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The Chairman Mao resembling, Monarchy hating, threat to Britain, Labour Party thread


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Bloody hell! so is that Steve Wright!!! I didn't even know he was still around.


Who's the chap in the blue sweater - presuming it isn't old Thommy Yorke.

 Alarmingly I know this, its his hilarious comedy sidekick, Tim. Ordinarily we have radio 2 on at work.

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Today in media-driven bullshit, Corbyn has the temerity to say he listened to women who suggested women-only train carriages as a means to prevent sexual harassment, and that he would consult with women on the best way forward, and the meeja (Guardian especially) report it as 'Corbyn wants women-only carriages'.


Quality stuff. People lap it up too, the idiots.

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Today in media-driven bullshit, Corbyn has the temerity to say he listened to women who suggested women-only train carriages as a means to prevent sexual harassment, and that he would consult with women on the best way forward, and the meeja (Guardian especially) report it as 'Corbyn wants women-only carriages'.


Quality stuff. People lap it up too, the idiots.

Simple fact of the matter is that he shouldn't even be considering it. It's a terrible idea. 

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I don't really care about the idea (it would never get passed the consultation stage anyway), what I do care about is 1) responsible journalism that reports things correctly and 2) the issue behind the idea - sexual harassment and what can be done to make women's day to day existence safer (which seems to have been swept under the carpet as the meeja focuses on Corbyn's mad lefty idea that wasn't his idea in the first place).

Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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I don't really care about the idea (it would never get passed the consultation stage anyway), what I do care about is 1) responsible journalism that reports things correctly and 2) the issue behind the idea - sexual harassment and what can be done to make women's day to day existence safer (which seems to have been swept under the carpet as the meeja focuses on Corbyn's mad lefty idea that wasn't his idea in the first place).


I'd be curious as to why the apparent sexual assault rate is climbing so fast  .. even removing professional footballers from the equation  , have we become a nation of rapists , is it women have suddenly started to come forward more than they did previously or some other factor  ?


I'm not really sure why you care about the media mis-reporting though , it's not like this is the first time (or the last) they've done such things ... your anger should be with the people who lap it up without checking it out for themselves first ( I.e everyone on twitter and social media  )


for the record and even though he didn't say it .. ( but as it's out there)  segregation isn't the answer imo

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I think it's the case that women are more comfortable coming forward and reporting harassment and rape etc, and there is a greater focus on the issue and how to tackle it. A lot of men see this as an attack on them ("not all men are rapists!" etc) when it isn't, it's just that the spotlight is on and as it turns out a lot of horrible shit happens to women every day.


Anyway as for women-only carriages, my own belief is that it doesn't solve anything & it kind of suggests that women should separate themselves or put up with harassment as opposed to staying put and demanding that men stop being arseholes. But then I am not a woman and I don't have to put up with that shit so what I think is neither here nor there, which is pretty much what Corbyn was getting at: listen to and consult with women and figure out a way forward.


Judging by social meeja it's a fairly even split between those for and against, which suggests that while it may not be the correct solution there is an issue that needs to be tackled.


Incidentally I'm also reading that the coalition proposed similar ideas, and a few Tories have suggested it in the recent past.

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My understanding on only the briefest look at the subject is that for some reason, in a UK of lowering crime rates, assault on the train network is rising. This coupled with the slightly improved situation for women reporting assault has lead to a rise in the figures.


Who would police women only carriages? If they have the staff to stop me sitting in the female only carriage then they have the staff to stop an attack anywhere on the train. Or would they have a guard posted to that one carriage and have me take my chances with the drunks in the non-guarded coach?


Would a woman sitting in a mixed carriage be 'up for it'?


Do I now tell my daughters not to sit in the proximity of men?


Get some proper bloody staffing levels and the problem vastly reduces, without some mediaeval segregation. 

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Some interesting reading on this page... http://www.labour.org.uk/leadership


I've read through those previously. As mentioned previously, most of it is poltical guff. Except one candidate mentions two policies. Corbyn is anti austerity and wants to productively invest in public services. Other than that no actual policies from the other three, but lots of talk about being pro dynamic, enabled, together and fair. 


In fairness to Yvette Cooper, she's quite open about needing to find out what people will vote for and standing for that, in order to get in to power.

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Cooper seems like the best option IMO. Even if her judgement in marrying the appalling Mr Balls is extremely questionable. 


Corbyn is the heir to Michael Foot's throne. All very sensible and well intentioned but ultimately too nice and too principled to win anything. 


Andy Burnham is scouse and responsible for PFI in the NHS. Although he would be the best prepared for Armistice Day duties. 


Kendall is too Blairy. 

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Yeah, I think that about sums it up, Eames.


Corbyn for the fair minded dreamer.

Cooper for gaining power and not being the tories.

Burnham for more privatisation of health.

Kendall if Cameron resigns and they need someone quick that isn't either Boris or off his tits on Special K.

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be much easier if women stopped dressing provocatively then they wouldn't need their own carriages

Before the last election Labour MPs were happy to address sex segregated meetings in Birmingham to appease the Muslims whose block vote they were chasing. This train idea smacks of something similar.

Edit: It was Liam Byrne for those who want to check, I believe they subsequently weighed rather than counted his votes.

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Quality stuff. People lap it up too, the idiots.


The press make it easy for the Tories.


Let's make something up...




Rather than investigate the reality...




The amount of shit they threw at Miliband will be a fraction of what they'll unload on Corbyn, if it looks like he might get somewhere.

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