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The Tim Sherwood Thread


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There is a fine dividing line between Arrogant and confident.....I think Tim is Confident.



Arrogance rarely accepts criticism in any form from anyone ( Martin O'Neill, Brian Clough)


Confidence is usually feeling comfortable in explaining to others why they are wrong.( Tim Sherwood, Graham Taylor MK1)

Edited by TRO
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I don't think he's that much of a maverick renegade, to be fair. He's not as straight-laced as a Mclaren or a Hodgson but I don't think he's too far removed to be out of the picture due to personality.

I never used anything like those terms. You're putting words in my mouth :)

I'm also not saying the FA are correct in their approach. I think they cut off their nose to spite their face. But they are what they are. A dinosaur.

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When Tim Sherwood was appointed as manager I was pleased for the reasons some describe him as a confident person.....I don't think it is wise to be too critical of that attribute.....we have watched managers for years who could have done with an injection of it.


Just because someone is confident it doesn't mean you should be obliged to want to pull them down at every opportunity......on the contrary it makes me want to defend him even more, he's a trier i want to be a trier ( as a fan) in short he deserves to be supported.


Right, from the outset, I was never in doubt that he will make mistakes....Its a very easy business to do that in.....some of us on here have been following Villa for over 40 years and we would make mistakes put in the same situation....There are so many variables.....Its not to say no one has the right to be critical.....but at such an early stage of his own managerial career, he needs support, before criticism, there is time for that if its warranted.....for now we should be behind him, many outsiders will want to doubt him for obvious reasons,(they want to put us down) right now IMO we would be fools to join in with them.


Confident people also need support,just as much as folk of different personalities, even Del Boy must have his moments of doubt.lol


It will take more than this window for him to turn around this football team and we must be patient, but for someone who is inexperienced in the transfer market, he has come out of the traps much quicker than some managers I can think of with far more experience....that for me is a good sign.

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It's a results driven business at the end of the day - we were very patient with Lambert and it just never came together. Tim could well succeed here but he could well fail too - he's very much unproven still and that's why I've been keeping on the fence. I think we'll know a lot about him by Christmas, anyway. I'm hoping it's positive.

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I wasn't keen when Tim Sherwood became manager BUT the way he has conducted himself throughout the summer has spoken volumes. He is constantly compared to Harry Redknapp, but has very much stayed away from the media and when he has spoken publicly has kept a fairly low profile and avoided being being contentious.

Whether he can take Villa forward I am still uncertain but increasingly I think there is more to Mr.Sherwood than meets the eye.

He strikes me as a guy who knows AVFC has massive potential and that despite the odds being against us, he is determined to give it a go.

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I don't doubt he'd be popular among the media or the fans but the media and the fans don't pick the manager.  Just like Harry Redknapp would have been loved by the media (if not all fans) and he was avoided by the FA for the far safer Woy.  They haven't changed in years.  They avoided Clough for the same reason.  Mentalists.

To an extent I think the media and the fans help to pick the manager. The pressure for an English manager after Capello seemed to largely stem from them, for example.


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I accept its a results business and at the end of the day that stands.


.....but along the way, you see/identify with things that indicate to you that this guy could be on the right lines.....I never felt that with some of our previous managers, even factoring in their constraints.


as the old saying goes in business look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.....similarly get most of the details right and the big decisions become a formality.....but whether they are on the right track or not....that little thing called luck can be a big factor.


I think he will make it with us....but we need to keep our nerve with him too.

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I accept its a results business and at the end of the day that stands.


.....but along the way, you see/identify with things that indicate to you that this guy could be on the right lines.....I never felt that with some of our previous managers, even factoring in their constraints.


as the old saying goes in business look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.....similarly get most of the details right and the big decisions become a formality.....but whether they are on the right track or not....that little thing called luck can be a big factor.


I think he will make it with us....but we need to keep our nerve with him too.

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I accept its a results business and at the end of the day that stands.


.....but along the way, you see/identify with things that indicate to you that this guy could be on the right lines.....I never felt that with some of our previous managers, even factoring in their constraints.


as the old saying goes in business look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.....similarly get most of the details right and the big decisions become a formality.....but whether they are on the right track or not....that little thing called luck can be a big factor.


I think he will make it with us....but we need to keep our nerve with him too.


I accept its a results business and at the end of the day that stands.


.....but along the way, you see/identify with things that indicate to you that this guy could be on the right lines.....I never felt that with some of our previous managers, even factoring in their constraints.


as the old saying goes in business look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.....similarly get most of the details right and the big decisions become a formality.....but whether they are on the right track or not....that little thing called luck can be a big factor.


I think he will make it with us....but we need to keep our nerve with him too.

Not sure if you really accept it's a results business though TRO...

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He's too outspoken.  The FA need a conformist who'll toe the line.  Unless he changes his entire persona then I can't see him ever being a candidate.


well the young Premier League managers so far this summer who I have seen tipped as future England managers Im sure FA would go with Howe or Monk before Sherwood

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I don't doubt he'd be popular among the media or the fans but the media and the fans don't pick the manager.  Just like Harry Redknapp would have been loved by the media (if not all fans) and he was avoided by the FA for the far safer Woy.  They haven't changed in years.  They avoided Clough for the same reason.  Mentalists.

To an extent I think the media and the fans help to pick the manager. The pressure for an English manager after Capello seemed to largely stem from them, for example.


I agree Mantis I think the media and fans do have a impact on who the FA go for. Candleface was really disliked, I dont think Sherwood is from the same mould thankfully


When was the last time the National side had a youngish englishman? dont think I have seen one in my time

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I hope that's not in response to me TRO, otherwise I've been grossly and hilariously misinterpreted :)


It was not in response to you BOF, so your drawbridge came up unnecessarily :) .....I just chose the moment to add my opinion to an often misinterpreted topic of Arrogance& confidence....just in the same way that results and performances can get confused.

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He's too outspoken.  The FA need a conformist who'll toe the line.  Unless he changes his entire persona then I can't see him ever being a candidate.


well the young Premier League managers so far this summer who I have seen tipped as future England managers Im sure FA would go with Howe or Monk before Sherwood


Plus Sherwood is nearly 70 years old, so maybe a little bit past it anyway.

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