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The banker loving, baby-eating Tory party thread (regenerated)


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9 minutes ago, snowychap said:

I really can't see any reason to support believing the new PM's Downing Street speech above any of the others especially when some/a lot of the things she opined about have most certainly not been helped by the policies of the governments of which she has been an integral part for the past 6 years.

Also when one considers that she is in charge of a government with a slim majority and will find the same issues as her predecessor in terms of keeping awkward squads in check (she may find herself with one or two more awkward squads, too), I think skepticism on how much of this supposed wishlist she would be able to deliver is very much the order of the day. That doesn't discount the possibility that she might surprise.


OK,  maybe I worded it wrong.  She is the first one I don't think is purposely lying to the electorate in a pre-meditated way.  I believe that she knows what most of the problems are and if she can she will try to improve things for the majority of people.  To carry on as they have done is not an option even for the Tory party,  they must feel they are at the last chance saloon also.  There is only 1 party in the UK at the moment,  no excuses anymore.


Edited by Amsterdam_Neil_D
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14 minutes ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:

OK,  maybe I worded it wrong.  She is the first one I don't think is purposely lying to the electorate in a pre-meditated way.  I believe that she knows what most of the problems are and if she can she will try to improve things for the majority of people.  To carry on as they have done is not an option even for the Tory party,  they must feel they are at the last chance saloon also.  There is only 1 party in the UK at the moment,  no excuses anymore.


Though I do, to an extent, admire your optimism, I don't share your belief (either in her sincerity or in the options open to the Tory party/government).

I've seen stuff being said over the last few days by (Tory) politicians which is pretty laughable in the midst of a kind of remarkably bizarre level of euphoria about having a new PM.

Edit: At the first sign of any problems on Brexit negotiations, I think old issues within the party will resurface no matter how well she thinks she has insulated herself by the Johnson/Davis appointments.

Edited by snowychap
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Jeremy word removed is gone.

Too bad he's already declared the contract is being enforced. I have little doubt he's just the fall guy and the policy will live on, with May able to pin it on the former cabinet.

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47 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

Jeremy word removed is gone.

Too bad he's already declared the contract is being enforced. I have little doubt he's just the fall guy and the policy will live on, with May able to pin it on the former cabinet.

The Beeb are now reporting that he is expected to stay in post.

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6 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

I think thats what his plan is once we have left not that he has actually actioned it

That wasn't the point.

Liam Stack is saying that we (as a non-EU country) can't make trade deals with individual EU countries like Germany, Poland, France etc, we can only make them with the EU as a whole.

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1 minute ago, StefanAVFC said:

That wasn't the point.

Liam Stack is saying that we (as a non-EU country) can't make trade deals with individual EU countries like Germany, Poland, France etc, we can only make them with the EU as a whole.

From the way I read it Stefan it sounds like we are not allowed to make deals while we are in the EU with non EU states and we cant do individual deals with EU countries until we have left. It seems like a big grey area to me at the moment. It will be what the Germans decide anyway 

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We can't do deals with individual EU states full stop. Come on Dem, the tweet clearly says that.


UK new Brexit minister doesn't know that EU States can't make their own, independent trade deals with non-EU members.

So after Brexit, we're allowed to do deals with the US, Canada etc. we have to make trade deals with the entire EU, not just Germany, Poland, France etc.

The tweets above imply that Davis doesn't know this.

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2 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

No. It's not a grey area, it's why we are leaving. You cannot make a one off trade deal with a single EU country. That is why we have left. 

If we want a special deal with German car manufacturers 27 EU countries have to see the detail and agree it. Now, it's most likely that Germany can get them to agree on that particular one as its in their interest. But how long will that take? What other pork barrel items will need to be thrown in?

Why would Malta be bothered whether our financial services can be retained in exchange for keeping Mini in the UK? If we lose some financial serices they could end up moving to Malta. So what BMW want is of little interest to little Malta that doesn't have a great relationship with Germany, doesn't buy a lot of BMW's but does quite like Italy.

This is not going to be 24 months of formalities.

Indeed. It's more likely to be 24 years of hell. 

Well done you Vote Leave pricks. You're still pricks. 

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4 hours ago, chrisp65 said:





Well he cannot be surprised can he?

Stab your colleague in the back at the first chance, dont be surprised to find yourself moved as far away as possible.......smug little twerp

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22 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

From the way I read it Stefan it sounds like we are not allowed to make deals while we are in the EU with non EU states and we cant do individual deals with EU countries until we have left. It seems like a big grey area to me at the moment. It will be what the Germans decide anyway 

So we can't make deals with non-EU countries while we're a member of the EU.

But once we leave, members of the EU will be able to make deals with a non-EU country i.e the UK.

Logic Demitri, logic.

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1 hour ago, Demitri_C said:

From the way I read it Stefan it sounds like we are not allowed to make deals while we are in the EU with non EU states and we cant do individual deals with EU countries until we have left.  

This is correct we are now the non EU country and Germany in the EU so they can't make an individual trade deal with non EU states. We cannot make an individual deal with them the same way that when we were in we couldn't make a deal with Brazil for example.

not aimed at you but people seem very confused by the truth that we still have a large trade base in Europe and will have to negotiate. The EU block hold all the cards in the negotiations as we really need the trade we get from those nations. 

We are not in a position of power in these negotiations and once article 50 is triggered we will have even less. May either needs to wait until she is settled and deal with comcequences or do it now and hope that she is able to deal with it, either way so e huge negotions and decisions need to be made.

Edited by Nicho
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1 hour ago, mykeyb said:

Well he cannot be surprised can he?

Stab your colleague in the back at the first chance, dont be surprised to find yourself moved as far away as possible.......smug little twerp

It was a reenactment of the Scottish play.

Three hags from the Tory party predicted he would be Prime Minister, and urged on by his missus (Sarah Vine), Gove in a moment of madness stabs Duncan played by Boris.

Things don't end well. 

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