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The 2015 General Election


General Election 2015  

178 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you vote at the general election on May 7th?

    • Conservative
    • Labour
    • Lib Dem
    • UKIP
    • Green
    • Regionally based party (SNP, Plaid, DUP, SF etc)
    • Local Independent Candidate
    • Other
    • Spoil Paper
    • Won't bother going to the polls

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Just a quick question does anyone know if Farage has stood down as an MEP to campaign for a seat as an MP?

Nope, he probably won't either, he'll get more money as an MEP than an MP I think and as he rarely goes and that suits his agenda why would he?

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I thought Miliband was more impressive than I've seen him previously. I thought he had a better night than Cameron did.

He did well, but the strength of the SNP performance surely makes it all a bit fruitless. Cameron was happy to just sit back and watch. I doubt many people will have changed their minds based on the debate, so it's as you were and coalition time again.

Common consensus seems to be that good SNP performance last night is bad for Labour. I don't see it that way. They are going to get hammered in Scotland regardless. But suddenly all those Tory scare adverts about an SNP-backed Labour govt don't seem quite so scary.

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It's interesting that Cameron made his VAT promise and Clegg made his tuition fees promise.

Both promises were broken, somehow the Cameron one has gone away but Clegg just never recovered from his. He's been bizarrely singled out as a politician who's word cannot be trusted. Which when you think about it. Isn't logical.

He will be replaced after the election, it's just a question of who they still have in Westminster that they can use as a replacement. We could potentially end up with Beaker as Deputy PM. Presuming it isn't Sturgeon of course.

Cameron didn't make a Vat promise

He just said we've no plans to increase it at this time

Then that time passed :) but it's not a broken promise like say promising a referendum and then not giving it

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 but it's not a broken promise like say promising a referendum and then not giving it



..or promising no top down reorganization of the NHS and then doing the complete opposite....or reducing immigration to the tens of thousands ...etc..etc

Edited by markavfc40
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I think it was a bad idea. There's millions of people up and down the country who are undecided or don't vote, and a chunk of those people will now vote based off a two hour TV show slagging match rather than doing their own research into the policies of each party and forming their own opinion.


Another example of the growing culture of superficiality we have nowadays. Maybe that's a bit dramatic. It's not like it's the first year that an election turned into a popularity contest.


While I agree with this sentiment - of course it would be better for people to form their own opinion based on a good amount of personal research - I think the debates do have some worth for those that don't want to engage. 


Would I rather people that can't be arsed to research the party (or closest party) that represents their views just base their opinions on the ludicrous persona of Nige being the guy with the pint. Or would I rather they base their views on a (albeit pretty rubbish) television debate? I think I would pick the latter. 

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Didn't the tories promise not to raise VAT before the last election and the do it anyway. Empty promises mean that pretty much all politician's words are meaningless and carry no value and it is for that reason I will go to the ballot and spoil the paper. I would not vote at all but feel in doing so would feel guilty for wasting the lives of those who fought for us to have the right to vote.

If those whose lives were "wasted" fought for anything it was freedom. The right NOT to go to the ballot if you wish it. Just as I won't.

Why go out of my way to spoil when a no vote achieves just the same. Complete apathy is a legitimate political opinion.

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My opinion on not voting, is that if you don't vote then no politician is going to even try and appease you. If you're a demographic that doesn't vote they won't give a toss about you. It's why so many policies try to appeal to the grey vote. And there are few that appeal to younger voters.

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It's interesting that Cameron made his VAT promise and Clegg made his tuition fees promise.

Both promises were broken, somehow the Cameron one has gone away but Clegg just never recovered from his. He's been bizarrely singled out as a politician who's word cannot be trusted. Which when you think about it. Isn't logical.

He will be replaced after the election, it's just a question of who they still have in Westminster that they can use as a replacement. We could potentially end up with Beaker as Deputy PM. Presuming it isn't Sturgeon of course.

Cameron didn't make a Vat promise

He just said we've no plans to increase it at this time

Then that time passed :) but it's not a broken promise like say promising a referendum and then not giving it

It's virtually impossible to keep all your manifesto promises in a coalition by definition, as it will involve negotiation and giving up certain policies to get an agreement, especially on taxes and spending. It's why I've always had a bit of sympathy for Clegg and his getting hammered non-stop for 5 years, at least he's helped to create some sort of functioning government when it could have been chaos.

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Didn't the tories promise not to raise VAT before the last election and the do it anyway. Empty promises mean that pretty much all politician's words are meaningless and carry no value and it is for that reason I will go to the ballot and spoil the paper. I would not vote at all but feel in doing so would feel guilty for wasting the lives of those who fought for us to have the right to vote.

If those whose lives were "wasted" fought for anything it was freedom. The right NOT to go to the ballot if you wish it. Just as I won't.

Why go out of my way to spoil when a no vote achieves just the same. Complete apathy is a legitimate political opinion.



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With respect I think that people who don't vote don't have a right to an opinion either. 

it is my opinions on politics that leads me to not vote, I feel unable to endorse any of the major political parties or the system they exist within. yet I am still forced by the fictional entity called government to be under it's authority, So with all respect your statement as above is indeed as snowychap eluded, a load of claptrap

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With respect I think that people who don't vote don't have a right to an opinion either. 

They have a right to do whatever they want, and have an opinion on anything too. It's just that, if they don't vote, nobody cares what they want, or what their opinion is.

Edited by meregreen
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It's just such an uninspiring election

You have tories helping rich and shafting middleclass and poor

Labour with A very weak leader, who can't be trusted after 12 years of mess. In addition they will raise taxes and go to bed with the snp which is more frightening

Lib dems unelectable as a sole party after all the lies and uturns they have demonstrated in the coalition

Ukip crazy leader whose only policy is to exit the eu. So let's say we do leave the eu what else do you plan to do? Seems it's their only policy.

Greens complete nutters read "their manifesto" as their leader keeps telling us and you see what crap they have. Supporting terrorism for example. Madness

Seems you have to vote which one is less shit meh

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