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Have you ever lost your wallet ?


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I did, a couple years ago in Rome at the top of the Spanish steps at noon.

Then a teenage rumanian girl found it on a step, after I'd yelled at her "mother" and towards a police officer nearby. Got it back, nothing was missing. I forgot to thank the girl though.

Edited by AVTuco
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I **** hate them videos, oh look how nice the people in the world are, oh look the black one legged dude is spending my money, he looks a little ghetto so he must be, oh wait the black ghetto dude is acutally not a bastard, lets put some soppy music behind it and the youtube world will praise him and most importantly they will praise us for creating an uplifting hearty video that shows the good natured people we have in the world.


go **** yourselves, for everyone person that would give it back there is another who would take it.


I wish he would have used his card and then sparked them out when they confronted him, would have served them right in the first place for giving someone the oppurtunity to do it.


Any no I've never lost my wallet, if I found one that had a name or address in it then I would try and return it, if it had a couple of quid in it and no way to trace the owner then hellz yeah I would spend it.

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Also if I was that dude I would have told them to go **** themselves for pouncing on me and accusing me of thieving from them when they purposely allowed the opportunity to present itself, what would they have done if it was a proper bad ass that found it?

Also how did the ghetto hopper not notice them following? They weren't exactly discreet about it was they

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Day after my 21st birthday got the bus into town, wallet fell out of my pocket and I didn't realise. About £250 in it. Didn't realise as I got off the bus, walked into town a bit, then found it was gone.

Retraced my steps, couldn't see it, went in to shops along the way asking if anything had been handed in, it hadn't. Tried the office at the bus station finally, and lo and behold the driver was in there with it. I was so elated and not really thinking straight that I didn't give the chap a tenner, as I should have, just said thanks and shook his hand.

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Day after my 21st birthday got the bus into town, wallet fell out of my pocket and I didn't realise. About £250 in it. Didn't realise as I got off the bus, walked into town a bit, then found it was gone.

Retraced my steps, couldn't see it, went in to shops along the way asking if anything had been handed in, it hadn't. Tried the office at the bus station finally, and lo and behold the driver was in there with it. I was so elated and not really thinking straight that I didn't give the chap a tenner, as I should have, just said thanks and shook his hand.

You should have shoved a camera in his face and accused him of being a thief before giving him the tenner

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Never lost my wallet, but have found 3 over the years.


1) In Manchester as a student - had his ID inside so tracked down through student union.


2) In India, at a cashpoint, daft bloke left his wallet on top with the money he had just taken out.   Had contact details inside, so rang him to let him know, and posted his wallet to him.


3) In Cineworld in Birmingham, on a seat. Must have fallen out of his pocket.  Handed it to the cinema desk.  Hopefully, he got it back, but maybe i should have contacted him directly. 



I did lose a hat and an umbrella in a pub once though. Annoying - i really liked the hat. 

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Ive lost mine twice, got it back both times.


They phoned me up and told me where they were.

i bought chocolate and beer as thank you gift.


Would never dream of taking anything from a wallet if i found one, perhaps when i was younger i would, but not now



A guy here in sweden found £200 000 on a bus, he turned it in to the police

Found out later it was the life savings of an old lady, who had lost it on the bus when she was bringing it to the bank..

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Ive lost mine twice, got it back both times.

They phoned me up and told me where they were.

i bought chocolate and beer as thank you gift.

Would never dream of taking anything from a wallet if i found one, perhaps when i was younger i would, but not now

A guy here in sweden found £200 000 on a bus, he turned it in to the police

Found out later it was the life savings of an old lady, who had lost it on the bus when she was bringing it to the bank..

I'd be more inclined to pocket £20 rather than £200

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No. I'm not an idiot.



I did find a wallet outside Villa Park about 4 years ago. It belonged to someone in the RAF or one of the forces. Full of credit cards but no cash.

Took it to Queens Road nick and never heard anything about it again.

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I don't have a wallet.  They're too important to lose and it'll happen eventually.  My cash and the few cards I need go into a trouser pocket, and if I lose my trousers then it was probably worth it.

