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The Tim Sherwood Thread


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Its about signing players with the right substance......Shankly said this moons ago.....Saunders made it his mission to sign the right characters

.....Clough made the point of getting tackles in after you have just scored.

These are millionaire footballers now.....It is more reason than ever The manager is aware of the character of the player.

I think Tim Sherwood has a rightful cause for concern with That Spurs side  and instances with us......I can see it.

Would Andy Gray Shirk or Andy Lochead shirk..... we try to sign technically gifted players, nothing wrong with that, but we need the other sort too.....and I think we are short of players, you can hang your hat on, Like Shaun Teale.Paul Mcgrath.

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They say Tim Sherwood, does not know his best team

I don't think any of us do.


I don't think Sherwood knows the difference between his arse and his elbow tbh

He talks a good game it's a shame it doesn't translate to performances on the pitch

Judging by the posts I have read, I think the majority of posters on this site, in my opinion of course, have a better idea of our best team than he does, and that has to be a worry.

                                        Right now, I would think that the mental approach to the next game is as important as the technical approach.....I would doubt that any fan would know the players intimately enough to make that judgment.....There is more to this game than just kicking a football in a straight line.

                                          Tim Sherwood knows whats wrong, as some of we do......Its how to put it right is the tricky bit.....and I don't mind admitting, I wouldn't have a clue.

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Is this Alex McLeish Mark 2.....on to a hiding to nothing.

He's had a bad start and crikey i'm not happy, but some of the stuff on here is OTT

He shows his disappointment in interviews , thats wrong....He explains his actions in games, thats wrong,....He says its going to be a tough season, thats wrong...He tells it like it is, that wrong.

We all want wins and thats all that will change it.

Do you think he is Stephen Hawking......maybe some things things have surprised him a little.

I can understand the frustration.....but the blame has got ridiculous......what is going to be said when we go on a winning run?

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They say Tim Sherwood, does not know his best team

I don't think any of us do.


I don't think Sherwood knows the difference between his arse and his elbow tbh

He talks a good game it's a shame it doesn't translate to performances on the pitch

Judging by the posts I have read, I think the majority of posters on this site, in my opinion of course, have a better idea of our best team than he does, and that has to be a worry.

                                        Right now, I would think that the mental approach to the next game is as important as the technical approach.....I would doubt that any fan would know the players intimately enough to make that judgment.....There is more to this game than just kicking a football in a straight line.

                                          Tim Sherwood knows whats wrong, as some of we do......Its how to put it right is the tricky bit.....and I don't mind admitting, I wouldn't have a clue.

Better choices for the starting lineup, better choice of substitutions and when they should occur - that would be a start.

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Is this Alex McLeish Mark 2.....on to a hiding to nothing.

He's had a bad start and crikey i'm not happy, but some of the stuff on here is OTT

He shows his disappointment in interviews , thats wrong....He explains his actions in games, thats wrong,....He says its going to be a tough season, thats wrong...He tells it like it is, that wrong.

We all want wins and thats all that will change it.

Do you think he is Stephen Hawking......maybe some things things have surprised him a little.

I can understand the frustration.....but the blame has got ridiculous......what is going to be said when we go on a winning run?

Well, I will be saying, `` Well done, Tim. ''

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This one stands out.  

To sack him or want him sacked after 7 games is completely moronic. End of.

Ouch. I don't know what it's like to be a pro footballer, but you'd have to think that Tim's attitude here is petulant and not exactly calculated to best keep the dressing room on board. I'm seeing signs of this having happened at Villa, based purely and entirely on TV footage, so not exactly scientific, and I very much want to be wrong. Only the football and results will tell the story.

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Its about signing players with the right substance......Shankly said this moons ago.....Saunders made it his mission to sign the right characters

.....Clough made the point of getting tackles in after you have just scored.

These are millionaire footballers now.....It is more reason than ever The manager is aware of the character of the player.

I think Tim Sherwood has a rightful cause for concern with That Spurs side  and instances with us......I can see it.

Would Andy Gray Shirk or Andy Lochead shirk..... we try to sign technically gifted players, nothing wrong with that, but we need the other sort too.....and I think we are short of players you can hang your hat on, Like Shaun Teale.Paul Mcgrath.

Add Micheal Oakes to that list. If the rumours were true you could hang your whole wardrobe on there.

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Is this Alex McLeish Mark 2.....on to a hiding to nothing.


