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The banker loving, baby-eating Tory party thread (regenerated)


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On 8 July 2016 at 10:39, Seat68 said:

Woman to chief chanters left (our right) is displaying full nope. No chanting for her.

That bloke has got the squeakiest voice I've heard in a long time.

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Boris walked because he hasn't kept his cock in his pants.

Friends of Sarah Vine know all about him.

He now knows friends of Sarah Vine know all about him.


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From the Beeb:


Mr Duncan Smith, who was Conservative leader from 2001 to 2003, said: "I've seen it all before - the reality is that both of them are qualified.

"Look, if Andrea was so unqualified to be prime minister, and you know we've had a lot of sniping, a kind of real 'black-ops' operation to denigrate her reputation. If she was so bad what in heaven's sake would the prime minister be doing making her a serious government minister?"

Er, I can see the immediate flaw in your argument, ex-cabinet minister/Tory leader Mr Smith.

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10 minutes ago, Rodders said:

Bizarrely the least worst outcome, eventually even if the buffet of options would have made even a starving person think twice.

I'd have loved Leadsom to have stayed in and won it, from a Labour/left wing perspective.

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1 minute ago, Davkaus said:

When can I expect the webcam setup to be installed in each room of the house?

Think I read once that we already have something like 5 million CCTV camera's in the Uk already , funnily enough the argument put forward at the time was that if you've done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear  ... wonder if those same people still feel the same way ?

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