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Witcher 3


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I dont understand what you lot are talking about finding wolf and griffin armour?





Witcher Gear Sets

There are five witcher gear sets in the game, these represent the diffrent witcherschools. Most sets contain armour, silver sword and steel sword and are upgradeble.


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There are different 'schools' of witcher armour, Griffin, Bear, Cat etc. These are high ranking armour sets that you can upgrade to different levels and provide certain stat boosts (Griffin armour for example improves sign strength iirc). Finding these armour sets involves treasure hunts for the diagrams.

I'm currently wearing enhanced griffin armour but the cat school probably suits my play style more so working on getting those on and off currently.

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I can't get to grips with the items, potions, alchemy, weapons & equipment side of the game at all. The menus make no sense to me, its to overwhelming and the tiny text means that if I could make sense of it then I'd still have no idea what I'm doing.

All that plus the janky movement and crap water effects still hardly make a dent in my overall enjoyment of the game. Its amazing.


I honestly can't like this enough as i totally agree.


The crafting and alchemy menus are confusing the hell out of me at the moment and all the menus and options are very overwhelming but the cut scenes are so well done its hard not to be pulled into the world, the characters feel real and you care. No idea why but i love this game.


I'm struggling so badly its untrue, killing that blokes mutated baby took me about 7 goes and i had to whack it down to the easiest level to do it. I think i need to do more collecting and side quests as i think im only level 3 or 4 at the moment, maybe i should be higher?

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ive spent the last 3 nights getting cash, buying the different notes / recipes etc for the potions / oils / bombs and then finding the stuff to craft them, probably about 10hrs playtime in total, not taken anything off the actual story or side quests


i do like that once you've made it its yours and all you have to do is replenish it rather than try and craft it again


runes is the next one to try and get my head around

Edited by villa4europe
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Only just realised you can fail secondary quests by advancing the main storyline too soon.  It's not like I was rushing through it either, I must be 100+ hours deep and haven't even gone to Skellige yet.  Now I'm frantically trying to cover every square inch of the map.

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Finally finished it after 2 weeks of playing it nearly every night - easily the best game so far this generation.  The way the side missions told stories rather than 'x person wants this it's 4000 metres away, go' is what set it apart for me.

It rewards you for taking your time and exploring everything, even in a mission the outcomes can be different based on a seemingly insignificant thing that you did.

Loved the way the two seperate storys tied into each other in Velen with the Baron and the Crones, something you don't see coming but if you pay attention you can see it before it's revealed. Likewise with that sorcerress who turns into an owl and a few others who pop up in side missions


I almost totally ignored potions/crafting though, found almost all my equipment and weapons from treasure hunts and contracts. Swallow is pretty much all you need, the oil's for specific enemies sometimes but they're not really neccessary either.

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I'm struggling so badly its untrue, killing that blokes mutated baby took me about 7 goes and i had to whack it down to the easiest level to do it. I think i need to do more collecting and side quests as i think im only level 3 or 4 at the moment, maybe i should be higher?


I was at level 11 at that mission.. You certainly should level up a bit before moving on..

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I didn't fight it, you can talk your way in to the baron burying it instead and then you just have to fight some wraiths

I went to skellige last night, was expecting it to be a small island or something with a couple of missions, took one look at the size of it and then went back to do all the secondary missions in velen

Edited by villa4europe
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I didn't fight it, you can talk your way in to the baron burying it instead and then you just have to fight some wraiths

I went to skellige last night, was expecting it to be a small island or something with a couple of missions, took one look at the size of it and then went back to do all the secondary missions in velen

There's maps you can buy to unlock the fast travel points, as I said above I have only been in skelliga & I'm level 23 with superior griffin set. It's def worth clearing Novigrad & Velen. All I have left there are Gwent quests Edited by mightysasquatch
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I haven't been in the Gaming threads for months, and now I've just read this whole thread and got myself all excited (oo er).

Maybe this will be the game that forces me to get a PS4, as I've not really been bothered about any games since I sunk many hours into Skyrim on PS3.

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According to ign I'm 22 main story missions out of 40, probably about 50% of the way through the side quests and 25% on the witcher contracts and 0% through Gwent

According to the game clock (which is meant to be bugged) I'm 106 hours in

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I'm kind of running out of steam now with this. Think I may have to come back to it, just seems to take forever to get anything done on it.

Been in Skellige for a while now, I held off as much as possible before getting here (almost level 24) armor/weapons to superior levels & most bombs ect superior levels to. Getting round Skellige is kind of grating on me, I like to clear all the undiscovered locations but there's no many here. I don't know if I care enough to get them all

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Yeah, the main island in Skellige is probably the game's weakest section in terms of how much it shows up the sometimes lacklustre controls; to get from A to B you have to either spend forever detouring round unscalable mountains or try to glitch Roach up the side of them.  Shows up the minimap/waypoint system too, as more often than not the game can't decide which direction to send you in to get to your destination.  A real drop in quality seeing as - if you follow the natural order of the main quests - Skellige comes after a predominantly flat Velen (i.e. easy to get around) and a wonderfully realised Novigrad.  Really suffers by comparison, you find yourself fast travelling more and more and that just starts to feel like a constant reel of loading screens.


That said, after numerous attempts I have finally managed to rack up a +200 score in a single round of Gwent (twice).  A Northern Realms deck with the right cards gives you the potential to bring 4 spy cards to the table, mix those in with the right combination of horns, medics, hero cards and cards with synergy (two Northern Realms 8-point Catapults next to each other with a Commander's Horn on your back row gets a whopping 64 points) and you are laughing all the way to Vivaldi's Bank.


I think I'm actually addicted to it, as on numerous occasions I've found myself audibly cursing at newly discovered merchants who don't have the dialogue option to play.


My name is Gareth, and I have a Gwent problem.

Edited by GarethRDR
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Yeah, the main island in Skellige is probably the game's weakest section in terms of how much it shows up the sometimes lacklustre controls; to get from A to B you have to either spend forever detouring round unscalable mountains or try to glitch Roach up the side of them.  Shows up the minimap/waypoint system too, as more often than not the game can't decide which direction to send you in to get to your destination.  A real drop in quality seeing as - if you follow the natural order of the main quests - Skellige comes after a predominantly flat Velen (i.e. easy to get around) and a wonderfully realised Novigrad.  Really suffers by comparison, you find yourself fast travelling more and more and that just starts to feel like a constant reel of loading screens.



I never got bored in Skellige, the incredible soundtrack in that area alone made up for the fact it's mostly unpassable mountains and islands.

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