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The banker loving, baby-eating Tory party thread (regenerated)


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1 hour ago, chrisp65 said:

I can't say I'm overly bothered what Gordon Brown comparisons can be made. What she said, when confronted with words from her own speech quoted back at her, was that she didn't mean international companies, companies in the city that needed to celebrate how international they were with high income international staff. She clarified that what she meant was we need to know what small factories and businesses are employing foreigners, and why. This can only mean a gathering of information on your nationality and compiling a list and questioning shop owners and small businesses. Or, it's unworkable lies and disgusting scaremongering.

I'm not suggesting they are suddenly all going to start wearing brown shirts and declaring kristallnacht. But what I'm seeing is some dangerous language that will only encourage the terminally moronic to think it is ok to throw stones to get their country back.

Best of luck building houses next year if you can't employ a foreigner whilst there's an unemployed 'brit'.

Have you got a link to where she clarified what she meant ? Be interesting to see it as I've only got snippets so far 

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Just now, chrisp65 said:

@tonyh29 nah, it was on the radio, so these are my absolute science fact accurate verbatim rememberings

but I guess it'll be on BBC iplayer at some point, it was Radio 4, about 8:30 ish, Nick Robinson interview


Do I take that as a No then :)


(ok ok I'll try and have a listen )

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Just now, tonyh29 said:

Do I take that as a No then :)


(ok ok I'll try and have a listen )

I'm so sad that I scribbled it down on a pad of paper, stood there in my kitchen, wearing nothing but a disapproving frown.

I remember thinking 'right, Rudd you fascist bastard, this is going straight on VT, then we'll see who wins the future...'


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Calling the Labour Party the nasty party , probably the truest words to have come out of conference all week 

wasn't keen on May but she seems to be getting on with the job , good move on the soldier thing the other day ... wonder how long before she gets knifed by the party though , suddenly Osborne seems to be back in the news a lot which can only mean internal plotting in the background  

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...under proposals....businesses would have 'to be clear about the proportion of their workforce that is international'....

If I've misunderstood the need to draw up lists of where people are from, it would appear the famously anti tory Times did too.


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26 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

If I've misunderstood the need to draw up lists of where people are from, it would appear the famously anti tory Times did too.


I'm still not actually hearing her say those words  ..the various snippets from conference don't have her saying it   , heck I'm now reading through the entire text that I've found online and still haven't found it

she does say

British businesses have driven the economic recovery in this country, with employment at record levels.

However we still need to do more … so all British people get the opportunities they need to get on in life.

The test should ensure people coming here are filling gaps in the labour market, not taking jobs British people could do.

But it’s become a tick box exercise, allowing some firms to get away with not training local people. We won’t win in the world if we don’t do more to upskill our own workforce.

It’s not fair on companies doing the right thing. So I want us to look again at whether our immigration system provides the right incentives for businesses to invest in British workers



the speech is the usual blah that people say at conference but I don't see her as frothing at the mouth lunatic   ... but then I'm not from the side of VT that  thinks Jeremy Corbyn has all the answers  

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2 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

I'm now reading through the entire text that I've found online and still haven't found it

That's because it was handed out in written "briefing notes" provided by the tories to the media, at the end of her speech. And then she talked about it (apparently) on the radio.


Briefing notes after her speech also suggested they could be required to "be clear about the proportion of their workforce which is international", a practice which the Home Office says is standard in the US.

Ms Rudd said the existing system did not give firms a "clear incentive" to properly consider the merits of local candidates or to spend more on training to equip them to do the jobs on offer.

Asked whether she was prepared to "name and shame" companies which did not comply by publishing a breakdown of the nationality of their workforce, Ms Rudd told BBC Radio 4's Today it was "not something we are definitely going to do" but it was "one of the tools" under review "as a way of nudging people into better behaviour".

While many companies were doing a great job employing local staff, she said there were firms "which are not so constructive and these are the ones we want to flush out" - citing one business she knew of where 80% of whose staff were from outside the UK. 

"There is still one in ten 18-24 year olds in the UK who are unemployed," she added. "I want businesses to think first about locally training people where possible... and work with us to deliver what we need to have which is a more skilled local labour force."

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...but she's already looking like backing down because of the widespread derision and criticism her hare-brained ideas have attracted.  What a shambles.


Proposals to force firms to reveal how many foreign workers they employ could be ditched, the Home Secretary said today — less than 24 hours after unveiling them.

Amber Rudd also warned against shying away from a debate about immigration, adding “don’t call me a racist” for seeking to speak about it. 

But the foreign workers’ proposal, unveiled at the annual Tory rally in Birmingham, faced a backlash from business chiefs. One said it would make  having a global workforce be seen as “a badge of shame”. 

Ms Rudd, pictured, said the proposal was part of a consultation which aimed to ensure firms are “thinking first” about hiring locally trained people. “It’s not something that we are definitely going to do, it’s one of the tools we are going to use as a review to see if we can use as a way of nudging people,” she told BBC radio.

She also dismissed accusations that she was sanctioning a “form of racism” and encouraging people to say “go home, you are doing my job”. “We must not ignore the fact that people want to talk about immigration, and if we do talk about immigration don’t call me a racist,” she said.


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just so I'm clear about the "outrage here " 

Over something she didn't say  , when asked about it  she replied "it's not something we are definitely going to do but its one of the tools that's under review  "

has suddenly become policy and ditched with 24 hours

Ok , glad that's been cleared up   ...

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4 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

the "outrage here " 

Over something she didn't say  , when asked about it  she replied "it's not something we are definitely going to do but its one of the tools that's under review  "

It happens a lot, apparently. Minister or ministers staff have an idea, "float it" ( this time in writing in notes to the media, with the authority of the minister, in this case Rudd) and test the water. If it doesn't go down well they just say ..."never a plan, merely something under review." [If they're reviewing it, they're basically assessing it to see how effective/popular/costly etc. it is.]

Why do you think they handed out this written briefing Tony? what do you think its purpose was?

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