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Ratings and Reactions: Man City - Villa


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So I tell a few home truths and all of a sudden I have an agenda?? :rolleyes:

I go to every away game and when we're good, I'll say we're good. More often than not, we are. But, at the same time, many Villa fans seem to believe this bizarre notion that we somehow have the best away support in the league when we simply don't.

What did you think of the idiots singing the Adam Johnson song? You're quick to retort anything I dare to say about our support yet make absolutely no reference to my point about that. You were at the game like me, did you not find it completely bizarre and inappropriate?

In terms of the song selection - we do come across pretty thick sometimes. For example, singing "your support is f***ing shit" when we can't even come close ourselves to selling out the initial allocation!? We're just asking to be laughed at. And then when we sang "Where were you when you were shit?" (as we do every season) they usually come back with "we were here when we were shit" but yesterday they mixed it up a bit with "beating you when we were shit". Nothing award-winning and I think they're arrogant clearings in the woods but I do think it's rich us having a pop at their support when some of our own is so poor.

I don't know where to start, really. I just found it genuinely odd that you dedicated two posts to complaining about our levels of support yesterday.

Manchester City were terrible regardless.


You don't know where to start? Well how about answering my questions? That would be a great start.

If you read back again, my first post noted what a fantastic performance it was yesterday and went on to talk about some morons who seem to think singing about a player which has zero to do with Aston Villa Football Club is a great idea whilst we're in the midst of a relegation battle!? I heard it twice before the game and that was cringeworthy enough but for it to then be sung 5 or six times during the first half is, well, inherently stupid.


It was my second post which questioned our levels of support and that was borne off the back of reading several posts mocking Man City's support. As I said, pretty ironic.


On the pitch I agree, Manchester City were terrible. We were brilliant. Off it, they were nothing special but certainly nothing to mock either. They out sung us.



You'd hope so, outnumbering our fans by over 10 to 1  :lol:


Oh dear. You're clearly not aware then that in the vast majority of cases nowadays, away fans regularly out sing their home counterparts? "Outnumbering" as you put it, has nothing to do with it :rolleyes: 

I'm not sure what atmosphere the television microphones picked up but your comment that "you can't buy decent fans" is pretty embarrassing for the reasons I've already stated. Man City have just as many 'decent fans' as us, and they also know what it's like to be shite. Some people have incredibly short memories (or started watching football circa 2008).

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We've played probably the best match of football at the Etihad in half a season.. Most teams go there and lose comfortably it is a fortress. We went there and not only bossed the game for large percentages but won the possession game and made the Champions look downright average at times. Yes we lost but that is football and that is why we love it, it's unpredictable and anything can happen. We should have had a penalty yes, but you could also argue that we'd have been 2-1 up at that point had Guzan not thought he was a Man City player for a moment.


We played well and that is now several games on the bounce where we have consistently been the better team on the pitch against teams like Tottenham, Liverpool and Man City, if we play like this in every upcoming match we will win them all.. Well played Villa, you've done good and it's been a while since I've been genuinely proud of my team. I support them through thick and thin and it has been shit for a long time, but they are showing heart, determination and at times mesmerising skill and it's a joy to watch. I would have liked all three points today, but the performance was good and that is all I can ask from this team. 

I would agree with pretty much all of that post. The really good new is that TS has given us spirit and fight that were so glaringly absent under Lambert and I think we would be firmly fixed in the bottom three had we retained him as our manager. Based on our recent performances we should be alright but as Daweii says football is unpredictable so I remain very worried. The point I would add is that individual errors cost us dearly today: 

  • Guzan's was a genuine error that sometimes happens but is brought into focus more by other recent errors and Given's form in the cup games.
  • We give away a silly free kick on the edge of the area (yet again) and Richardson does not do his job properly in the wall. 
  • However the worst one for me was the winner. We needlessly give away a corner by shanking the ball over the goal line rather than booting it out for a throw in. When the corner is taken we en masse run towards the near post leaving two City players unmarked on the far post - schoolboy errors does not begin to describe the whole set of events.

