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The banker loving, baby-eating Tory party thread (regenerated)


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6 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

Is this like my Nan saying things ain't what they used to be in the good old days or do you have a particular reference point in mind of where we are going backwards from ?

and who are "ordinary people" ?  , people with 2 arms and 2 legs , hard working decent honest nurses / teachers or  just anyone who didn't vote Tory ?



maybe 'Normal people' would be a better description



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She came from Greece she had a thirst for knowledge
She studied sculpture at Saint Martin's College
That's where I
Caught her eye
She told me that her Dad was loaded
I said "In that case I'll have a rum and coca-cola"
She said "Fine"
And in thirty seconds time she said

I want to live like common people
I want to do whatever common people do
I want to sleep with common people
I want to sleep with common people
Like you



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14 hours ago, Davkaus said:

That's what a lot will be doing, I suspect. That'll really help us have a "24 hour NHS".

Haven't you heard, only private equity can save the NHS? It's just a matter of waiting until they've managed to break it enough to make it seem logical.


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That's what a lot will be doing, I suspect. That'll really help us have a "24 hour NHS".

Haven't you heard, only private equity can save the NHS? It's just a matter of waiting until they've managed to break it enough to make it seem logical.


Because privatising public transport worked so well. (Continuing your sarcasm)

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14 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:

Can we not organise a coup before we're ran into the ground? I think there's enough of us in off topic.

Grab your bugout bag, they're onto you... You don't want to be David Kelly'd...


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26 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:

Can we not organise a coup before we're ran into the ground? I think there's enough of us in off topic.

We can't even organise a Tuesday night protest ....:

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16 hours ago, meregreen said:

Workers rights are being eroded, the Welfare State is under attack,public assets are being flogged off cheap to Tory sympathizing hedge funds,affordable rented accomodation is fast disappearing as private landlords take more and more housing stock,the greatest institution of all, the NHS is covertly being readied for handing over to Tory supporting medical insurance companies,planning rules are being eased ,schools are being removed from accountability to local elected people,all of this is retrogade in its concept.Now we have a return to the rotten boroughs, where constituencies do nottruly reflect their populations, only their registered voters, guess which party that favours. Ordinary people are all around us, and yes they include teachers and nurses, factory workers, shop workers and a multitude of other professions, they also include the unemployed, sick and disabled. The Tories don;t give a damn about any of them.

But do you count yourself, your family and your friends, amongst the ordinary people?

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4 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

The left wing bolshevik broadcasting corporation accused of right wing bias ... There's a first  


feel free to post up two pics of clearly left wing biased journo's at the beeb


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16 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:


feel free to post up two pics of clearly left wing biased journo's at the beeb


that's not fair you are obviously being selective in clearly not mentioning that terrible lefty lunatic Andrew Neil who hosts a regular weekly Tory party political broadcast programme where his militant commy outpourings are a clearly an indication of the BBC's lefty bias.

The BBC does indeed have a bias, and studies have shown it is towards the government of the day, seeing as we have had right of center governments of various levels of 'frothing at the mouth righteousness'  continuously sine 1979 it would logically follow that the BBC has had a right of center bias for this period.

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53 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

The left wing bolshevik broadcasting corporation accused of right wing bias ... There's a first  

The current incarnation of the BBC is the most right wing in living memory; since Cameron won the election and threatened to take away the license fee unless they behaved, they've done nothing but toe the Tory line.



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On 1/15/2016 at 09:05, tonyh29 said:

They get £8200 and start to pay it back once they earn £21k

seems reasonable to me 


mabe be they could extend the scheme to working people on low incomes instead of those people having to resort to wonga and their immoral rates ?



At least wonga wouldn't be able to retrospectively change the terms and conditions of the loan later on at a detriment to the borrower.

But you seem to have strangely ignored the real point, which is the sidestepping of democracy by the government because that democracy may stop them doing as they please. wether you agree with the policy or not, this is a worrying trend that this particular bunch of undesirables who happen to find themselves occupying the government benches are increasingly using.

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10 minutes ago, mockingbird_franklin said:

At least wonga wouldn't be able to retrospectively change the terms and conditions of the loan later on at a detriment to the borrower.

But you seem to have strangely ignored the real point, which is the sidestepping of democracy by the government because that democracy may stop them doing as they please. wether you agree with the policy or not, this is a worrying trend that this particular bunch of undesirables who happen to find themselves occupying the government benches are increasingly using.

So the side stepping of democracy has just been invented by the Tory party in 2016 .... Well I never 




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