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The banker loving, baby-eating Tory party thread (regenerated)


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8 hours ago, Genie said:

Depends how much “we” get back and how much goes to banker bonuses. 

Some of this is a bit of a misconception, not sure they have the traditional investment banking arm so most of these bonus' are to regular employees, thousands of people that work in beaches, answer calls, manage websites and projects. Might feel like a lot of money but it's part of a package when you work in financial services. No real drama here, it's just an organisation that's recorded some large profits and a good chunk is being given back to employees, of course those more senior will do well out it it.

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Just a tiny anecdotal thing, but a while back, remember the days long long ago, when there was that mad Tufton street Instagram one as Prime Minister, the one who crashed the economy? Anyway, my local MP (a Tory) stood up in parliament and slated the plan to restart fracking. So I wrote to him and said "well done, I'm not a Tory, but standing up for your constituents, rather than just toeing the line was good". He replied with a standard letter. Then he voted to allow fracking to restart (3 line whip, tbf).

Anyway, I got another letter yesterday. Very much anti fracking and against Cuadrilla shirking their legal duty to clean up the fracking site and so on. Apart from the weasel words about why they might have delayed (because the Tories gave them more than a hope that they might be able to restart, basically, which he doesn't acknowledge at all), it's clear from the content that he's (in a safe seat) making efforts to show "I'm doing stuff" - he enclosed a letter he'd written to the council asking them to not approve any planning permission extension for the fracking site). So if the likes of his with a nearly 17,000 majority are getting all "visible" then there's a lot of worried MPs in Toryland.

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That contrasts with my local tory MP who was last seen on 2nd December 2022 berating the fact that booze was cheaper in England than Wales.

Thinking about it, what if it does turn out he’s trapped under a heavy thing, or kidnapped, or stuck up a tree? Be a bit embarrassing if 55,000 people have to give a statement to say they hadn’t noticed.

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In todays news after a decade of under funding, information has come out about multiple sewage leaks in Cancer wards, maternity wards and A&E departments. 

The state of the NHS should be front page news every single day. 


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14 hours ago, DCJonah said:

In todays news after a decade of under funding, information has come out about multiple sewage leaks in Cancer wards, maternity wards and A&E departments. 

The state of the NHS should be front page news every single day. 


There's just too much to pump into the rivers alone, so now the hospitals are taking a hit too.

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21 hours ago, DCJonah said:

In todays news after a decade of under funding, information has come out about multiple sewage leaks in Cancer wards, maternity wards and A&E departments. 

And this will be used as justification by the privatisation lobby. 

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3 hours ago, mjmooney said:

And this will be used as justification by the privatisation lobby. 

Luckily, like Boris Johnson promised, they’ve built 40 new hospitals. So everything is alr….oh! Apparently only half of 40, the second half, the “0”.

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14 hours ago, blandy said:

Sexual harassment, computer p0rn, lying, breaching the ministerial code…

Good riddance. Tory twunt.

Sure. I hold no candle for him. Any day that is bad for a sitting Tory MP is probably a good day. 

He's still one of the non-lunatic ones. 

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22 minutes ago, The Fun Factory said:

If/when they go into opposition they will go full trump republican

Imagine a situation where they aren't the second largest party in government. Right now, that is perfectly possible


 Pollster Find Out Now and election experts Electoral Calculus have run a MRP poll on voting intention for Westminster. This was a large-scale poll, involving over 28,000 respondents, carried out from 27 January – 5 February.

The poll asked GB residents whether and how they intend to vote if there were an imminent general election. It also asked voters who would make the best Prime Minister and their attitudes to Conservative sleaze

    Labour lead of 25% over Conservatives
    Conservatives forecast to have fewer seats than SNP
    Conservatives losing support most in their strongest seats
    The Prime Minister among sixteen cabinet ministers predicted to lose their seats [...]


Party Number of Seats
at GE 2019
Number of Seats
CON 365 45 −320
LAB 203 509 306
SNP 48 50 2
LIB 11 23 12
Plaid 4 4 0
Green 1 1 0
Reform 0 0 0
Total 632 632



Electoral Calculus

The current predictions are a much bigger defeat than 1997. They are in fact in unprecidented territory. There really may be no more Conservative Party as we know it. All sorts of mental switches have been flicked and it really is very hard to turn them back. You may be witnessing the death of the Tory Party. Right now things aren't going to get better for them, only worse.

It is also worth noting that this large scale poll does not give a scale of Tory defeat that some of the other current polling suggests, it's pretty much in the middle ground

Call the popcorn manufacturers. This will be a period of British politics that will be studied for centuries

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2 minutes ago, bickster said:

Imagine a situation where they aren't the second largest party in government. Right now, that is perfectly possible

Electoral Calculus

The current predictions are a much bigger defeat than 1997. They are in fact in unprecidented territory. There really may be no more Conservative Party as we know it. All sorts of mental switches have been flicked and it really is very hard to turn them back. You may be witnessing the death of the Tory Party. Right now things aren't going to get better for them, only worse.

Call the popcorn manufacturers. This will be a period of British politics that will be studied for centuries

They said all of that in the late 90s and early 00s, and yet they have come back and been in power since 2010.  About three-quarters of the last 40 years that have been in government, Britain is inherently a small c conservative country. They will be useless for 5-10 years but like James Bond, they will return.

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29 minutes ago, The Fun Factory said:

They said all of that in the late 90s and early 00s,

The scale of the predicted defeat is way beyond 1997 levels which was 418 (Lab) / 165 (Con) / 46 (LibDem). In 1997 the Tory share of the vote in polling was spot on, around 30-32% they are currently nearly 10 points below that

The current predictions have no modern precident, to describe it as a collapse does not do it justice. Labour could be in power longer than Blair / Brown as a credible opposition will need to form and it's quite possible given the current demographics that it will not be the Conservative Party as we know it today because a lot of their voters to put it bluntly may actually be dead before they get a shot at power again. The Tory party has been facing an age timebomb for some while and their policies currently are actually going to kill more of their voters

EDIT: There is also a very good argument that the Tories have only been in power so long because of the collapse of the LibDems post 2010 and even at current projections, the LibDems aren't getting anywhere near close to the amount of seats they won then, they haven't recovered yet and show no signs of doing so


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