Other results yesterday did not help us either but we played very well save for those errors.


For all the money they have spunked over the years on players City are a very poor side and I doubt their manager will keep his job at the end of the season. Cold comfort for us I know but we have a decent but not outstanding squad of players in the round but I do feel Sherwood is getting the most out of them and built a strong team mentality and you really feel he is leading and driving them onwards. That is in interesting contrast to a City team who for the most part come over as petulant individuals who are waiting for a bigger club to come in for them. 

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How anyone can question out support after we undoubtedly out sung the famous scousers last week is beyond me.

How can you moan about our away following on the back of a lot of fans having to pay for the semi-final, now having to pay the final where prices have skyrocketed, summer holidays coming up, many fans wanting tickets to home games to secure as good a chance as possible of getting a final ticket, and not wanting to pay as much as city ask to watch one of the least important games we have left. Do you realise that not everyone has an endless pot of money to spend on football so have to prioritise?

Our support may not be what it was when Lerner first came, but for what our fans have had to put up with the past few seasons I'm personally very proud of our fans and the support we give!

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So I tell a few home truths and all of a sudden I have an agenda?? :rolleyes:

I go to every away game and when we're good, I'll say we're good. More often than not, we are. But, at the same time, many Villa fans seem to believe this bizarre notion that we somehow have the best away support in the league when we simply don't.

What did you think of the idiots singing the Adam Johnson song? You're quick to retort anything I dare to say about our support yet make absolutely no reference to my point about that. You were at the game like me, did you not find it completely bizarre and inappropriate?

In terms of the song selection - we do come across pretty thick sometimes. For example, singing "your support is f***ing shit" when we can't even come close ourselves to selling out the initial allocation!? We're just asking to be laughed at. And then when we sang "Where were you when you were shit?" (as we do every season) they usually come back with "we were here when we were shit" but yesterday they mixed it up a bit with "beating you when we were shit". Nothing award-winning and I think they're arrogant clearings in the woods but I do think it's rich us having a pop at their support when some of our own is so poor.

I don't know where to start, really. I just found it genuinely odd that you dedicated two posts to complaining about our levels of support yesterday.

Manchester City were terrible regardless.


You don't know where to start? Well how about answering my questions? That would be a great start.

If you read back again, my first post noted what a fantastic performance it was yesterday and went on to talk about some morons who seem to think singing about a player which has zero to do with Aston Villa Football Club is a great idea whilst we're in the midst of a relegation battle!? I heard it twice before the game and that was cringeworthy enough but for it to then be sung 5 or six times during the first half is, well, inherently stupid.


It was my second post which questioned our levels of support and that was borne off the back of reading several posts mocking Man City's support. As I said, pretty ironic.


On the pitch I agree, Manchester City were terrible. We were brilliant. Off it, they were nothing special but certainly nothing to mock either. They out sung us.



You'd hope so, outnumbering our fans by over 10 to 1  :lol:


Oh dear. You're clearly not aware then that in the vast majority of cases nowadays, away fans regularly out sing their home counterparts? "Outnumbering" as you put it, has nothing to do with it :rolleyes: 

I'm not sure what atmosphere the television microphones picked up but your comment that "you can't buy decent fans" is pretty embarrassing for the reasons I've already stated. Man City have just as many 'decent fans' as us, and they also know what it's like to be shite. Some people have incredibly short memories (or started watching football circa 2008).





To be fair, I don't have to justify any comments to you considering you're spending your times after a great performance panning our own fans.


You can't even compare our fans with theirs. They win games every week. They won the title last year. They were pathetic yesterday. 


re: not selling allocation. We've been shite lately and we've got 2 days out at Wembley to pay for. Fans can't just magic up money that they don't have. It's a very fair criticise to criticise fans of the CHAMPIONS for not creating an atmosphere when at home.

