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The Missing Thread


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I miss playing football. I miss the cameradery, the laughs, the awful windy pitches on Billseley Common and the unmistakable smell of the changing rooms. [\jumpersforgoalposts]

And on a related note, I miss not aching from arthritis after a ten minute walk.

The smell of deep heat oh yes

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working in a public facing role, I often conclude that many people could do with a bit more than a clip round the lughole tbh. Students who mistake a library for a bar, for example, could do with a swift kick to the groin and gaffer tape to the mouth so that actual students keen on studying can get on in a bit of peace and quiet. Obviously the more advisable route is to ask the unruly elements to vacate the premises forthwith, but that sense of immediate satisfaction of silencing somone who bally well ought to know better without being needed to be reminded of it is deeply ingrained.

And there's a massive gap between a clip round the head and actual domestic violence. I probably wouldn't do the former myself anyway, my Dad only did it to me once and I think he regretted it, not that I ever judged him the lesser for it, I was probably being a clearing in the woods. But come on, we've all been there in a supermarket / shop / bar and the little tyke is screaming his bollocks off, knocking things over and that primeval inner desire to think "oh will someone just shut / punch that littler **** up".


to be clear I am not advocating actually committing the acts, just that,for a brief fantasy in the mind it seems the simplest way of communicating your displeasure and irritation with said arse.

My dad was old school and I got a few , nothing that would constitute violence and nothing I hold against him .. I doubt he regrets it as in his eyes he was doing the right thing  ...  I also have made a point of not adopting this method with my children but God sometimes the little buggers could do with one :)  ... maybe I just wish the teachers would do it for me so I can stay guilt free ??


Edited by tonyh29
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I miss the days when unruly children got a clip around the ear from a teacher and didn't do it again rather than todays' society where kids have to be told 47 times and still do it anyway

I miss the days when a man could teach his wife  what happens when you talk back. 

Oh, violence. 

that wasn't what I said at all .. I always say you can judge a lot about a persons character by their actions , I guess we will see if you apologise or not

Apologise for what, exactly. I was making a rhetorical point . In my book, giving a child a clip is an act of violence, and violence against children for me is even worse than violence towards women. 

It wasn't meant as a peronal accusation towards you, but it is a subject I care strongly about both as a teacher and as a father. Hitting a child, no matter how innocent you may think it is, is never okay. It is wrong, lazy and - in the long term - counter productive. Discipline is a big part of my profession - without it, I can't do my job - and I happen to be damn good at what I do. 

you quoted me and equated what I'd written to domestic violence and compared it to beating a women when I'd made no such claim ... Had you written the explanation you've written now then I wouldn't have had any issue with your post or the point you were making but as it stood it appears to be nothing other than you trying to belittle me or make me look like I condoned wife beating .

My whole post I think it was apparent the tone I was trying to set , a domestic violence  debate probably warrants a better discussion thread than this particular one .

I don't doubt your teaching or parenting skills .. but I also suspect there are a lot of people out there in the world who went through school in the 70's like I did who know exactly what I was referring to

Edited by tonyh29
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Fair enough, Tone. We'll leave it there. 

For the record, having had the pleasure of meeting you (albeit briefly) in person and from a full decade of VT debate and banter, I know you to be a decent(-ish ;)) person who certainly would not condone domestic abuse. 

Now, I will certainly apologise for interupting a perfectly good thread. I'd get my coat, too, if only I needed one. I really do miss those proper winters.

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I miss the days I used to get exited about Villa playing, when football was more a level playing field and you could gee teams like Notts Forest getting promoted and the following season winning the league

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I miss the days I used to get exited about Villa playing, when football was more a level playing field and you could gee teams like Notts Forest getting promoted and the following season winning the league

My first Villa Park game was Notts Forest.

It was cold, I was stood on the ash of the one huge Holte, there was trouble outside: but I was inside. The noise.

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I miss the days I used to get exited about Villa playing, when football was more a level playing field and you could gee teams like Notts Forest getting promoted and the following season winning the league


My first Villa Park game was Notts Forest.

It was cold, I was stood on the ash of the one huge Holte, there was trouble outside: but I was inside. The noise.

I really hate being that guy, and feel free to roll your eyes, but there's no such team as Notts Forest. If you're abbreviating Nottingham Forest, then it would be Nott'm Forest. Notts is an abbreviation of Nottinghamshire. Sorry, I feel like a word removed for pointing it out, but it's something I could easily post in the "Things that piss you off that shouldn't" thread. I hate myself so much sometimes. 

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I miss the days I used to get exited about Villa playing, when football was more a level playing field and you could gee teams like Notts Forest getting promoted and the following season winning the league


My first Villa Park game was Notts Forest.

It was cold, I was stood on the ash of the one huge Holte, there was trouble outside: but I was inside. The noise.

