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Terrorist Attacks June 2015


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Based on my resolutely unscientific hunch, I'd say the majority of the planet regardless of race, colour, creed, whatever, is homophobic and has women as second class citizens.


I think we live in a relatively small enclave of what we see as enlightenment. I'm not sure women and gays have anything approaching equality in China, or Nepal, or Sikh areas of India, or catholic south america, or Papua New Guinea or the Isle of Man or Northern Ireland. All to greater or lesser degrees. But don't presume urban UK 2015 is the norm.

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I know its a cliché to quote Gandhi but

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."

Whatever you believe, be you Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, atheist etc. 99.99% of people will not condone acts like this.

The only way we will stop things like this happening is by all 99.99% of us working together against the 0.01%

What I've seen the past few days with everyone pulling together trying to help people find their missing family and friends has been incredible.

Usually the Britain first brigade are all over social media with anti-muslim posts but the support and community spirit these past few days has absolutely dwarfed it and has helped reaffirm my faith in humanity somewhat.

I just hope that the recent events like this can be used as a catalyst to those with the most power to make this a higher priority, take it more seriously and find a better way to tackle it.

Edited by jjaacckk91
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That's the thing, the majority of us are good people. Almost 2 billion Muslims, yet people are associating Islam with the very small minority of terrorists rather than everyone else.

And even then, these terrorists can't be classed as Muslims when they carry out the atrocities that they do. 'Save a person, it's as if he has saved the whole of mankind. Kill a person, it's as if he has killed the whole of mankind'.

Even moderate muslims are homophobic and treat women like dogs. I am not sure I would call that "Good" .


Please expand your post more.

Why? My point is clear.

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Based on my resolutely unscientific hunch, I'd say the majority of the planet regardless of race, colour, creed, whatever, is homophobic and has women as second class citizens.


I think we live in a relatively small enclave of what we see as enlightenment. I'm not sure women and gays have anything approaching equality in China, or Nepal, or Sikh areas of India, or catholic south america, or Papua New Guinea or the Isle of Man or Northern Ireland. All to greater or lesser degrees. But don't presume urban UK 2015 is the norm.

Still doesn't mean it's good does it ?

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That's the thing, the majority of us are good people. Almost 2 billion Muslims, yet people are associating Islam with the very small minority of terrorists rather than everyone else.

And even then, these terrorists can't be classed as Muslims when they carry out the atrocities that they do. 'Save a person, it's as if he has saved the whole of mankind. Kill a person, it's as if he has killed the whole of mankind'.

Even moderate muslims are homophobic and treat women like dogs. I am not sure I would call that "Good" .

Please expand your post more.

Why? My point is clear.

It's a disrespectful and absurd claim. To say the 'moderate' muslim treats women as dogs and are homophobic is disgusting especially since Islam gives women more rights than men.
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That's the thing, the majority of us are good people. Almost 2 billion Muslims, yet people are associating Islam with the very small minority of terrorists rather than everyone else.

And even then, these terrorists can't be classed as Muslims when they carry out the atrocities that they do. 'Save a person, it's as if he has saved the whole of mankind. Kill a person, it's as if he has killed the whole of mankind'.

Even moderate muslims are homophobic and treat women like dogs. I am not sure I would call that "Good" .

Not sure where you gathered that information from.

The Qur'an and real life .

How have you managed to avoid that info ?

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That's the thing, the majority of us are good people. Almost 2 billion Muslims, yet people are associating Islam with the very small minority of terrorists rather than everyone else.

And even then, these terrorists can't be classed as Muslims when they carry out the atrocities that they do. 'Save a person, it's as if he has saved the whole of mankind. Kill a person, it's as if he has killed the whole of mankind'.

Even moderate muslims are homophobic and treat women like dogs. I am not sure I would call that "Good" .

Please expand your post more.

Why? My point is clear.

It's a disrespectful and absurd claim. To say the 'moderate' muslim treats women as dogs and are homophobic is disgusting especially since Islam gives women more rights than men.