Edited by StefanAVFC
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So apparently it's too much to ask for to have an adult conversation nowadays? And because we "out sung the famous scousers" the week before I've got a cheek to raise a few very valid points a week later? :rolleyes: It's laughable.


I've not "panned" anyone. I've simply said it's very hypercritical to criticise their fans when we didn't out sing them and could only shift 1,000 tickets for what was a very crucial Premier League game. It's astounding just how touchy you all are when I dare to say anything about our away support, it really is.


As I said in my second post, take your claret & blue tinted specs off and you may come up with some reasoned responses instead of making ridiculous false claims such as I have an "agenda", I've "panned" the fans etc etc. Man City did create an atmosphere yesterday and we contributed to that. How can you say they were "pathetic" Stefan when you weren't even there? :huh:

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So apparently it's too much to ask for to have an adult conversation nowadays? And because we "out sung the famous scousers" the week before I've got a cheek to raise a few very valid points a week later? :rolleyes: It's laughable.


I've not "panned" anyone. I've simply said it's very hypercritical to criticise their fans when we didn't out sing them and could only shift 1,000 tickets for what was a very crucial Premier League game. It's astounding just how touchy you all are when I dare to say anything about our away support, it really is.


As I said in my second post, take your claret & blue tinted specs off and you may come up with some reasoned responses instead of making ridiculous false claims such as I have an "agenda", I've "panned" the fans etc etc. Man City did create an atmosphere yesterday and we contributed to that. How can you say they were "pathetic" Stefan when you weren't even there? :huh:


Crucial to who? Yesterday wasnt where our season will be defined at all. Our home games are where we will stay up, and you are criticising people for having prioritise when we also have to spend money on tickets for the final aswell?

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We are playing some very nice football these days. Made city look very ordinary.

No doubt we are staying up, and I would not want to be the team that faces us now.

The team, the fans and Tim are making me feel very proud these days.

Thank you.

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So apparently it's too much to ask for to have an adult conversation nowadays? And because we "out sung the famous scousers" the week before I've got a cheek to raise a few very valid points a week later? :rolleyes: It's laughable.


I've not "panned" anyone. I've simply said it's very hypercritical to criticise their fans when we didn't out sing them and could only shift 1,000 tickets for what was a very crucial Premier League game. It's astounding just how touchy you all are when I dare to say anything about our away support, it really is.


As I said in my second post, take your claret & blue tinted specs off and you may come up with some reasoned responses instead of making ridiculous false claims such as I have an "agenda", I've "panned" the fans etc etc. Man City did create an atmosphere yesterday and we contributed to that. How can you say they were "pathetic" Stefan when you weren't even there? :huh:


Crucial to who? Yesterday wasnt where our season will be defined at all. Our home games are where we will stay up, and you are criticising people for having prioritise when we also have to spend money on tickets for the final aswell?


How 'crucial' a game is is purely down to personal opinion. I'd argue they are all equally crucial as we've proved under Sherwood we can beat anybody.


I've not criticised people for having to prioritise at all. I know the ticket price for yesterday was ridiculous.  

I have criticised:

- People who slate the opposition fans when it is entirely hypercritical to do so. Nobody I know that went yesterday has even mentioned their fans. Why? Because they were actually fairly loud. If somebody that watched on TV thought their support was "pathetic" then obviously the microphones didn't accurately reflect what was actually going on inside the stadium, as can often be the case. But because it's "money bags" Man City it's very easy to slate them, call them all "plastic" fans and assume all of them started supporting the club post-2008. It's a pretty unfair sweeping generalisation to make and, should we be bought by a rich Chinese consortium in the summer, it could be a generalisation made against our own fans in future. I wonder how many would be irked by that if it were to happen. I certainly would be.

- The few dozen morons who thought backing the Villa in this "crucial" game involved singing another club's 'Adam Johnson song' throughout the first half.