In the sense that not many of us wanted him in the first place, maybe,but i think the comparison ends there.

The thing with Tim is, that a lot us saw the petulance, the arrogance and lack of any tactical nous from his time at Spurs and thought that this was a bad appointment. But then, he kept us up, got us to Wembley which included 2 wins over one of our rivals and then had a good summer in terms of bringing in some good players and seemingly a good number 2. At that point i think a lot of us looked at it and thought 'hang on i might have this wrong' and our opinions changed.

Fast forward a few months and all our initial worries are coming to the for and we now realise our opinions were probably right in the first place. In a funny sort of way he is like Darren Bent, he came in and saved us from the drop when all looked lost,gave us a good couple of months and for that we should be forever grateful, but like Darren we just are not suited long term, and the quicker he is off the payroll the better.

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Is this Alex McLeish Mark 2.....on to a hiding to nothing.


In the sense that not many of us wanted him in the first place, maybe,but i think the comparison ends there.

The thing with Tim is, that a lot us saw the petulance, the arrogance and lack of any tactical nous from his time at Spurs and thought that this was a bad appointment. But then, he kept us up, got us to Wembley which included 2 wins over one of our rivals and then had a good summer in terms of bringing in some good players and seemingly a good number 2. At that point i think a lot of us looked at it and thought 'hang on i might have this wrong' and our opinions changed.

Fast forward a few months and all our initial worries are coming to the for and we now realise our opinions were probably right in the first place. In a funny sort of way he is like Darren Bent, he came in and saved us from the drop when all looked lost,gave us a good couple of months and for that we should be forever grateful, but like Darren we just are not suited long term, and the quicker he is off the payroll the better.

Absolutely spot on in my view, totally agree and sums up where I am with it.


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Is this Alex McLeish Mark 2.....on to a hiding to nothing.


In the sense that not many of us wanted him in the first place, maybe,but i think the comparison ends there.

The thing with Tim is, that a lot us saw the petulance, the arrogance and lack of any tactical nous from his time at Spurs and thought that this was a bad appointment. But then, he kept us up, got us to Wembley which included 2 wins over one of our rivals and then had a good summer in terms of bringing in some good players and seemingly a good number 2. At that point i think a lot of us looked at it and thought 'hang on i might have this wrong' and our opinions changed.

Fast forward a few months and all our initial worries are coming to the for and we now realise our opinions were probably right in the first place. In a funny sort of way he is like Darren Bent, he came in and saved us from the drop when all looked lost,gave us a good couple of months and for that we should be forever grateful, but like Darren we just are not suited long term, and the quicker he is off the payroll the better.


That is kind of my thoughts on the matter as well. I must admit that I am still in two minds a little, as during the summer I did think that we may struggle at first due this season to the rip it up and start again nature to our squad rebuild. I don't see as much of the team as you guys though, so have kept quiet a little on this situation. My gut feeling has always been that he wouldn't be a good appointment for us, This is based on what he did at Spurs rather than any arrogance or cockiness. He started well at Spurs then fell off the cliff (Until they played us in the last game), which made me think he was a short term manager. I really hope I am wrong as we all need some good fortune, and an end to this miserable run of relegation battles.

Edited by NeilS
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Is this Alex McLeish Mark 2.....on to a hiding to nothing.


In the sense that not many of us wanted him in the first place, maybe,but i think the comparison ends there.

The thing with Tim is, that a lot us saw the petulance, the arrogance and lack of any tactical nous from his time at Spurs and thought that this was a bad appointment. But then, he kept us up, got us to Wembley which included 2 wins over one of our rivals and then had a good summer in terms of bringing in some good players and seemingly a good number 2. At that point i think a lot of us looked at it and thought 'hang on i might have this wrong' and our opinions changed.

Fast forward a few months and all our initial worries are coming to the for and we now realise our opinions were probably right in the first place. In a funny sort of way he is like Darren Bent, he came in and saved us from the drop when all looked lost,gave us a good couple of months and for that we should be forever grateful, but like Darren we just are not suited long term, and the quicker he is off the payroll the better.

Absolutely spot on in my view, totally agree and sums up where I am with it.


We needed someone who wasn't Lambert to keep us up. TS did that - although by tyhe very skin of our teeth, it should be remembered that a lot of the struggling clubs at the bottom changed managers - I think TS did the worst - he moved us one place up the table.  Still job done and yes he deserves credit for that.

