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The Chairman Mao resembling, Monarchy hating, threat to Britain, Labour Party thread


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I find myself largely agree with you Bickster. My worry with Cornyn is the naivety of some of his policies, and that he doesn't seem to understand, that you have to drop some of the unpopular/unrealistic ideology, if you actually want to make a real difference by getting the important changes made. You need to be in government.

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He has accepted an invitation to join Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privvy Council.

Which is a good thing. 

Probably off to Debenhams right now for an ostrich feather hat and a lacey garter. Important to look the part.


I find myself largely agree with you Bickster. My worry with Cornyn is the naivety of some of his policies, and that he doesn't seem to understand, that you have to drop some of the unpopular/unrealistic ideology, if you actually want to make a real difference by getting the important changes made. You need to be in government.

he only got the job on Saturday!

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Will Self and Matthew Parris on C4 yesterday were saying a Labour schism would eventually lead to a Tory schism as centre right Labour would have more in common with centre left Tory than either had with the extremes of their party. Hmmm.

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It would seem that Corbyn has begun to broaden the political debate already.

I was amused to see some Tory looking uncomfortable last night when it was suggested that Public Schools should lose their charitable status as one of the means for increasing tax revenue.

The problem with New Labour's Tory-lite approach was that such privileges were considered sacrosanct.

Now that the Tories have taken the gloves off, it is pleasing to see Corbyn's Labour show the courage to do the same. 

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Ah the old Michael Foot gambit, when is the new Falklands War?

you mean the donkey jacket shit first raised by that well known tory ChrisP65 


Nope I think you'll find it was AWOL one post before

It's a pity that at the memorial service for the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain in St Pauls Corbyn couldn't be bothered to dress himself properly.

I hate wearing a tie with the top button of my shirt done up too, but for a few hours, simply to show some respect to the event he was attending I don't think it's too much to ask.


Nope, I called him a tramp but no mention of Michael Foot, Donkey Jackets or the Falklands - although now you mention it Christina plastic face welcomed his election due to his support for sovereignty talks over the Falklands between the UK and Argentina. Sure the Islanders will be over the moon with that.

Clearly you've missed my point, you don't have to specifically mention Michel Foot for the reference to be valid. In fact your post was what prompted (I imagine) Chris to post a picture of Michael Foot. The Falklands reference comes into play because Thatcher would have lost the 83 election to Foot had it not been for the Falklands War (sorry conflict - it only became a war when it was over).


But as my post wasn't actually aimed at you, more the general indignation amongst the media I don't suppose it matters. You only dragged into it by Tony being factually incorrect :D

meh had Chris not posted his Foot picture you wouldn't have made your post so I'm still claiming victory :P 


Pedant alert but Thatcher probably wouldn't have called an election in 83 without the Falklands  so she wouldn't have lost it to Foot in 83 ... But well done to her for getting Argentina to invade in the first place 

1) Thats as close as you get to admitting that were wrong, I award myself an internet. Your assumption however is incorrect. I hadn't read the posts above mine, like I said I was posting in response to what I'd read elsewhere.

2) Read her memoir, the Witch herself as good as says that without the Falklands War she wouldn't have been re-elected. Thats her, St Margret the Paedo Enabler saying it, who are we not to believe her?

now whose missing the point  :)  ... she didn't need to go to the polls until 84   ..she may have well have then lost to Foot but it would have been 84  ...not 83  ...

Internet revoked


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I find myself largely agree with you Bickster. My worry with Cornyn is the naivety of some of his policies, and that he doesn't seem to understand, that you have to drop some of the unpopular/unrealistic ideology, if you actually want to make a real difference by getting the important changes made. You need to be in government.

The Labour Party's policies are not Corbyn's. Some of them will be, some of them will not, thats the internal democracy of the Labour Party. If he does one thing it will be to bring internal democracy back to Labour

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On the singing the national anthem thing, I'm glad that Corbyn didn't. I wouldn't want to see a staunch republican bellowing out 'long to reign over us' when those are obviously not his opinions.

