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The Chairman Mao resembling, Monarchy hating, threat to Britain, Labour Party thread


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56 minutes ago, bickster said:

There is no such mechanism, the HoC can censure him and take other action but not get rid

It's not a formal removal process, no, and it's not binding, but there's plenty of precedent for such motions and it was such a motion that pressured Martin into resigning

Admittedly that was before the post-shame era of politics.

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According to his office, he knew Abbott wanted to be one of the speakers on the subject, but there wasn’t time to give everyone a go.

The man is a fool.


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Labour proposing to stop ticket re-sellers by imposing a 10% max profit on their face value. Seems like a great policy. They have however 'teamed-up' to announce this, with Will Young.

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8 minutes ago, Jareth said:

Labour proposing to stop ticket re-sellers by imposing a 10% max profit on their face value. Seems like a great policy. They have however 'teamed-up' to announce this, with Will Young.

If I didn't know better, I'd say they've been rummaging around in the big box titled "things that will be universally popular and grab some headlines that won't cost any money, to distract from how little we can do straight away about the important stuff".

(not a criticism by the way, seems like a pretty sensible way to get through the next couple of years)

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11 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

If I didn't know better, I'd say they've been rummaging around in the big box titled "things that will be universally popular and grab some headlines that won't cost any money, to distract from how little we can do straight away about the important stuff".

(not a criticism by the way, seems like a pretty sensible way to get through the next couple of years)

It made me laugh as heard it in the car on Radio 1 this morning, I mean Will Young is just such a dad suggestion for a current pop star - I think even Radio 2 hold off playing his stuff.

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28 minutes ago, Jareth said:

Labour proposing to stop ticket re-sellers by imposing a 10% max profit on their face value. Seems like a great policy. They have however 'teamed-up' to announce this, with Will Young.

Quite silly really

Street touts don't really exist any more because the ticket sellers were allowed to start a "fan resale" facility aka the secondary ticket market and tickets have gone electronic. Fans with spares get ripped off by a corporation now, fans buying secondary tickets get ripped off by a corporation. Reduce the corporations head room, they just reduce the offer price to the fan with the spare to maintain their margin. Fan gets further ripped off, fan decides he might be better off trying to pass it on outside the venue

Trying to regulate this market will just push it back to individuals trying to punt their own spares outside venues

But anyway great headline but they've just decided to lower the price the fan with the spare gets which in turn will lower the amount of legal spare tickets there are

Dare I say it, it's quite the Cortbynesque policy statement. Made up on the fly with little actual thought about the consequences of the actions

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33 minutes ago, bickster said:

Quite silly really

Street touts don't really exist any more because the ticket sellers were allowed to start a "fan resale" facility aka the secondary ticket market and tickets have gone electronic. Fans with spares get ripped off by a corporation now, fans buying secondary tickets get ripped off by a corporation. Reduce the corporations head room, they just reduce the offer price to the fan with the spare to maintain their margin. Fan gets further ripped off, fan decides he might be better off trying to pass it on outside the venue

Trying to regulate this market will just push it back to individuals trying to punt their own spares outside venues

But anyway great headline but they've just decided to lower the price the fan with the spare gets which in turn will lower the amount of legal spare tickets there are

Dare I say it, it's quite the Cortbynesque policy statement. Made up on the fly with little actual thought about the consequences of the actions

Don't really agree with this take, if people are genuinely trying to resell because they bought a ticket and can no longer go, they're not going to be put off by "only" getting 10% profit (will be interested in seeing the detail - "face value" suggests fees are excluded, I think they should be included so you can recover the full cost)

Twickets works well encouraging no listing prices above face value and is where I get/sell most of my tickets. It might change where scumbag touts try and do their business, but I wouldn't expect it to have much if any impact on fans offloading spares unless they're trying to gouge instead of just pass on the spare for a fair price. I also don't agree that there will be noticeably fewer spares - what's the thinking here? "I have a spare ticket...well, I'm only allowed to get back what I paid plus 10%....not worth it"? I suspect the number of people that can't be bothered selling them unless they can make a bigger profit is quite small.

Mind you, these days I think touts are less of a problem than Ticketmaster and their surge pricing bullshit.

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1 hour ago, ml1dch said:

If I didn't know better, I'd say they've been rummaging around in the big box titled "things that will be universally popular and grab some headlines that won't cost any money, to distract from how little we can do straight away about the important stuff".

(not a criticism by the way, seems like a pretty sensible way to get through the next couple of years)

Sounds to me like they are unfairly penalising hard working entrepreneurs. How are their profits going to trickle down to the homeless now? 

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34 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

Mind you, these days I think touts are less of a problem than Ticketmaster and their surge pricing bullshit.