- I've also explained, linked to the point above, how I think some (not all) of our song choices are very unimaginative at times. And that many Villa fans seem to think our away support is better than it really is. It's strong most games, no question.

So hardly "panning the fans", just not being a sheep in thinking everything is absolutely rosy. Funny the reaction I get on here though when I dare to raise anything other than "Man City's fans are shite".

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I'd have answered your questions again but I had already answered them as succinctly as I could aside from one - I have no strong opinion on the Johnson thing. There were maybe 50-100 people singing it, as is their right frankly. They paid the same amount for their ticket as I did. Objecting to it morally is another matter, one I'm genuinely not interested in discussing hence my reluctance to reply initially.

As I also said, it seems like a really weird thing to get annoyed about and I don't feel like fueling your fire.

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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We lost


We have spirit

We dont lie down

We can score

We can play good football

We, the fans, the players & Tim are disappointed at such a result

The celebration and togetherness the players showed at 2-2 was fantastic - thanx Tim youre doing a great job

Play like this, remain unbeaten and we'll survive and win the FA cup

Villa fan who is proud again

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I'd have answered your questions again but I had already answered them as succinctly as I could aside from one - I have no strong opinion on the Johnson thing. There were maybe 50-100 people singing it, as is their right frankly. They paid the same amount for their ticket as I did. Objecting to it morally is another matter, one I'm genuinely not interested in discussing hence my reluctance to reply initially.

As I also said, it seems like a really weird thing to get annoyed about and I don't feel like fueling your fire.

It's my 'right' to sing the teletubbies theme tune for 45 minutes but, if I did, I would more than likely get some very strange looks (and rightly so). We're still in a very precarious position in the league and we were holding our own at the champions, yet you have "no strong opinion" on a sizeable number of supporters (I agree with your estimate of up to 100) singing a chant on and off for 45 minutes about a player who may/may not have committed a crime but has absolutely nothing to do with Aston Villa? There's not even a tenuous link. I've never heard such a bizarre and ill-thought out chant in all the time I've been following us.


People are very quick to jump on negativity from the stands when it rears its head, yet this seems to have gone unnoticed. How was that chant meant to be helping the team? And from a moral stance, since when was somebody guilty until proven innocent in this country? I guess this comes down to a far wider issue concerning social media and the boundaries it has blurred.

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Hi everyone!


Don't forget you can cast your votes in the first page of this thread ;).


We also added a new feature.

When the votes are closed, you'll automatically see the MOTM.

You can see how it looks like right now if you check last game's thread.


Feel free to give us any feedbacks.



Mehdi @ Voopl.


Mendi is back B)


or I misread something


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No shame in defeat at the Etihad for me - and remarkably, a fine overall performance in a game that if you had offered me a one goal defeat beforehand in this perennial dead rubber, I would have taken it.


For the third week running, we put in a performance befitting a top six side - yes we actually did. I mean come on - away at Spurs did we realistically think we would really win that before the game? Last week at Wembley was as magical a performance as I have seen any Villa side produce in the last half decade. **** it, the last decade.


But for a major howler early on, we gradually grew into the game and shaded the overall match at City. But we didn't score enough... or at least, we let in too many. For me, the defeat actually kind of felt like a win. The way we clawed back a gift of a 2-0 deficit and went on to look the more likely winners with that Benteke/Hart moment. We showed a lot of character in that game and I take my hat off to the manager and the team for having the spunk to have a go... it was a dead rubber... a free hit.


Any team can have a purple patch, which is why I won't be tipping us for top six any time soon. But if we play like that for the rest of the season, I am sure we will be okay. With good custodianship and transfer management, we should be capably of a 10th place finish at least. What worries me is that we have the possibility of playing dog shit now in a fixture we might have pinned a lot of expectation in winning... So, I fear for us at home this weekend being honest.


Big plus for me - we got all our howlers and errors out of the way in a fixture that we didn't expect anything from before the game.


In Tim I trust... COME ON!!!

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