The Headlines would have been Hypocrite Corbyn. Really was a damned if he did, damned if he didn't moment.


he could have taken a leaf out of Redwoods book and just mimed his own words

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Ah the old Michael Foot gambit, when is the new Falklands War?

you mean the donkey jacket shit first raised by that well known tory ChrisP65 


Nope I think you'll find it was AWOL one post before

It's a pity that at the memorial service for the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain in St Pauls Corbyn couldn't be bothered to dress himself properly.

I hate wearing a tie with the top button of my shirt done up too, but for a few hours, simply to show some respect to the event he was attending I don't think it's too much to ask.


Nope, I called him a tramp but no mention of Michael Foot, Donkey Jackets or the Falklands - although now you mention it Christina plastic face welcomed his election due to his support for sovereignty talks over the Falklands between the UK and Argentina. Sure the Islanders will be over the moon with that.

Clearly you've missed my point, you don't have to specifically mention Michel Foot for the reference to be valid. In fact your post was what prompted (I imagine) Chris to post a picture of Michael Foot. The Falklands reference comes into play because Thatcher would have lost the 83 election to Foot had it not been for the Falklands War (sorry conflict - it only became a war when it was over).


But as my post wasn't actually aimed at you, more the general indignation amongst the media I don't suppose it matters. You only dragged into it by Tony being factually incorrect :D

meh had Chris not posted his Foot picture you wouldn't have made your post so I'm still claiming victory :P 


Pedant alert but Thatcher probably wouldn't have called an election in 83 without the Falklands  so she wouldn't have lost it to Foot in 83 ... But well done to her for getting Argentina to invade in the first place 

1) Thats as close as you get to admitting that were wrong, I award myself an internet. Your assumption however is incorrect. I hadn't read the posts above mine, like I said I was posting in response to what I'd read elsewhere.

2) Read her memoir, the Witch herself as good as says that without the Falklands War she wouldn't have been re-elected. Thats her, St Margret the Paedo Enabler saying it, who are we not to believe her?

now whose missing the point  :)  ... she didn't need to go to the polls until 84   ..she may have well have then lost to Foot but it would have been 84  ...not 83  ...

Internet revoked


Theres missing a point and ignoring an irrelevance. I was doing the latter.

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On the singing the national anthem thing, I'm glad that Corbyn didn't. I wouldn't want to see a staunch republican bellowing out 'long to reign over us' when those are obviously not his opinions.

At least he didn't do a Daley Thompson. :)

wear a t-shirt calling Carl Lewis Gay ? :)




(yeah I know he meant whistling before someone posts to tell me)

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Ah the old Michael Foot gambit, when is the new Falklands War?

you mean the donkey jacket shit first raised by that well known tory ChrisP65 


Nope I think you'll find it was AWOL one post before

It's a pity that at the memorial service for the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain in St Pauls Corbyn couldn't be bothered to dress himself properly.

I hate wearing a tie with the top button of my shirt done up too, but for a few hours, simply to show some respect to the event he was attending I don't think it's too much to ask.


Nope, I called him a tramp but no mention of Michael Foot, Donkey Jackets or the Falklands - although now you mention it Christina plastic face welcomed his election due to his support for sovereignty talks over the Falklands between the UK and Argentina. Sure the Islanders will be over the moon with that.

Clearly you've missed my point, you don't have to specifically mention Michel Foot for the reference to be valid. In fact your post was what prompted (I imagine) Chris to post a picture of Michael Foot. The Falklands reference comes into play because Thatcher would have lost the 83 election to Foot had it not been for the Falklands War (sorry conflict - it only became a war when it was over).


But as my post wasn't actually aimed at you, more the general indignation amongst the media I don't suppose it matters. You only dragged into it by Tony being factually incorrect :D

meh had Chris not posted his Foot picture you wouldn't have made your post so I'm still claiming victory :P 


Pedant alert but Thatcher probably wouldn't have called an election in 83 without the Falklands  so she wouldn't have lost it to Foot in 83 ... But well done to her for getting Argentina to invade in the first place 

1) Thats as close as you get to admitting that were wrong, I award myself an internet. Your assumption however is incorrect. I hadn't read the posts above mine, like I said I was posting in response to what I'd read elsewhere.