I really hate being that guy, and feel free to roll your eyes, but there's no such team as Notts Forest. If you're abbreviating Nottingham Forest, then it would be Nott'm Forest. Notts is an abbreviation of Nottinghamshire. Sorry, I feel like a word removed for pointing it out, but it's something I could easily post in the "Things that piss you off that shouldn't" thread. I hate myself so much sometimes. 

Unfortunately, extensive googling including some NFFC accounts and twitter pages proves that you have a good point.


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whooo whoo hold on there second  ..in all the excitement I over looked something there ( and you Chris , shame on you as well  )


we have a teacher in our midst ... we haven't been able to do all our teacher material since Stefan fell in love with a Polish plumber and gave up his job to go and live with him  ..now we can bring back all our A material again  


Edited by tonyh29
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sorry Tony, too many beatings as a kid in school in the '70's caused me to miss the teacher self reference


Mr Barrett was the most violent teacher in my school, proper psychotic. He used to do this thing where he would take his watch off really slowly whilst explaining he didn't want to scratch you as he punched you. Then he'd slowly pick up your desk and move it, leaving you sat all exposed in space where everyone else was protected by a desk.

My mate (er, also called Chris, strangely) was the first kid in school to come up with the tactic of hitting him first then running like **** and not coming back to school for 3 days.

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I remember it was 2008, a few weeks into my first ever teaching job, in Korea. I had no idea what I was doing then, and the kids used to take the piss out of me and get away with as much as possible. There was this one kid, I remember, he was a complete dick, the worst of any, so smug and full of himself and just a general 12-year-old tosspot. Anyway, one day the brother of the boss came in to watch the class, and we were joking around, the mood was very light. Then I asked to see their homework, and the kid hadn't done it. It was some insignificant piece of nothing that didn't matter one bit, but the brother, he suddenly went very silent, and then the kid starts trembling and shaking. The brother leaves the classroom, comes back with this baseball bat, looks like it's made out of solid ivory with carvings all over it. He demands the kid stands up. The kid won't, he stays at his desk, literally pleading. The brother makes him stand up. The kid stand with his hands on the blackboard, legs apart, and then the brother brings the bat across the back of his knees like he was hitting a home run out of the park. The kid went down screaming and crying, and carried on alarming for about ten minutes, before he went through it again. Eventually, he was sent back to his seat, and he just sat there shaking, snot dribbling down his face, crying silently. The brother told me not to expect him to do any work for the rest of the lesson and then just left. 

If I can feel sympathy for even that word removed - and he really did make my life hell - I don't think I'll ever be able to get on board with corporal punishment. That was an extreme example, and I only saw that once, but it made a big impression. I saw teachers smacking kids with rulers on the hands dozens of times, but it never sat right after that experience. 

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I miss the days I used to get exited about Villa playing, when football was more a level playing field and you could gee teams like Notts Forest getting promoted and the following season winning the league


My first Villa Park game was Notts Forest.

It was cold, I was stood on the ash of the one huge Holte, there was trouble outside: but I was inside. The noise.

I really hate being that guy, and feel free to roll your eyes, but there's no such team as Notts Forest. If you're abbreviating Nottingham Forest, then it would be Nott'm Forest. Notts is an abbreviation of Nottinghamshire. Sorry, I feel like a word removed for pointing it out, but it's something I could easily post in the "Things that piss you off that shouldn't" thread. I hate myself so much sometimes. 

one of my deepest joys is calling notts forrest, notts forrest to notts forrest supporters.

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Who/What/Where do you miss?

I was just thinking about how much I loved going to the newsstand to buy the latest Goal/442 or When Saturday Comes...

With everything available online in almost real time, the magazines are made somewhat irrelevant now.

But I miss the excitement of seeing who would be on the new cover, taking the time to savor each page when I got home.

I know I can still get the hard copies, but it's just not the same now. 


In a similar vein, I miss buying Heroes & Villains at the match, which is no longer printed (just the fanzine limpid, not the website, which obviously isn't a patch on VT!).

It went right down the nick when their star columnist defected to Holy Trinity ;)

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I miss the days I used to get exited about Villa playing, when football was more a level playing field and you could gee teams like Notts Forest getting promoted and the following season winning the league


My first Villa Park game was Notts Forest.

It was cold, I was stood on the ash of the one huge Holte, there was trouble outside: but I was inside. The noise.

I really hate being that guy, and feel free to roll your eyes, but there's no such team as Notts Forest. If you're abbreviating Nottingham Forest, then it would be Nott'm Forest. Notts is an abbreviation of Nottinghamshire. Sorry, I feel like a word removed for pointing it out, but it's something I could easily post in the "Things that piss you off that shouldn't" thread. I hate myself so much sometimes. 

one of my deepest joys is calling notts forrest, notts forrest to notts forrest supporters.

I can accept that.

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