ain't gonna change f*** all.

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Yet again, one goal means everyone's head drops.. It was inevitable...

sack the lot of them. Play the kids at least, I'm sick of seeing the same players loose their head so much after a goal. Derby may have less points but this is the worst prem team I've ever seen!!

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38 minutes ago, YGabbana said:

Out of his depth, a poor man manager who cant motivate the players. Has no respect from his players. Cant organise a defence and continues to pick shite players.

Please leave.

:huh: I don't really think he has a choice on that one

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4 minutes ago, mikeyp102 said:

Yet again, one goal means everyone's head drops.. It was inevitable...

sack the lot of them. Play the kids at least, I'm sick of seeing the same players loose their head so much after a goal. Derby may have less points but this is the worst prem team I've ever seen!!

Haven't you heard, its the managers fault. 

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8 minutes ago, mikeyp102 said:

Yet again, one goal means everyone's head drops.. It was inevitable...

sack the lot of them. Play the kids at least, I'm sick of seeing the same players loose their head so much after a goal. Derby may have less points but this is the worst prem team I've ever seen!!

It really is. Technically derby were awful but I don't remember them being this weak minded. They really are a set of pathetic losers and I suggest OTDO74 tell the media that they are aiming the next one at the players. Least Itl be unique and the people it's aimed at are going to see and feel it.

There isn't one of them I'd like to see next season. I'd rather clear the lot and start at the lowest league position possible than endure another second of this sorry set of arseholes.

Edited by Woodytom
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I would put most of the blame on the players today, and maybe a little bit on Remi for being too negative and not changing things when they are clearly not working. To me, they go into these types of games with zero belief they can win.  It was patently obvious against Liverpool and again today.  It is like there is an unwritten rule that they are miles better than us so we cannot attack or expect anything really.  So the cunning plan is to sit deep and defend. Very creative. The game kicks off and everyone assumes their roles. We we sit deep and give them bundles of possession and they attack. Eventually they score (was anybody surprised) and the game is done.  It is so predictable and lame. Of course they are better than us, but it is cowardice not to try, to just throw in the towel up before the fight starts (I am use the term fight loosely).  We’re bottom of the table fella’s, have a go ffs!  What is there to loose? I’d rather us than play like the possessed non-league team giving it a real go than watch us capitulate like a bunch of scared rabbits who have no idea that winning games requires goals. People will say, we’d get hammered if we don’t sit back and defend.  Well 6-0 and 4-0 tells me our current ‘plan’ isn’t working so try something different.


Edited by Gary Thomas
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2 minutes ago, briny_ear said:

If the manager can't be held responsible for what happens on the pitch, I really do wonder what's the point of having a manager ( it's not as if this one comes cheap). At the very least, Garde has failed to motivate these players to make an effort.

Hmmm, becoming a bit of a habit at our club though isn't it. Sherwood failed. Lambert failed, McLiesh failed, Houllier probably would have failed. If you ask me a manager needs the boards backing, an not just financially. I think this is, an has been a huge problem at this club, leaving managers out to take the pain

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Garde has done nothing to improve us. He hasn't even shown us enough to suggest he can.

Why hasn't he started to blood some of our younger players? They can't be much worse than these jokers.

I know we are a mess, up their with that brutal Derby side.

It could be that we were beyond saving but to keep selecting the same group of players when they are this poor just makes no sense whatsoever to me.

It's almost negligent

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Garde hasn't done anywhere near enough to suggest he deserves to have a job next year.

I don't blame him for going down, it was always a tough ask, but I do blame him for the pathetic way we are doing it. Every game now is a potential thumping with him in charge. 

I've seen more inspiration in a limp lettuce leaf. He can't control the players or get them to do anything he tells them to


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16 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

For me he's not done enough to deserve the opportunity to be our manager next season. We are not a charity. 

Unless something changes he should be sacked after the final game. 

What happens then? We get a manager in who has all pre season to assess the players then realises when it's too late they're a bunch of clearings in the woods and is stuck with them until Jan by which time he gets the sack? Remi needs to go early or not at all. We need next seasons manager in place before the squad breaks for the summer so he knows what they're like. 

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