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The Tim Sherwood Thread


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This season we have had crap players being dreadful, mediocre players being crap and our good players being mediocre.

Great way of saying what I usually use about 100 words too many trying to get at.


Although thinking about it I should personally add 'underrated players proving me wrong' just for Hutton.


Good call, I think Hutton, Okore and Clark must get honourable mentions for mostly being a lot better than expected.

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I dunno. Who cares. Agree it is ridiculous.


It wasn't a joke at all. I'll get behind him because I want Villa to do well, but that doesn't hide my opinion he is a self-important idiot. I hope he proves me wrong though.



It was a joke!

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It seems Sherwood gets every sentence examined minutely and gets a lot taken out of context. "Fail trying" obviously means if we do go down we will go down trying not sleep walking into it as we have of late. He was even picked up in his needs more time line when he meant he'd only been with the players 5 days before Stoke and was still judging what he had and who he could rely on. Nothing at all in his presser was a negative unless of course it suits whoevers agenda towards him. We have a massive week coming up hopefully we can go undefeated.

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At the end of the day, I don't care if he says he's the Special Juan, it's the results on the pitch that matter right now. He's here to keep us up, not prepare unambiguous speeches.

Since some kind of Digital Media Analyst bought it up, he was clearly joking.

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Beginning to like this bloke, he is a bit arrogant and full of confidence, could be just what we need rather than the dour negativity of the predecessor, somebody has to get the negativity out of the players and club and change things. We have had too many managers blaming finances and the situation for our performances, Hopefully confidence will breed success this time.

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Omg u guys. Chill and let him get on with it

There's enough negatively around the place without us fans adding to it.

Some of these comments are hilarious considering who they're coming from!

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I see Sherwood and it reminds me of that locker room scene in Top Gun where Ice Man is giving Maverick a bit of a grilling, even calling him 'dangerous.' Maverick (Tom Cruise) goes right into Ice Man's (Val Kilmer) personal space, pulls a 'funny face' and snaps "That's right..."


Sherwood - Maverick...


Damn, I wish I knew how to put gifs in.

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