2) Read her memoir, the Witch herself as good as says that without the Falklands War she wouldn't have been re-elected. Thats her, St Margret the Paedo Enabler saying it, who are we not to believe her?

now whose missing the point  :)  ... she didn't need to go to the polls until 84   ..she may have well have then lost to Foot but it would have been 84  ...not 83  ...

Internet revoked


Theres missing a point and ignoring an irrelevance. I was doing the latter.


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Ah the old Michael Foot gambit, when is the new Falklands War?

you mean the donkey jacket shit first raised by that well known tory ChrisP65 


Nope I think you'll find it was AWOL one post before

It's a pity that at the memorial service for the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain in St Pauls Corbyn couldn't be bothered to dress himself properly.

I hate wearing a tie with the top button of my shirt done up too, but for a few hours, simply to show some respect to the event he was attending I don't think it's too much to ask.


Nope, I called him a tramp but no mention of Michael Foot, Donkey Jackets or the Falklands - although now you mention it Christina plastic face welcomed his election due to his support for sovereignty talks over the Falklands between the UK and Argentina. Sure the Islanders will be over the moon with that.

Clearly you've missed my point, you don't have to specifically mention Michel Foot for the reference to be valid. In fact your post was what prompted (I imagine) Chris to post a picture of Michael Foot. The Falklands reference comes into play because Thatcher would have lost the 83 election to Foot had it not been for the Falklands War (sorry conflict - it only became a war when it was over).


But as my post wasn't actually aimed at you, more the general indignation amongst the media I don't suppose it matters. You only dragged into it by Tony being factually incorrect :D

meh had Chris not posted his Foot picture you wouldn't have made your post so I'm still claiming victory :P 


Pedant alert but Thatcher probably wouldn't have called an election in 83 without the Falklands  so she wouldn't have lost it to Foot in 83 ... But well done to her for getting Argentina to invade in the first place 

1) Thats as close as you get to admitting that were wrong, I award myself an internet. Your assumption however is incorrect. I hadn't read the posts above mine, like I said I was posting in response to what I'd read elsewhere.

2) Read her memoir, the Witch herself as good as says that without the Falklands War she wouldn't have been re-elected. Thats her, St Margret the Paedo Enabler saying it, who are we not to believe her?

now whose missing the point  :)  ... she didn't need to go to the polls until 84   ..she may have well have then lost to Foot but it would have been 84  ...not 83  ...

Internet revoked


Theres missing a point and ignoring an irrelevance. I was doing the latter.


Yes you are John Redwood miming Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau, you win a luxury time travel weekend to Haut de la Garrone on Morning Cloud

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I find myself largely agree with you Bickster. My worry with Cornyn is the naivety of some of his policies, and that he doesn't seem to understand, that you have to drop some of the unpopular/unrealistic ideology, if you actually want to make a real difference by getting the important changes made. You need to be in government.

That's pretty much the view held by the Parliamentary Labour Party - and they're not wrong. 

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I may not be a fan of Labour but I hope he has a chance to at least challenge the establishment and make people think twice about how the country is run and whether or not there is a better way to go about things. It would be nice if he got the the GE and set out his platform and let the public decide, but I fear he'll be run out of town long before that only to be replaced by some bland centrist & we'll continue with this shambolic situation of more or less being ruled from by above by people with money & power.

Not that I think, if he were to win, that UK would suddenly become a great and fair land. It would just be nice if the public had a genuine choice, instead of deciding between a harsh caning from the Tories or a slightly gentler paddling from Labour.


Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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I find myself largely agree with you Bickster. My worry with Cornyn is the naivety of some of his policies, and that he doesn't seem to understand, that you have to drop some of the unpopular/unrealistic ideology, if you actually want to make a real difference by getting the important changes made. You need to be in government.

I think exactly the opposite.

I am hoping that he will challenge every political assumption which has become the unquestionable basis for the Tory-lite ideology which we've been spoon-fed over the last decades.

We can then decide for ourselves whether they are good, bad or indifferent.

This might not get him into power but it is the only way a new consensus can possibly emerge.

I thought that was twitters job ?

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