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Terrorist Attacks June 2015


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It's just like the IRA in the past, the authorities knew the players, like they know who these crazy bastards are too, only as in the past we operate a reactive policy and will only touch them if they are in the process of terrorism, what we need to do is change our rules of engagement to be able to act first to save lives.

Yeah because internment was a great **** success wan't it?

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That's the thing, the majority of us are good people. Almost 2 billion Muslims, yet people are associating Islam with the very small minority of terrorists rather than everyone else.

And even then, these terrorists can't be classed as Muslims when they carry out the atrocities that they do. 'Save a person, it's as if he has saved the whole of mankind. Kill a person, it's as if he has killed the whole of mankind'.

With 2 billion Muslims do you think this community should be doing more to wipe out the extremists operating under the same/similar religiosity banner?

What ate you doing to stop the racist attacks in America?

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That's the thing, the majority of us are good people. Almost 2 billion Muslims, yet people are associating Islam with the very small minority of terrorists rather than everyone else.

And even then, these terrorists can't be classed as Muslims when they carry out the atrocities that they do. 'Save a person, it's as if he has saved the whole of mankind. Kill a person, it's as if he has killed the whole of mankind'.

With 2 billion Muslims do you think this community should be doing more to wipe out the extremists operating under the same/similar religiosity banner?

What ate you doing to stop the racist attacks in America?



I don't think he's having an open conversation or answering supplementary questions from others.


Anyway, I'm still waiting for the white people of Germany to apologise for the murder of 9 blacks in an american church.

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It's just like the IRA in the past, the authorities knew the players, like they know who these crazy bastards are too, only as in the past we operate a reactive policy and will only touch them if they are in the process of terrorism, what we need to do is change our rules of engagement to be able to act first to save lives.

Yeah because internment was a great **** success wan't it?

I take you've never been on the receiving end of incoming rounds or roadside bombs knowing that the **** firing at you/ trying to blow you up are known to and could of been taken out by the authorities before they had the chance to endanger you or anyone else. It's not a nice feeling watching your mate die when it could and should of been avoided by not having a rule of engagement that only we adhere to.

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The Muslim world is ****. Too much infighting, instability, poverty, anarchy, terrorist leaders, corruption, Western string pulling has led us down this path. To fix the problem will take the Muslim world coming together and working towards a better solution. However this is also dependant on no more western and Saudi corruption and interference.

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Peace in the Middle East is dependant on The Magic Kingdom and Tehrran burying a 1300 year old hatchet that both are currently the main weilders of, which has been used to split Islam into two.

A combination of hydrocarbons, patronage and Persian feelings of racial superiority over the Arabs, make that an unlikely occurance anytime soon.

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I'd mistakenly thought it was just an open conversation.

No biggy.

It was a simple question. If you think the answer is no then that's fine, just need to say it.

I was watching the news last night and the ITV reporter was in Tunisia doing his thing retracing the steps the man took, where he lived etc. He also then showed the Mosque he used to pray at which was known to be a more mainstream "moderate" preaching mosque. Then onto the new Mosque which was regarded by the locals as delivering a far more radical flavour and potentially producing others like this man.

It was the kind of thing I was thinking of with the Muslim community coming together. If indeed this was completely factual reporting then maybe the Muslim community could be doing more to stop the radicalisation of young people be shutting down these kind of mosques and preaching in the local community. I don't know, just a thought.

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I'd mistakenly thought it was just an open conversation.

No biggy.

It was a simple question. If you think the answer is no then that's fine, just need to say it.

I was watching the news last night and the ITV reporter was in Tunisia doing his thing retracing the steps the man took, where he lived etc. He also then showed the Mosque he used to pray at which was known to be a more mainstream "moderate" preaching mosque. Then onto the new Mosque which was regarded by the locals as delivering a far more radical flavour and potentially producing others like this man.

It was the kind of thing I was thinking of with the Muslim community coming together. If indeed this was completely factual reporting then maybe the Muslim community could be doing more to stop the radicalisation of young people be shutting down these kind of mosques and preaching in the local community. I don't know, just a thought.

The president of tunisia has already vowed to shut down radical mosques, yet its hardly been reported in our media


Also as ive said before, i have heard imams give talks at jummah about extremeists and isis and completley condemming them and im sure on eid prayers they will do the same thing.

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Egypt are also removing all books of scholars that belong to the Salafi movement from all mosques in the country. While completely futile and counterproductive (people will start associating dissension towards the dictatorial state with Salafism) , it at least shows that Muslims are indeed trying to stop radicalization within their community.

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Egypt are also removing all books of scholars that belong to the Salafi movement from all mosques in the country. While completely futile and counterproductive (people will start associating dissension towards the dictatorial state with Salafism) , it at least shows that Muslims are indeed trying to stop radicalization within their community.

Problem is these things are not mass reported here by the media as it doesnt fot their agenda.
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That's the thing, the majority of us are good people. Almost 2 billion Muslims, yet people are associating Islam with the very small minority of terrorists rather than everyone else.

And even then, these terrorists can't be classed as Muslims when they carry out the atrocities that they do. 'Save a person, it's as if he has saved the whole of mankind. Kill a person, it's as if he has killed the whole of mankind'.



Even moderate muslims are homophobic and treat women like dogs. I am not sure I would call that "Good" .

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That's the thing, the majority of us are good people. Almost 2 billion Muslims, yet people are associating Islam with the very small minority of terrorists rather than everyone else.

And even then, these terrorists can't be classed as Muslims when they carry out the atrocities that they do. 'Save a person, it's as if he has saved the whole of mankind. Kill a person, it's as if he has killed the whole of mankind'.

Even moderate muslims are homophobic and treat women like dogs. I am not sure I would call that "Good" .

Not sure where you gathered that information from.
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Good to see that both the government and opposition* haven't missed the opportunity to call for more 'powers' for security services (more cross party consensus for the snooper's charter stuff in that, I'd guess) and celebrate putting the Prevent strategy on a statutory footing.

* Others may also have done but I turned the radio off when some fool got up and asked what was going to be done by her hon. friend to ensure that a murderous rampage like the one in Tunisia won't happen again.

Edited by snowychap
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The Grenoble attack looks like an unstable person having issues who has tried to lend some misguided legitimacy to their actions by bringing along a flag. Like that 'cleric' who held up the Australian cafe.

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That's the thing, the majority of us are good people. Almost 2 billion Muslims, yet people are associating Islam with the very small minority of terrorists rather than everyone else.

And even then, these terrorists can't be classed as Muslims when they carry out the atrocities that they do. 'Save a person, it's as if he has saved the whole of mankind. Kill a person, it's as if he has killed the whole of mankind'.

Even moderate muslims are homophobic and treat women like dogs. I am not sure I would call that "Good" .


Please expand your post more.

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