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Star Wars Battlefront 3


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Star Wars has officially made its return this year under the wing of Disney — once again entering the minds of many with lightsabers battles, blaster fire, and the iconic soundtrack. We’ve been waiting patiently for The Force Awakens to release in the theaters and for Star Wars Battlefront to release on video game consoles, but it may not have been worth the wait.

Over the weekend, Battlefront released early for those who have EA Access on Xbox One, giving players 10 hours to dive into the full version of the game and explore all of the content available — but most of the experience felt underwhelming for a game of this scale. Here’s a few things you may want to consider before picking up Star Wars Battlefront this week.


Multiplayer Modes Lack Ingenuity

Battlefront offers nine total game modes to players, with plenty of action across each. You’ve got the larger ones focused on Walker Assault and Supremacy, which each allow 40 players to go head-to-head, along with the smaller modes such as Cargo and Droid Run with 16 players on the battlefield. But after spending time in all the different modes, you quickly realize that the larger modes, Walker Assault and Supremacy, are the meat of Battlefront. Each one contains everything offered by the smaller modes, which are just watered down versions of Walker Assault and Supremacy. Take Battlefront’s version of team deathmatch for example, Blast, which just felt like a smaller scale Walker Assault without heroes and vehicles. Another mode, Hero Hunt, felt like a scaled down Walker Assault too, where I found myself running around trying to land the killing blow on Darth Vader to become Boba Fett the next time around — before realizing that I could just go back to Walker Assault and spend some quality time with the bounty hunter. So why even play modes like Blast, Hero Hunt, and Cargo when they are just pieces of the Walker Assault and Supremacy?

The only thing that feels new about Battlefront are the two largest modes — and that’s not a good thing.

Heroes Are Limited in Number


One of the biggest concepts behind the original Star Wars Battlefront and its sequel, Star Wars Battlefront 2 was the ability to play as various heroes from the Star Wars universe. Back then, we had 23 different heroes to choose from spread across 4 factions — but in EA’s Battlefront? We have six, three for each faction. Each of these six heroes feel fantastic when you’re playing them and remain a consistent danger on the battlefield — complete with all of their ironic one-liners. But, these heroes quickly lose their novelty as you play with each continuously, and the lack of variety starts to show as you move map to map playing the same iconic characters. It’s also worth mentioning that there are onlytwo heroes that have ships you can fly, Han Solo and Boba Fett. While both are fun to play and look fantastic, I can’t help but wonder why Luke Skywalker’s X-Wing or an elite Tie-Fighter pilot weren’t placed in the game’s ship roster.

No Single-Player Campaign and Galactic Conquest


Unfortunately, Battlefront does not offer a single-player campaign or the popular Galactic Conquest mode. Instead, the game offers missions in the form of training, battles and cooperative survival — which feel like they were thrown in for the sake of allowing split screen. The training missions can all be completed in under 10 minutes and offer no replayability, while the battles themselves only feature the player character and a small number of AI-controlled teammates on a small map. The cooperative survival missions aren’t bad though, featuring multiple difficulties that can ramp up the challenge, but each of these suffers from the same drawback: they don’t allow you to pilot vehicles, complete objectives, or take down Imperial Walkers (except for 1 of the training missions). Essentially, they don’t take advantage of what makes Battlefront so appealing — and it makes me wonder what a mode like Galactic Conquest could have looked like in the game with large-scale AI battles.

Missing Standard Multiplayer Functionality


Battlefront requires coordination, especially in the larger modes like Walker Assault and Supremacy as you are trying to take out Luke Skywalker or capture a point for your team. In order to do so, communication is required — butBattlefront doesn’t have any form of in-game voice communication or a way to place an objective marker for your teammates. As a result, you will typically find yourself running into engagements and hoping teammates have the same idea. The solution is to bring friends, who can help turn the tide via 3rd-party communication applications like Xbox One/PS4’s party chat — although you can only create groups of up to 8 players. It’s also worth noting that Battlefront lacks a multiplayer server browser, custom matches, and a squad system — which helps to hinder the customization of your multiplayer experience. It’s looking like they opted to focus on getting players into a match faster instead of providing these systems, but they certainly might add them later down the road, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up.


Star Wars Battlefront isn’t a bad game per-se; and it’s very obvious how much time and care has been placed into Battlefront by DICE. Everything feels right, sounds crisp, and looks exactly like the iconic areas Star Wars fans have come to known and love. Racing through Endor on a Speeder Bike and fighting waves of rebels as Slave I feels exactly as it should — but Battlefront doesn’t focus on these experiences across the board, which is the game’s biggest shortcoming. While most of these issues will probably be fixed with the game’s season pass, it doesn’t mean they couldn’t have been included in the base game — and that’s something to consider before hopping on board DICE’s latest title.

Fantastic article that sums up the 'game' pretty well. The bolded especially is staggering. How can a PS2 game have so many, yet a PS4 have 6!? So lazy.