Disrespectful ? I would say the sexist and homophobic verses in the Qur'an are far more repugnant than me pointing it out!

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That's the thing, the majority of us are good people. Almost 2 billion Muslims, yet people are associating Islam with the very small minority of terrorists rather than everyone else.

And even then, these terrorists can't be classed as Muslims when they carry out the atrocities that they do. 'Save a person, it's as if he has saved the whole of mankind. Kill a person, it's as if he has killed the whole of mankind'.

Even moderate muslims are homophobic and treat women like dogs. I am not sure I would call that "Good" .

Please expand your post more.

Why? My point is clear.

It's a disrespectful and absurd claim. To say the 'moderate' muslim treats women as dogs and are homophobic is disgusting especially since Islam gives women more rights than men.
Disrespectful ? I would say the sexist and homophobic verses in the Qur'an are far more repugnant than me pointing it out!
The bible has incest , homophobic chapters and a whole host of other things that we now find repugnant, in a book written over a thousand ears ago....I suspect , catholic priests excepted , that not many people follow the book to the letter as a result

One of our very good friends are a Muslim couple as a result of our daughters being best friends at school

They observe Ramadan so I guess that makes them practising Muslims ... I've never seen him treat her like a dog or anyone else for that matter , She has a job , she drives a car , she goes to the gym , she drinks beer and so on ... She lives the same lifestyle that we all do ... I've never seen him in a gym tbf but he's one of the nicest blokes I've ever met and his lifestyle and views are the same as pretty much everyone else I've met... In fact that's just one couple (she is Saudi he is Syrian ) we also have the Iranian friend whose BBQ I was at the other day and his wife is Hungarian and rules him with a rid of iron :)

I kinda see the point your trying to put across but it's not one I can subscribe to , sorry

Edited by tonyh29
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And the last 3/4 comments are the problem, taking passages and information from books written thousands of years ago, when raping and pillaging cities was fair game because one group of people felt like they wanted it. Where pulling up your dress and shitting in a street was ok because there was absolutely no sanitization existing. Where out casting disabled people was the norm because God hated them/didn't love them/they were bad in a previous life. Where if you had a headache you had a demon inside your head.

Maybe if everyone on this tiny insignificant rock hurtling through space took more time to future proof ourselves as 1 group pulling in the same direction, rather than fighting, maiming, killing, raping or genociding each other because of these "book of morales" - we'd be in a much better, stable place.

I guarantee if science found out we had 100 years left before an unavoidable meteor smashed us into bits, the powers that be and everyone of us grunts would be pooling together to get shit done.

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I don't doubt that there are "nice" believers who cherry pick which parts of their faith they adhere too. My point is that there seems to be this view that these fanaticals are ruining an otherwise "OK" belief system. If you were to remove all the homicidal believers you would still be left with the dangerous ideology.

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I guarantee if science found out we had 100 years left before an unavoidable meteor smashed us into bits, the powers that be and everyone of us grunts would be pooling together to get shit done.


Plenty of believers would welcome that apocalypse.

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I guarantee if science found out we had 100 years left before an unavoidable meteor smashed us into bits, the powers that be and everyone of us grunts would be pooling together to get shit done.

Why would I need to help if I know my God will keep me safe?


We're pretty screwed while we hang on to religion. Time to grow up humanity.

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Limpid can we alter the name of the thread? With the attacks in Tunisia and Kuwait happening on the same day as the Grenoble attack it might be easier to adjust it? Just a thought.

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There's is a difference between the Bible and the Qur'an though isn't there. The Bible is a collection of writings by many authors, the Qur'an is the word of God, he's talking to man directly. Christians are able to cherry pick the bits they like from the Bible and dismiss other parts, you can't do that with the Qur'an, it's absolute, a dictation from God.

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Limpid can we alter the name of the thread? With the attacks in Tunisia and Kuwait happening on the same day as the Grenoble attack it might be easier to adjust it? Just a thought.

(Not aimed at you personally). Please use the report feature to bring things to the attention of the mods.

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