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Witcher 3


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It really is an amazing game. I've done over 100 hours and still not completed it. I have been doing most of the side stuff first though. If you have the pc to run it, I'd get it on there. Being able to lock the fps down to 60 is a must.


Managed to see a whale today. The noise it made scare me a little..



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Got this today and I look forward to having a blast on it tonight after all the high praise you lot and the rest of the gaming society have heaped on it. 


I think I was a little harsh on The Witcher 2. Maybe I didn't give it a good enough go. I shall persevere with this until I love it.

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Got this today and I look forward to having a blast on it tonight after all the high praise you lot and the rest of the gaming society have heaped on it. 


I think I was a little harsh on The Witcher 2. Maybe I didn't give it a good enough go. I shall persevere with this until I love it.


It's quite a bit different from Witcher 2 anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much  :thumb:

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The only aspect I'm left struggling with is the lack of signposting and I'm still struggling with how to keep my health topped up, what items have what affects on certain weapons etc...

My brain hurts thinking about it :(

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You can meditate to regain health. After a fight, if you feel like your health is too low, just meditate for one hour and you go back to full yeah and restores all potions if you have alcohol in your inventory.

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I only ever seem to have about 1 potion and a couple of bits of food during a battle.

I'm also stuck on the

werewolf battle for the 3 witches. Aparrantly I'm supposed to have some mods for weapons and a specific type of bomb but have no idea how to attain such things. How do people find or know these things?

Also supposed to read about werewolves before hand to learn their weaknesses. What do I read? How do I find it? etc.... Its all this type of malarkey that is stopping me from truly loving it :(

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I only ever seem to have about 1 potion and a couple of bits of food during a battle.

I'm also stuck on the

werewolf battle for the 3 witches. Aparrantly I'm supposed to have some mods for weapons and a specific type of bomb but have no idea how to attain such things. How do people find or know these things?

Also supposed to read about werewolves before hand to learn their weaknesses. What do I read? How do I find it? etc.... Its all this type of malarkey that is stopping me from truly loving it :(

In the menu there's a bestiary section, if you go to the 'beast' and move the cursor right it highlights the weaknesses(bottom centre screen) it has.


also if its the bit I remember the werewolf isn't what you're looking for

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But the bestiary only has info on those monsters you've already read about doesn't it? If I haven't read about a certain creature in a book then the bestiary won't have it. Where are these books?

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There's tonnes of stuff for it on YouTube, my concern is there's a huge amount of stuff that could be missed, think I'll play through it once doing it off the cuff and then I'll play it again with a guide and a good idea about what I want from it

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The creatures you encounter also break down into different types of creature (hybrids, draconids, etc etc). In my experience so far, these groups of creature have very similar weaknesses, so if you do encounter something completely new, chances are you've met a similar beast already so just use the same oils and signs.

I've spent all afternoon today running around collecting Griffin School gear and clearing ?s off the map. It's glorious :D

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I've only played scout 3 hours in total so far and I have no idea what I'm doing yet but really enjoying it so far. As others have mentioned the small writing is an annoyance but that's a minor thing compared to splendour that is this game.

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So I got this for PC but my GPU just isn't  quite good enough. Which is annoying 'cos it was a pretty decent GPU just a couple of years ago. Now i'm torn whether to upgrade my GFX card on PC or buy the game on Xbone. I have to play it on the "low" settings and there's just soooo many "pop ins" it's almost unplayable. The FOV isn't great on lowest settings either.

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So I got this for PC but my GPU just isn't  quite good enough. Which is annoying 'cos it was a pretty decent GPU just a couple of years ago. Now i'm torn whether to upgrade my GFX card on PC or buy the game on Xbone. I have to play it on the "low" settings and there's just soooo many "pop ins" it's almost unplayable. The FOV isn't great on lowest settings either.


I still get pop in on my GTX 980. Seems like it is a problem with the game. There are certain settings that you can turn down and get a massive fps increase for little or no graphical affect on the game. Shadows, hairworks and foliage distance are the main ones. Even with a 980 i still have to turn shadows from Ultra to high and same with foliage distance and turn hairworks off for a smooth locked 60 fps.

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On Gwent, my colleague from work just sent me this, pretty thorough:


Hey dude, I went a little bit nerdy on this…


My personal approach varies by Kingdom (ie: Northern Deck/ Nilfgaard Deck/ etc.). At the beginning you only have a Northern Kingdom Deck as you need a minimum number of cards to play and have to collect more by either buying them from merchants/innkeepers or by winning them with your Northern Deck to start with.

Going forward, when I say “Deck” I mean the pool of cards you can setup pre-game and when I say “Hand” I mean the 10 cards you get dealt.


Different Kingdoms have different strengths and approaches so I’ll keep to my Northern Kingdom approach for this one and touch on the others at the end.


1.       Groundwork. Building a winning deck is key and with the Northern Deck I have found that less is more. You have to have a minimum number of cards to play but there is no upper limit. You get 10 cards to play with in a game, drawn from a deck that could have 30+, so the first thing I do is get rid of every weak card in my deck so that I’m only playing cards with a strength of 4 and above (excluding spys where lower is better). This increases your chances of getting a strong hand in-game.

a.       I always have a medic in my deck. You’ll see why shortly.

b.      I always have a decoy in my deck.

c.       I always have a spy in my deck (preferably one with a low strength)


2.       In-game strategy. Once you have been dealt your hand in game you should build an idea of how you want to win 2 out of the 3 rounds. As the Northern Kingdom’s Deck has a perk that gives you an extra card when you win a round, I generally aim to win the first round (gaining an extra card) and then lose the second intentionally, drawing as many of the enemy cards as possible into paly (using it as a chance to build my deck to outnumber the enemy in the last round).


3.       In-game plays. To achieve the above, there are some nifty tricks to keep in mind.

a.       If you have drawn medics into your hand, keep them until the final round. This allows you to play your strongest normal cards in round 1 to secure the win and then resurrect them from the discard pile (effectively a 2 card swing).

b.      Playing a spy gives its strength to the opponents hand but allows you to draw two more cards from your deck (which you should have stuffed with strong cards). Therefore I play spies in round 2 (which I aim to lose and build cards during).

c.       Playing a decoy allows you to switch a card from your side in the game into your hand for later. There are two great ways to use decoys:

                                                               i.      In round 2 I aim to draw out as much of the opposition hand as possible – making them waste their cards on a round I plan to lose. A decoy allows you to play a strong card and then switch it out.

                                                             ii.      When your opponent plays a spy, you can use a decoy to take that spy for yourself and play it right back to gain 2 cards for yourself. Generally you want to play a spy (or two) in a round you aim to lose.


That should get you going in the right direction! Other key considerations are cards that boost one another when played together (called “close bond” I believe) – look out for symbols that indicate this, as doubling or tripling the strength of a row can be brutal.


Other decks have perks that allow one card to immediately play every card of the same name from both your hand and your deck (called “call to arms” I believe) – watch out for this when playing Monsters decks as it can catch you out big time but also deplete their cards – aim to lose the round when this happens as you can end up against huge scorelines!


Let me know if you have any other questions – I love this sh*t. 


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