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Why have you put 'game' in inverted commas Stefan? Is it that bad in your eyes that it's not even considered a game? :D

I've seen some good and bad reviews for Battlefront. I'll make my own mind up after I've played it for longer than a few days. I can see why people say it lacks depth and longevity, but I've also had a massive amount of fun so far. Running around the Forest Moon of Endor, taking down AT-STs with a Thermal Detonator, hearing Ewoks shouting, hopping on a speeder and flying through the jungle, before using a jump-pack to hop up into the Ewok tree-houses to pick off some storm troopers from a vantage point. That's my idea of fun. Longevity or not :)

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It is pretty funny how outraged you are about it Stef, DICE picked up the franchise when the former devs had gone.

They've made a good, fun game which from what I've seen is a pretty good copy of the former games minus a couple of modes (albeit popular ones) and a single player - something DICE have never been great at, apart from bad company 2.

But the good parts are the spectacular graphics, 60fps, amazing sound and a real authentic feel.

The DLC hasn't been announced, and some people will be put off by a 40 quid game and a 40 quid premium, but the game is still there.

Fair do's it won't last for 2 years, but you never know.

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I'm just so disappointed :(

It's a game I've been looking forward to since I stopped playing BF2 maybe 8 years ago.

And it just sin't a Battlefield game.

How can you take out the most popular game mode ahhhhhhhhh

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11 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

It is pretty funny how outraged you are about it Stef, DICE picked up the franchise when the former devs had gone.


They've made a good, fun game which from what I've seen is a pretty good copy of the former games minus a couple of modes (albeit popular ones) and a single player - something DICE have never been great at, apart from bad company 2.


But the good parts are the spectacular graphics, 60fps, amazing sound and a real authentic feel.


The DLC hasn't been announced, and some people will be put off by a 40 quid game and a 40 quid premium, but the game is still there.


Fair do's it won't last for 2 years, but you never know.

For me, it will go down as Titan fall dos. Once the novelty wears off the community will soon drop off, I actually think it's a bit of a mess & also light on content all at the same time.


like the above article every game mode outside the big two are just parts of those game modes. I can't even say it plays well, it just doesn't feel cohesive when I'm playing.

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Picked it up this morning, spent a couple of hours on it, hard to put my finger on it, it's just missing something and isn't particularly any good or that enjoyable, even playing as the hero isn't that good

Will give it the benefit of the doubt on the basis that I don't know the maps and haven't sorted my load outs yet but I'm struggling

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17 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

hard to put my finger on it, it's just missing something

Yeah like 70% of the game

Which is why i didn't buy it

It's just another EA moneymaker but still people fall for it paying top whack for a game with half its content missing then having the cheek to ask you to pay more to play the finished version but as long as people still buy it they will continue to do it

I'll pick it up cheap in a couple of years

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I don't think it's that, that's something that'll annoy me when I get 10 hours + in to it, during the first 2/3 games I played it didn't feel right, I played a couple of the small maps in blast or something, played 3 of the maps, tatooine was crap, hoth was ok in the middle but poor in the tunnels, ender was ok outside but crap inside, then played hoth, ender and the lava planet on the big mode don't think any of it works very well, endor was the best

I don't think the maps are good, I don't think the game modes are good, the hero was disappointing, and I'm not convinced by the feel of the guns, I like the bonus system but that's about it so far

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I've just been checking my trophies, and I've achieved one called 'Not bad for a little fur ball'. How did I get that trophy? ...'Get hit in the head with a rock thrown by an Ewok on Endor' !

You can all say what you want about this game, because I'm not listening. I love it.

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EA Access offered 10 hours of this for free for any subscribers, I think it might day a lot about the game that a lot of people seem to have taken up the offer, enjoyed their 10 hours, and then happily said that that was enough of the game for them.

Having watched a bit of it, it seems line there's a fun game in there but it's very lightweight. I'd like to see a true Battlefield title with a heavy Star Wars skin, that had the potential to be incredible.

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1 hour ago, Chindie said:

EA Access offered 10 hours of this for free for any subscribers, I think it might day a lot about the game that a lot of people seem to have taken up the offer, enjoyed their 10 hours, and then happily said that that was enough of the game for them.

Having watched a bit of it, it seems line there's a fun game in there but it's very lightweight. I'd like to see a true Battlefield title with a heavy Star Wars skin, that had the potential to be incredible.

See, that would be really cool. What generally puts me off battlefront is how casual it is. 

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34 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

What's not casual about Battlefield? lol

It's slighty more "stat-y" then COD, yea, but it's still a casual FPS.

(1 I love by the way)

Battlefield can be very casual, but it can also be extremely competitive if you play with the right people. To be good at Battlefield requires far more skill than in Battlefront (3rd person shooting ffs). From what I played of Battlefront it felt incredibly gimmicky with little substance. Even the teamplay/squad system in Battlefield makes it more competitive. 

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