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I put my change from a round of drinks in my jeans pocket the other day and about five minutes later I spotted the £5 note on the floor by my feet .. drawback of being a slob and always having my hands in my pockets I suppose  , but for that reason I'm a wallet man , I like the feel of it and thus know my money is there


never lost one , even on alcohol, related incidences ..

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Never lost my wallet, but there was a period of maybe 3 or 4 years when I'd thought I'd lost it maybe once every couple of months, and I'd race around my apartment in a panic. Clearly symptomatic of something else at the time, but I can't explain it!

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Ive lost mine twice, got it back both times.


They phoned me up and told me where they were.

i bought chocolate and beer as thank you gift.


Would never dream of taking anything from a wallet if i found one, perhaps when i was younger i would, but not now



A guy here in sweden found £200 000 on a bus, he turned it in to the police

Found out later it was the life savings of an old lady, who had lost it on the bus when she was bringing it to the bank..

Old people still hide their cash in holes in the ground, it's amazing. Two world wars and one Great Depression will shake your trust in banks, I suppose.

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Ive lost mine twice, got it back both times.

They phoned me up and told me where they were.

i bought chocolate and beer as thank you gift.

Would never dream of taking anything from a wallet if i found one, perhaps when i was younger i would, but not now

A guy here in sweden found £200 000 on a bus, he turned it in to the police

Found out later it was the life savings of an old lady, who had lost it on the bus when she was bringing it to the bank..

Old people still hide their cash in holes in the ground, it's amazing. Two world wars and one Great Depression will shake your trust in banks, I suppose.
There's a fantastic story connected to this in Samuel Pepys's diary (which is a great read, BTW). During a period of instability in London (fire, plague, etc.) he got paranoid about burglars, as he had a load of paper money stashed in his house - I guess this is before banks really got going. His in-laws lived in a quiet village in Norfolk, so when his missus went to visit her folks, he gave her the money and told her to bury it in her dad's back garden. He spent several days worrying until she got back, but she turned up, telling him she'd done as he asked. "What sort of box did you use?" he asked. "Box?" she said. "You didn't say anything about a box..." Cue the 17th C version of "FFFFUUUUUCCCCKKKKK!!!!"

He had to get on the stagecoach and go down there and dig it up - fortunately not too decomposed. She wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, Mrs. Pepys.

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I don't have a wallet.  They're too important to lose and it'll happen eventually.  My cash and the few cards I need go into a trouser pocket, and if I lose my trousers then it was probably worth it.

Absolutely this for me. I learned this at an early age in Torquay, when I found a wallet with £40 in. I must have been about 8 or 9. So we handed it to the police (how quaint try doing that these days). Six months later no one had claimed it so it was sent to me in the post. I think my distrust of the wallet stems from that very day. £40 was a shitload of money to a junior school kid in 1973ish and I just think that I've always had it in the back of my mind ever since that a wallet was a stupid idea

On the related note above, have you ever tried to hand in lost property to the police these days? Its a good two hour argument to get them to take it, an argument with some civilian desk person with a dictator complex. Merseyside Police won't take lost property if the person handing it in knows where it belongs (rule 1. never tell them you know where its from). They won't take it if THEY deem it of no or low value. (Is this really their job?) and worst of all they will not give you a receipt for the item or a reference number in case you do track down the owner in the end. Thing is if you keep the item you are breaking the law, theft by finding. This is now my latest ruse with the desk idiot. "Do you realise you are making me break the law and are therefore culpable in a crime?", they usually have to go and get someone with stripes on their sleeves. Then my argument starts again… I've managed to get up to Inspector level so far, who threatened to charge me with wasting police time, to which the response "lets see how that plays out in court shall we" finally got the lost property taken off my hands. The police are too bust not creating paperwork these days to actually do their job in any recognisable form

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Again if I found a wallet with no way of tracing the owner and it had £40 or £50 in it then the money would go straight in my pocket, if I list mine I would expect the finder to do exactly the same thing, hey its like a little present from me to them.

I'd cancel my cards and buy another wallet I wouldn't even think to contact the police to see if it had been handed in

Maybe it's because I'm from erdington and don't have a very high opinion of people (including myself) who hail from B23

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