I know this will sound incredibly harsh- but I really think we should have dispensed with him at the end of last season. We could than have gotten a more proven manager in - as it is Tim has spent the Benteke money - not all of it wisely, whatever the personnel he can't organise the defence - Sorry I just don't think he has it at this level.

We can't keep changing manager I hear you cry - well if we got a decent one installed we wouldn't have to.



Edited by hippo
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We needed someone who wasn't Lambert to keep us up. TS did that - although by tyhe very skin of our teeth, it should be remembered that a lot of the struggling clubs at the bottom changed managers - I think TS did the worst - he moved us one place up the table.  Still job done and yes he deserves credit for that.

I know this will sound incredibly harsh- but I really think we should have dispensed with him at the end of last season. We could than have gotten a more proven manager in - as it is Tim has spent the Benteke money - not all of it wisely, whatever the personnel he can't organise the defence - Sorry I just don't think he has it at this level.

We can't keep changing manager I hear you cry - well if we got a decent one installed we wouldn't have to.


While it's still too early for it (imo), getting a decent manager installed is not as easy as it sounds.

Lerner + Faulkner brought in McLeish

Lerner + Faulkner then brought in Lambert

Lerner + Fox brought in Sherwood

What's going to change this time around?

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Is this Alex McLeish Mark 2.....on to a hiding to nothing.

He's had a bad start and crikey i'm not happy, but some of the stuff on here is OTT

He shows his disappointment in interviews , thats wrong....He explains his actions in games, thats wrong,....He says its going to be a tough season, thats wrong...He tells it like it is, that wrong.

We all want wins and thats all that will change it.

Do you think he is Stephen Hawking......maybe some things things have surprised him a little.

I can understand the frustration.....but the blame has got ridiculous......what is going to be said when we go on a winning run?

The only reason people are picking him up for saying it's going to be a tough season, is that 4 months ago he was telling us that there was no way we'd be in a relegation battle this season and that if he was allowed to sign some players, which he has been, then he'd move us forward this season. Now he's saying we're in a relegation battle, this season was always just about staying in the league and we'll have to wait until next season to see any progress.

He's contradicting himself, basically.

It's nothing malicious, what he says is all just a bit silly.


But we've known this since before he was our manager. He's always said silly stuff. He's always been a bell end. His interviews shouldn't change people's opinions of him.

Ultimately the results and performances should be what shapes our opinion of him as our manager. unfortunately, they're also garbage right now.

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Is this Alex McLeish Mark 2.....on to a hiding to nothing.

He's had a bad start and crikey i'm not happy, but some of the stuff on here is OTT

He shows his disappointment in interviews , thats wrong....He explains his actions in games, thats wrong,....He says its going to be a tough season, thats wrong...He tells it like it is, that wrong.

We all want wins and thats all that will change it.

Do you think he is Stephen Hawking......maybe some things things have surprised him a little.

I can understand the frustration.....but the blame has got ridiculous......what is going to be said when we go on a winning run?

Its nothing to do with what you above said in my view anyway - disappointment, actions etc.

What annoys me about him is that he says what he thinks the fans want to hear.  Why do I think this, because he totally contradicts himself a few weeks down the line.  Also there is a difference in showing your disappointment and slating the players every turn around.  Smells of a cornered rat imo

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Well i think what he did at the end of last season was remarkable given the players available to him. For that reason i will give him until mid December before i start calling for his head, and I am confident that i won't be calling for it then either.


Results have gone against us, the team are still gelling, and we've had injuries to the best two signings so far. We haven't had much luck, but flukey win and things suddenly look ok again, the margins are that tight.


Breathe everyone.

Edited by dukes
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I find it very laughable that footballers on 40k a week are so emotionally weak that they cant take a bit of public criticism from their boss. Worst part is people actually defend them instead of the manager

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Just remembered something else funny he said.

Talking to McLeish after the Blues game on Sky and he said words to the effect of "I like Clarky, when you look in his eyes, you know what you're going to get." :crylaugh:

Does he think he's in a film?

Like I said earlier on, we've got a decent side now, just not the correct manager.

He's a couple of losses away from throwing players under the bus, it'll be before 1st of November he starts saying the players aren't good enough, and they're losers blah blah blah.

I'd fupping love a win this weekend though, come on Tim!

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