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The Chairman Mao resembling, Monarchy hating, threat to Britain, Labour Party thread


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Result, he will split the party whatever happens .

You say that like its a bad thing. The SDP did so well last time around. Ridding Labour of New Labour would be a step in the right direction

What on earth would they call themselves? I'm not sure but it would take them 3 years and 20,000 advisors to decide

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Today we will have proof of the insanity of the whole situation.

Gordon Brown a previously unelectable leader of the Labour Party. has been called upon by the very people who ousted him, to tell everyone why Jeremy Corbyn is unelectable. Thats right the bloke that didn't realise he himself was unelectable will tell us all that someone else is unelectable. At the behest of a bunch of people that though Ed Miliband was electable because they think they are electable.


That is going to backfire spectacularly just like red ed with brand

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Another thought about Browns speech.

He's just stood up and told people not to vote for the only candidate that says the global banking crisis wasn't his fault and then told people to vote for the other three candidates who all say it was Brown's fault. He really wasn't very convincing was he and that might just have something to do with it

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 Can't see another split being good for the Labour Party. Neither the Blairites nor the lefties can win on their own.


And Liz Kendal just upset every disabled person in the country #doh!

What did she say?

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Can't see another split being good for the Labour Party. Neither the Blairites nor the lefties can win on their own.


And Liz Kendal just upset every disabled person in the country #doh!

What did she say?

Something along the lines of, yes we must look after disabled people but we must look after ordinary people too

These people are prize idiots

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Can't see another split being good for the Labour Party. Neither the Blairites nor the lefties can win on their own.

And Liz Kendal just upset every disabled person in the country #doh!

What did she say?
Something along the lines of, yes we must look after disabled people but we must look after ordinary people too

These people are prize idiots

Excuse my ignorance but what is wrong with that?

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Can't see another split being good for the Labour Party. Neither the Blairites nor the lefties can win on their own.

And Liz Kendal just upset every disabled person in the country #doh!

What did she say?
Something along the lines of, yes we must look after disabled people but we must look after ordinary people too

These people are prize idiots

Excuse my ignorance but what is wrong with that?

It suggests that the disabled aren't 'ordinary' people, and therefore can be treated differently to anyone else, which creates a justification to attack them, both by attacking any benefits they receive and opening the avenue to abuse being justifiable.

It's basic Othering. Politicians tend to be fairly good at it. Although in this case I actually think it's more Liz Kendall being a moron.

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Sure, it is absolutely Kendall being a moron. Why be surprised? This is a person who thought she'd win a party leadership election by telling the party electorate that they're idiots, that she thinks they're totally misguided, and that they should be much more like the other party, and who is then surprised when this message doesn't exactly resonate. She seems to me to spend quite a large portion of her life being a moron. 

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I can't actually find a source for that alleged Kendall quote. Certainly nothing on the news about it and nothing from the other candidates.


I feel sorry for her a bit. Regardless of whether or not you agree with her she's got a lot of unwarranted abuse from members of her own party.

Edited by Mantis
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I can't actually find a source for that alleged Kendall quote. Certainly nothing on the news about it and nothing from the other candidates.

I feel sorry for her a bit. Regardless of whether or not you agree with her she's got a lot of unwarranted abuse from members of her own party.

Kendall has become the lightening rod for all those on the left who hated Blairism. Whether that was for abandoning the principles of old school socialism/making the PLP electable, the Iraq war or any number of other grievances, she is copping it for the lot.

Piece in the Telegraph today saying Mandelson has been hard at work trying and failing to get the leadership election suspended. Good to see he still believes we are living in a "post democratic age".

Also read yesterday Corbyn wants the UK to withdraw from NATO. He really doesn't have a clue.

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I can't actually find a source for that alleged Kendall quote. Certainly nothing on the news about it and nothing from the other candidates.


I feel sorry for her a bit. Regardless of whether or not you agree with her she's got a lot of unwarranted abuse from members of her own party.

She said it on BBC 1 News yesterday. clicky about ten secs in Its not quite as I said it but the meaning is the same

Theres now a petition on change.org demanding she withdraw the statement.

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I can't actually find a source for that alleged Kendall quote. Certainly nothing on the news about it and nothing from the other candidates.

I feel sorry for her a bit. Regardless of whether or not you agree with her she's got a lot of unwarranted abuse from members of her own party.

She said it on BBC 1 News yesterday. clicky about ten secs in Its not quite as I said it but the meaning is the same

Theres now a petition on change.org demanding she withdraw the statement.

".... Yes we are for the weak and the vulnerable and the suffering but we are for ordinary people too..."

Seems clear she probably meant average rather than ordinary (i.e. "Most" people wouldn't describe themselves as weak, vulnerable etc) but if this is the all it takes to fire up the internet outrage bus then frankly those people need to get a life.

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