This whole policy is as a result of the court case yesterday, where a "family of touts" used resale sites like Viagogo to make vast amounts of money fraudulently. Selling tickets for the likes of Ed Sheeran, Lady Gaga et al at vastly inflated prices. As usual it was presented as protecting the fans when in reality it was as it always has been about making more money for the big promoters

That's the Corbynesque element of this new policy and its also the likes of Ticketmaster that this is also aimed at but you won't find promoters taking Ticketmaster to court over their "surge" pricing because they all benefit. Everytime these issues come about, the Govt of whatever flavour, f*** it up and end up making the promoters more money. That's exactly what happened last time they had a consultation on it and that's how the secondary market came about

In the good old days, if an event sold out, you'd return the tickets to box office, they'd sell them at face value (plus booking fee) then return the original ticket price to the original customer. Box office makes two booking fees, original customer gets money back minus booking fee. Anything that operates differently to that will be gouging someone somewhere along the line. It never gets sorted like that though

Labour allowing a 10% mark up is very silly, that still encourages touting. Tickets to a big gig can be in excess of £100 add your 10% enough times and you start to make a decent wage. Also setting a limit of 10% will virtually guarantee that any sold out show will always be 10% more for a resale ticket

Corbyns populist policy unit seems to be still active

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Yep, allowing any profit on resale keeps the industry players in the game.

You get a stadium tour, 4 or 5 UK dates, 70,000 at each date, £100 a ticket, siphon off a few % of those tickets and you’ve built yourself a 10% resale on thousands of £100 tickets. It’s a nice little 6 figure additional income.

My missus, for her sins, wanted to see Coldplay at the Millenium. Capacity of 74,500, and it was £160 for a ticket.

10% mark up on a couple of thousand of those ain’t stopping industrial touting.


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I had a mass produced letter from Labour today which was interesting for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, it is urging me to vote from home in the next election and to scan the QR code to apply for a postal vote. Are they preparing for The Tories setting the GE at an inconvenient time? 

Secondly, it’s apparently written by Angela Rayner with her picture across the top. Do they think the electorate will be likely do what they want if requested by her rather than SKS?

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6 hours ago, Genie said:

Firstly, it is urging me to vote from home in the next election and to scan the QR code to apply for a postal vote. Are they preparing for The Tories setting the GE at an inconvenient time? 

It could be because it's proven difficult to get the word out about voter ID. You don't need voter ID for postal votes. Also postal votes tend to be good for people with busy lives .

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It would be interesting to know the stats for Royal Mail losing post and delivering it inexplicably late, versus the number of fake voters that were turning up at polling stations.

The mail around here is in a state of collapse, we’ll get nothing for 4 or 5 days and then we’ll get a bunch of mail delivered and a few of them won’t even be for this address.


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7 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

It would be interesting to know the stats for Royal Mail losing post and delivering it inexplicably late, versus the number of fake voters that were turning up at polling stations.

No idea for the first number (how would anyone know :mrgreen:), but the second is very small. Sm small that the motivation for voter ID was not related to fraud.

5 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

The mail around here is in a state of collapse, we’ll get nothing for 4 or 5 days and then we’ll get a bunch of mail delivered and a few of them won’t even be for this address.

I must admit, I usually hand mine in at my polling station as I'km usually local. It's not like they send them out at the last minute though.

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6 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

Sad to see Starmer jumping onto the England football kit flag motif debate and asking Nike to replace it with a proper English flag for proper English people.


He was asked a question about it and he answered that he didn’t think there was a need to change the flag. It seems the obvious answer really. He also said the price of the shirts was too high. 

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5 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

Sad to see Starmer jumping onto the England football kit flag motif debate and asking Nike to replace it with a proper English flag for proper English people.


Emily Thornberry was doubling down on this during the media rounds this morning too. It was quite possibly the only topic she didn't dodge, which is almost impressive.

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Since the UK’s highly divisive 2016 vote to leave the European Union, the country’s political discourse has spun wildly off center. The economy is in deep decline, the cost of living has spiraled, and public services are collapsing—water deregulation has left Britain swimming in a moat of its own excrement. The national conversation has been dominated by the Conservative government’s cartoonish policies and culture wars over gender, “wokery,” and climate change. The ruling party has abandoned the political center ground to govern from the fringes. In doing so, it has thinned the membrane that separates the mainstream from the dark currents of far-right extremism and misinformation that flow online.

In that bullshit cinematic universe, Khan is a recurring character, a unifying figure for a dissonant global coalition of racists, conspiracists, anti-vaxxers, and climate change deniers. There’s a fictional Sadiq Khan who lives on the internet and in the heads of the far right, and a fictional London that he runs—a “Londonistan” given over to migrants, extremism, and knife crime; a dire warning of the cost of liberal leftist rule. This is partly why Khan needs that police protection. Threats to his life are routine now, part of the violence that has returned to British politics for the first time in decades...

... Disinformation isn’t always about favoring a particular side. It helps hostile authoritarian states like Russia—or domestic authoritarians like Trump—undermine the foundations of governance, causing people to lose faith in democracy itself. “The objective is to get a society to the point where nobody knows whether something is real or not, and therefore, that society cannot function,” says Taylor. Sometimes chaos is the only goal.



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