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The Chairman Mao resembling, Monarchy hating, threat to Britain, Labour Party thread


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11 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

Wow birminghams labour run council has gone bankrupt 

What a **** shit show. Seems there are allegations being thrown about discrimination, pay etc.

Not a good look for the city or labour. Bet starmer is furious

Isn't a Labour problem.

It's very easy to make out it is, and Tories will and are already, but the problem is multilayered and long running, going back over a decade and one of the fundamental exacerbating points is the ideologically driven decimation of local funding.

Starmer's opinion is about as relevant to anyone as the opinion of the turd I just flushed.

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36 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

What a **** shit show. Seems there are allegations being thrown about discrimination, pay etc.

It's not allegations, its fact but not as portrayed by the Tory Party. They lost an equal pay case in 2012. 2012 is significant because that was the year Labour regained control of the council. In June this year they found further liabilities as a result of that case, that has caused this.

The leader of the Tories is talking out of his arse because it was the Tory administration that got taken to court over equal pay that Labour then inherited. It's Labour's due diligence that discovered the new liabilities that has caused the new situation

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It’s around about now that we’ll hear that the head of the council got a multi-million pound bonus last year despite a string of inappropriate allegations about his behaviour.

Ive not idea on the specifics of Birmingham council but it feels like it’s the usual next step in the dance.

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The caller did a very good video on it elaborating.

These scum aren't saving us.

'Hit the growth button' isn't a plan and even if it could be one it doesn't help because the rich that benefit most just fetter their own pockets because they can afford to.

**** shameful that this is the standard we have coming if we're very, very, very good and very lucky at the polls, this is best you can hope for. This.

**** us all. Maybe we'll learn to enjoy it.

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34 minutes ago, Chindie said:

The caller did a very good video on it elaborating.

These scum aren't saving us.

'Hit the growth button' isn't a plan and even if it could be one it doesn't help because the rich that benefit most just fetter their own pockets because they can afford to.

**** shameful that this is the standard we have coming if we're very, very, very good and very lucky at the polls, this is best you can hope for. This.

**** us all. Maybe we'll learn to enjoy it.

I watched the first video and the start of the second one. Stopped when she started talking about 2010.

The first vid, the bloke talking about absence of hope was bang on.

There are several aspects to all this though. The first is the circumstances we’re in. It’s completely different now, to then. What someone said was the best course of action then and what is now are not much of a gotcha.

Then there’s the next election. Either the tories win it, or Labour does. If Labour goes into it promising to increase income tax they lose 3 things. 1. They can’t go at the tories for having increased taxes to record levels. 2. They lose a lot of middle England votes. 3. They lose the election, or don’t win it. And the tories get in again.

Nevertheless, they also lose by promising not to raise taxes on income and the other sub section of tax they’ve mentioned, because it removes one lever to address part of the problems we have. And it pisses off people who want someone who has more than them to pay more tax.

From a financial perspective growth is key. More growth = more tax revenue and more people better off. But any government will struggle with that in the UK, because borrowing costs are higher (thanks Liz) and we aren’t the reserve currency like the US dollar is. Also both the US and EU are heavily going for growth and it’s basically a knock out race where the strongest wins. We’re handicapped by Brexit and being smaller and less attractive to investors in most fields. We’re also handicapped by immigration rules denying us the workforce we need and by health being poor and the NHS being ****.

None of the politicians are remotely telling the truth as to how bad the situation is or how long it’s going to take to fix it.

Meanwhile people like you (and me) watching YouTubes by left wing folk just get angered by the lack of more tangible, radical action. I’m kind of accepting of “that’s just how it is, I can see why they’re doing it, even if it’s miles from my own preference”. Like when Dean Smith changed tactics in the Covid break and decided to concentrate on defending and bin off the attacking flair. We stayed up. It wasn’t pretty or enjoyable, but we stayed up and now we’re much better to watch.

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4 minutes ago, Chindie said:

I knew I should have just posted the second video. Much more useful.

It is. But it’s scattergun and inaccurate and careless. Rachel Reeves not putting up income tax, but putting up various other taxes is not “exactly the same” as Liz Truss unfounded borrowing to cut income Tax for top earners. Labour’s plan for the government to invest heavily in green new deal stuff is not the same as Truss’s cutting taxes and hoping private investment stimulates growth  and so on…

But in other places, yes, she makes some better points.

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3 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

I don't think Labour can lose the next election by their own actions - I don't think people are voting for Labour - people just want rid of the stench of the current Conservative party.

If it were today, then yes, totally. In 12 months time, after the press laying into Labour’s tax bombshell or whatever… not so sure. That’s why they’re doing it. That’s why the YouTuber says she thinks Reeves doesn’t really believe that she was wrong ( in part, at least) 13 years ago .

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15 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

I don't think Labour can lose the next election by their own actions - I don't think people are voting for Labour - people just want rid of the stench of the current Conservative party.




When the rubber hits the road, I suspect there will still be more Tory votes than anyone expects.

People don't like Labour - my girlfriend is not a politically engaged person but ask her to say what she thinks about Labour and the same issues that dogged the end of the last Red Tories will come up (I can say this with absolute certainty because we've had those very conversations). We spoke the other day about the current lot, when we'd discussed how the old smears maybe aren't quite what they appear... she sees nothing that engages her with the current beast wearing Labour skin either. She doesn't think things will get better because there are red ties in Downing St. And the sensible commentariat will tell you thats all you can hope for now, that the bastards running the show look a little sad when they stamp on your face, and maybe are more careful when they reach into your wallet and hand what little they find to their chums.

And if by some miracle (lol) the current lot did say much of anything that engaged the working class, the common mug like me and her, they'd be antisemites before the day was out. Starmer especially has to be careful on that front because they've got the photos necessary to have him be an existential threat in a nansecond.

**** the lot of them. Burn it down. The politicans can provide the kindling.

Edited by Chindie
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I think we'll have a really low turnout - lots of lots of angry Tories who can't bring themselves to vote Labour won't vote for whatever head this beast has come election time - they broke their own back - I think the Conservative voters will stay home.


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3 minutes ago, Chindie said:

I think the election is meaningless and we'll see the exact same conversations in 5, 10, 15 years. Except I'll be dead.

You won’t be dead you clearing in the woods you’ll be 15 years older, still banging on and still on the team.

Others will likely be dead, yes.

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29 minutes ago, Chindie said:

And if by some miracle (lol) the current lot did say much of anything that engaged the working class, the common mug like me and her, they'd be antisemites before the day was out.

I think that horse has bolted. Whatever anyone’s views on “it” when Corbyn was leader, it’s not something that can be pinned on Labour any more, with any kind of longevity.  Who knows what stuff the right wing media are preparing to throw at Labour next time, but it’ll be something different than AS.

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3 minutes ago, VILLAMARV said:

There's probably pictures of Starmer partying with boats

There's pictures of him at an anti-Israel meeting, with the famous shrinking Palestine image and a banner claiming Israel is racist. More than enough to get a good anti-Semite froth going.

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4 minutes ago, Chindie said:

There's pictures of him at an anti-Israel meeting, with the famous shrinking Palestine image and a banner claiming Israel is racist. More than enough to get a good anti-Semite froth going.

Fleeting froth at “best”. They’ve already tried it and it got nowhere, no traction. Even at the shallowest of levels, the likes of the Mail can’t change their own established narrative of “Corbyn’s lot are antisemitic…Corbyn’s been hoofed out by Starmer out for anti-semitism…” and then claim that Starmer is an antisemite.


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