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Refugee crisis


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stefan i understand the whole not all muslims are like this but cant you see whats happening in europe and beyond, im genuinely worried about the whole problem thats going on at the moment. just look at parts of our own country to see whats happening, then look at sweden,denmark etc etc the list goes on.

What's happening in 'parts of our country'?

People say there's a problem and then make things up.

There's a problem. In the middle East. People are fleeing the problem.

They're not coming here to create the problem here too FFS

there are parts of our towns and cities that are getting completely taken over and you cant deny that, yes i know they are fleeing huge problems over in the middle east and thats fine but the outcome for the countries taking them in will be of a negative affect.

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I can deny it because it's utter bollocks. Name me a town or city that's being 'taken over'.

None of our towns and cities are being taken over by Muslims. The non-white population of the UK is only 13% and only 7% of that is asian.

Stop believing Facebook memes and scaremongering with no research.


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In defence of Ruge, he didn't say towns and cities were being taken over, he said PARTS OF them.

Which is true. Not just Muslims though. The area I live in has been taken over by white middle class people and Tory voters.

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In defence of Ruge, he didn't say towns and cities were being taken over, he said PARTS OF them.


Which is true. Not just Muslims though. The area I live in has been taken over by white middle class people and Tory voters.

Same point isn't it though.

A viewpoint made on the back of scaremongering and sensationalist media.

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In defence of Ruge, he didn't say towns and cities were being taken over, he said PARTS OF them.


Which is true. Not just Muslims though. The area I live in has been taken over by white middle class people and Tory voters.

Same point isn't it though.

A viewpoint made on the back of scaremongering and sensationalist  the media. 

Fixed that for you... those words are implicit in my view unfortunately. The positive thing is the democratization of the information sharing process brought about by the internet is slowly but surely rendering them less and less relevant


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You are always going to get areas that are predominantly of a certain ethnicity. Areas of Birmingham, London, Manchester etc. The reason is people have settled there back in the 60s and 70s and their family and friends have come over and obviously gone to live in the same areas. It makes sense. The same has happened recently with Sri Lankans, Polish, Somalians etc. That's not taking over that is just logistical sense. Go to the areas where you can get the food that you used to eat at home and can hang out with the people that have the most in common with you. It's similar to the type of people that live in certain areas in the home counties or in cities. I.e. older middle class white people or young professionals.

Also as long as they are law abiding citizens then does it matter if they take over a small part of a town or city?

Now for some stats

- Terrorist attacks committed by Muslims in Europe over the last 5 years - under 2%

- Terrorist attacks committed by non muslims in the US between 1980 and 2005 - 94%

- In fact it is more likely that an American will be killed by a toddler than a Muslim


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Hopefully when Hungary shut up shop which they are apparently close to doing by the end of this week the tide will be stemmed



The tide? They are refugees in need, not like a dangerous natural phenomenon coming to flood out your house.

There are roughly 4 million refugees from Syria, the UN can't raise the $8 a month to feed them any more in the bordering countries, the situation is getting worse. Hungary being moody about them or not will make no difference. This will get worse before it gets better.

Solving it would mean peace in Syria and Afghanistan, Iraq too. A stable and prosperous north africa would be a massive help too. In the meantime people would do well to remember that the same language and attitudes were prevalent to the exodus of Jews from Germany in the 30s. 

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You are always going to get areas that are predominantly of a certain ethnicity. Areas of Birmingham, London, Manchester etc. The reason is people have settled there back in the 60s and 70s and their family and friends have come over and obviously gone to live in the same areas. It makes sense. The same has happened recently with Sri Lankans, Polish, Somalians etc. That's not taking over that is just logistical sense. Go to the areas where you can get the food that you used to eat at home and can hang out with the people that have the most in common with you. It's similar to the type of people that live in certain areas in the home counties or in cities. I.e. older middle class white people or young professionals.

Also as long as they are law abiding citizens then does it matter if they take over a small part of a town or city?

Now for some stats

- Terrorist attacks committed by Muslims in Europe over the last 5 years - under 2%

- Terrorist attacks committed by non muslims in the US between 1980 and 2005 - 94%

- In fact it is more likely that an American will be killed by a toddler than a Muslim


Always knew there was something shifty about those toddlers! :ph34r:

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I think it's absolutely fine to question the motives or potential behaviour of some of the refugees.  I think it's normal to be concerned about how we manage the processing of them, the integration of them, the financing of them.

It brings me again back to why there are such gaping tax loopholes that mean huge corporations can get away with paying minimal tax while the ordinary folk worry about paying their rent. I read last year (and I haven't checked how accurate it is) that the tax Boots had avoided in the last 12 months could provide free prescriptions for the whole of Britain for 3 years.  Worrying about the economic impact of refugees shouldn't be a concern. It's buttons in the grand scheme of things.  We should be asking why the government aren't doing more to boost the coffers in other ways.

