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Adama Traore


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I just wish we would give this lad some proper game time. If he fails then we haven't lost anything as we are properly **** as it is anyway.

I've seen this argument used for about a month now. "It can't get any worse!!!!"

.... It could, and it still bloody can.

We have drawn 2 of the last 3 games. With worse team selections we could have lost all 3. Either way, we're still bottom of the league, but is that a good enough reason to thrown caution to the wind? I'm not so sure.

Whilst there is still a mathematical chance of survival, I want Garde to think about the teams he's putting out, and not just say "This defence has conceded too many goals, so I'm going to play a three-man defence of Okore, Bacuna and Sinclair, after all, it CAN'T get any worse!"

Back on topic - I'm all for Adama getting some more game time, but I'm not overly optimistic of our chances, with or without him.

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47 minutes ago, Rob182 said:

I've seen this argument used for about a month now. "It can't get any worse!!!!"

.... It could, and it still bloody can.

We have drawn 2 of the last 3 games. With worse team selections we could have lost all 3. Either way, we're still bottom of the league, but is that a good enough reason to thrown caution to the wind? I'm not so sure.

Whilst there is still a mathematical chance of survival, I want Garde to think about the teams he's putting out, and not just say "This defence has conceded too many goals, so I'm going to play a three-man defence of Okore, Bacuna and Sinclair, after all, it CAN'T get any worse!"

Back on topic - I'm all for Adama getting some more game time, but I'm not overly optimistic of our chances, with or without him.

Playing Traore is hardly going to make things worse, in a 4-5-1, the players who have played ahead of Traore have not contributed anything since the first month of the season, there's little to lose by playing Traore in that formation and everything to gain as far as I'm concerned. 

In a 4-4-2 you have more of an argument, but I seem to recall Hutton getting virtually no protection in that formation either (i.e. against West Ham). 

...and yeah, being this far off 17th at this stage of the season does in fact require us to throw caution to the wind, because our current form will barely see us break the 20 point mark. 

Edited by Dr_Pangloss
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1 hour ago, Rob182 said:

I've seen this argument used for about a month now. "It can't get any worse!!!!"

.... It could, and it still bloody can.

We have drawn 2 of the last 3 games. With worse team selections we could have lost all 3. Either way, we're still bottom of the league, but is that a good enough reason to thrown caution to the wind? I'm not so sure.

Whilst there is still a mathematical chance of survival, I want Garde to think about the teams he's putting out, and not just say "This defence has conceded too many goals, so I'm going to play a three-man defence of Okore, Bacuna and Sinclair, after all, it CAN'T get any worse!"

Back on topic - I'm all for Adama getting some more game time, but I'm not overly optimistic of our chances, with or without him.

I've read a few like this. And while its true, that things could be slightly worse. Is it not also true that things could be better?

Why the focus on being worse than bottom, nailed on for relegation and an embarrassment to the sport? Why are we worried about being worse? Why are we not concerned with being better?

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8 hours ago, DCJonah said:

Well there's clearly different definitions of the word goal for a football context. 

You've just invented your one for Adama. 

Terrible example. 

Players are called selfish all the time - try using a website called 'Google', you might find some examples - but thanks for the assumption that I'm a word smith creating new meanings with the language just putty in my hands, I'll take it as a compliment. 

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1 minute ago, HanoiVillan said:

Players are called selfish all the time - try using a website called 'Google', you might find some examples - but thanks for the assumption that I'm a word smith creating new meanings with the language just putty in my hands, I'll take it as a compliment. 

They may well be. Because they may well fit the definition of being selfish. 

Try using these things called 'eyes' and see how he attempts to cross the ball to team mates and make things happen for his team. Which doesn't fit the definition of selfish.


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With how we're set up, we need everyone to press, cover and track back - so I can understand why Garde hasn't used him much. He lost the ball in the Norwich game, it was about 6 yards away from him and he just trotted off without making an attempt to get it back. 

I think he was almost definitely the wrong type of signing for us, despite his talents. 