No doubt at some stage the media will start spreading horror stories about the refugees and how the Syrians are leading crimewaves or whatever. It'll just be another distraction tactic from what's really going on.  Rupert Murdoch is just an evil version of David Copperfield with an army of typewriter-wielding monkeys.

As for that video earlier in the thread - why hasn't his been reported anywhere, that I can find, and the video only has 250 views? There is no proof that the people are Syrians, that the trouble is in Germany OR that it's recent footage.  It could literally be anything.

Granted we should be arguing about Rupert Murdoch stealing the cake, rather than worrying about refugees stealing some of our crumbs, but we don't have a voice in that argument, to the point that arguing that corporations should pay tax is nothing more than meaningless rhetoric at the moment. And so, although I am a big fan of the idea of a greater sense of humanity among us Westerners, without complete revolution, whereby Rupert loses his empire and all the other rich people give in to our demands, I remain concerned about my crumbs. If the rich and powerful are willing to leave the people in the Third World to starve and die, while spending millions on yachts and football clubs, they are more than willing to have us, the working and middle class, or what's left of us, do the same. And some of my crumbs being taken away from me is step one on that road. 

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I think the problem might be, Ikantcpell, that much of what you post does skirt around the edges of having a racist undercurrent. Now it might be wrong on our part, but quite a few people have picked up on it. It might be, that if english isn't your first language then we are not picking up the nuance of what you want to get across, or you are not quite using the right words. But I don't know that, it's a guess.

But at the moment, a great deal of what is being posted, to my sensibilities, looks like it has a subtext. So people will call you out on it.  




i think where he lives has a lot to do with it and whats going on there, ive been branded racist on here on occasions but i am far from it. i think if you did a poll in this country more than half would be worried about all this, most people i know certainly are.



Malmö is a mess, we have shootings here pretty much evryday, evry swede i know wants to move away from Malmö, all the jews i know have already left and i totally understand them, i want out aswell.

I have an old friend who has always been pro immigration and always playing the race card when people saying they dont want anymore immigration, however, this old friend of mine has now worked as police in malmö for alittle more than a year and i talked with her a few weks ago and she sounded worse than Adolf Hitler :crylaugh:She was now gonna vote for the swedish version of BNP,On her first day at work a 10 year old Arab spat at her and called her a filthy swedish whore, for no reason at all.

She also told me about that all the youth gangs who dont see anything wrong with raping  swedish girls, cause they show their legs and they are not muslims.....

She told me so many things i would not believe it if it wasnt coming from her.

The only ones who dont see any problems in Malmö is all the pot smoking lefties who want's free immigration, but they have invested so much time and effort in to their lie that they will never be able to see the truth

They see racism evrywhere cause they are full of it themself.

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Yeah, Malmo looks an interesting place, a population smaller than Cardiff with 40% of the population being foreign born or having some non-Swedish background, almost half the population is under 35 and unemployment in the under 30's is around about 25%. 8 or 10 gang related grenade attacks since Christmas.

Sounds like a place with problems. Of all the 'incomers' amongst the top 10 foreign nationalities migrating into Malmo we have Danes, Serbs, Bosnians, Poles, Hungarians and Romanians. Though top (just ahead of the Danes by 1,000) is Iraqis.

To flood a city with unemployed migrant youth of any religion sounds like a pretty stupid idea.  

London, as a contrast, has half a million Indians, 220,000 Pakistanis, 220,000 Bangladeshi, half a million 'other' asian, 1,000,000 'black', 1,000,000 white non-british etc etc but to my knowledge no marauding rape gangs and no grenade attacks. 

So I just don't see the defining problem being immigration or, specifically, muslims.

Looks more like a really really bad bit of social planning followed up by really really bad policing.

All types of people can be good or bad.

But yes, Malmo looks like a pretty rough place to be.

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Reading around about the specific situation in Malmo rather than Sweden as a whole (which appears to be a very large can of worms...) there are some pretty startling claims, but has there been any published research done by Swedish institutions that support these claims?  I'm thinking about the extreme violence Chrisp65 mentions in his post above (grenade attacks etc!)  which is alleged to be between immigrant gangs, the claim that over 75% of all reported rapes are perpetrated by specifically Muslim immigrants, the huge rise in anti-Semitism in Malmo requiring the deployment of armed guards around Jewish community centres, etc. 

These are pretty shocking things to read and in a way it is understandable that people on here, with no direct experience of the area you are talking about (i.e. your home) would seek to dismiss some of the things you are saying, or even accuse you of being a racist, but having interacted with you on here for years that isn't the impression I've ever taken from your posts. So, is there credible evidence in the public domain that supports some of the things mentioned above?

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