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At one point Alan Hutton furiously gestured at him to make a run, or just move dammit. Kinda sums up his playing style so far. Just stand there and wait for the ball so you can attempt to take on 3+ defenders. 

That one ball that Hutton played over the top for him that got him clean through should have got him to rethink his strategy. Clearly he would be devastating running in behind defences given his pace but he's just content with coming short for the ball instead. It's very frustrating, and I can definitely see why Garde does not start him.

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Playing Traore is hardly going to make things worse, in a 4-5-1, the players who have played ahead of Traore have not contributed anything since the first month of the season, there's little to lose by playing Traore in that formation and everything to gain as far as I'm concerned. 

In a 4-4-2 you have more of an argument, but I seem to recall Hutton getting virtually no protection in that formation either (i.e. against West Ham). 

...and yeah, being this far off 17th at this stage of the season does in fact require us to throw caution to the wind, because our current form will barely see us break the 20 point mark. 

Here's that logic again, 'Playing Traore isn't going to make things worse, as the players he'd be replacing haven't contributed anything'. That's not true is it? We HAVE scored goals at times, and our players HAVE tracked back to defend well as a team at times. Even though we've not mustered a win since the first day of the season, we have fought hard for a point against Man City and we have also scored to get us level to earn a point against other teams.

Overall, it's still poor for a team in our position, but saying 'It can't get any worse' is wrong. It can.

I agree that now is the time to try something new. But 'throwing caution to the wind' can be dangerous. How about we play 3 at the back, and go all-out attack? That's on the spirit of 'it can't get any worse', but obviously it can, and if Garde played a 3-4-3 and we lost, he would get slaughtered for throwing away another game.

I've seen this argument used for about a month now. "It can't get any worse!!!!"

.... It could, and it still bloody can.

We have drawn 2 of the last 3 games. With worse team selections we could have lost all 3. Either way, we're still bottom of the league, but is that a good enough reason to thrown caution to the wind? I'm not so sure.

Whilst there is still a mathematical chance of survival, I want Garde to think about the teams he's putting out, and not just say "This defence has conceded too many goals, so I'm going to play a three-man defence of Okore, Bacuna and Sinclair, after all, it CAN'T get any worse!"

Back on topic - I'm all for Adama getting some more game time, but I'm not overly optimistic of our chances, with or without him.

I've read a few like this. And while its true, that things could be slightly worse. Is it not also true that things could be better?

Why the focus on being worse than bottom, nailed on for relegation and an embarrassment to the sport? Why are we worried about being worse? Why are we not concerned with being better?

Of course things can get better Jonah, that much is obvious, but the point that I've made repeatedly is that the manager sees these players more than us. If he thinks that Traore playing for a full game will result in less tracking back, will result in more break downs of the attacking game plan and COULD result in a mazy run leading to a goal, but overall hamper us in the rest of the game, then I'm inclined to trust his judgement until he starts to make huge errors.

Simply calling for the next saviour is easy, but until it happens and we see what the result is, it's nowhere near a certainty that it will actually be fruitful.

Of course the rest of us are worried about being bottom/ embarrassment / nailed on for relegation, but some of us will refrain from calling on a supposed saviour because we have doubt that he is one, or have concerns that he won't fit the tactics that the current manager has been drilling into the team for the past two months.

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Fair enough that you trust the manager, I guess while he is in charge he will pick as he sees fit.

It's got to the stage where I don't trust anything anyone from the club says or does after the complete mess up they've made of things. Unfortunately I'm losing faith slowly in Garde after that mess of a team selection on Saturday.

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34 minutes ago, AntrimBlack said:

Garde simply cannot throw in the towel and go gung ho while we still have a chance of staying up.

he is throwing in the towel by not going for victories though. We cant draw our way to survival

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He is going for victories though. Maybe not all out, but it's unfair to say he isn't trying to win. Besides, playing Adama hardly constitutes as trying to win in itself. It's hardly sacrificing a defender for an attacker is it?

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