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The 2015 General Election


General Election 2015  

178 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you vote at the general election on May 7th?

    • Conservative
    • Labour
    • Lib Dem
    • UKIP
    • Green
    • Regionally based party (SNP, Plaid, DUP, SF etc)
    • Local Independent Candidate
    • Other
    • Spoil Paper
    • Won't bother going to the polls

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for example why did the nonce Tories sell of the profitable rail line which Virgin/NE purchased a few months ago? madness.... short term gain maybe?


It's because they don't dare admit the privatisation of public services has mostly failed the folks they were intended to serve.



Not all Tories are nonce's,  not all. 

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for example why did the nonce Tories sell of the profitable rail line which Virgin/NE purchased a few months ago? madness.... short term gain maybe?


It's because they don't dare admit the privatisation of public services has mostly failed the folks they were intended to serve.



Not all Tories are nonce's,  not all. 


I haven't met that one. ;)

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Top tax rate in Holland is 52% starting at €57,585. Companies pay their top people a bit less so they aren't as heavily taxed and the money saved goes to help raise wages for the rest of the employees.


But in Holland there isn't the culture of greed that we have in the UK.

Sorry to go back to a bti of an old post, but doesn't this mean the companies are just paying their employees less?


I assume it works as it does in the UK, where only the money you earn over the €57,585 threshold is taxed at the 52% rate?


So even if you go into that bracket you're still getting paid more, it's just that the extra you're getting paid is taxed higher.

You can't ever be in a position where getting a higher wage means you're taking home less.


So paying your employees less to stop them going into the top tax bracket just means you're paying your employees less.


Or have I misunderstood something? (which is very possible)

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Even if tax on salary over a certain point was 99.9% the more gross pay you earned, the more net pay you would get.

It might not be worth the bother to some people, but you always end up with extra cash at the end of the month unless there is a rate over 100% or there's some system of fines.


What does happen in the real world, is people maximise their net hourly rate earnings. Once they get to a threshold where that begins to dip, they get other soft incentives. A better car, softer core hours, access to the executive washroom, subsidised Director's bar every Friday and tickets to that show everyone wants to see...

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I'm sure it's been mentioned here before, but a ConLab coalition?


Who do you decide who is leader? i can ever imagine Cameron working under ed miliband or vice versa


I think the big winners will be lib dems as both will try tempt them to go into another coalition

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I'm sure it's been mentioned here before, but a ConLab coalition?

Who do you decide who is leader? i can ever imagine Cameron working under ed miliband or vice versa


I think the big winners will be lib dems as both will try tempt them to go into another coalition

Party with the most seats gets to lead the coalition

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for example why did the nonce Tories sell of the profitable rail line which Virgin/NE purchased a few months ago? madness.... short term gain maybe?


It's because they don't dare admit the privatisation of public services has mostly failed the folks they were intended to serve.



depends on who they believe they serve ;)

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I'm sure it's been mentioned here before, but a ConLab coalition?


Who do you decide who is leader? i can ever imagine Cameron working under ed miliband or vice versa


I think the big winners will be lib dems as both will try tempt them to go into another coalition



This Week last night suggested Libs are currently polling at 6 %  ( UKIP around 16%)


difference is the Lib dem 6% seems to be very much based around target seats that they could win , where as the UKIP vote is fragmented


so we could see UKIP receive triple the number of votes of the Libs  but end up with  less than the libs and even zero seats



assuming Labour get wiped out in Scotchland  ... it's going to become very tight and UKIP probably will end up giving Ed the keys to number 10  ( though he's such an incompetent buffoon he'll probably try and use them to enter number 7 )

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It shows how much of a cretin Milliband is, considering the arse pounding the tories have been getting off media, BBCQT, Radio shows, members of the public when they're interviewed by Nick Owen, yet he might not even get the most seats or a majority. 


Cameron got close without Labour having to do the dirty work the last five years. 

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It shows how much of a cretin Milliband is, considering the arse pounding the tories have been getting off media, BBCQT, Radio shows, members of the public when they're interviewed by Nick Owen, yet he might not even get the most seats or a majority. 


Cameron got close without Labour having to do the dirty work the last five years. 

I think you'll find that the Tory press have been giving Milliband a much harder time than Cameron, as they always do. BBC, ITV pretty much even stevens. Labour vote holding up pretty well considering. Tories have hurt too many of the most vulnerable while lining the pockets of their "friends". Dirty work is a pretty accurate description of what they've been up to. In a few weeks, they will pay the price for that.

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I honestly have no idea who to vote for... I have no confidence in any of the main parties or politicians so what do I do?


Conservative - in all honesty I don't mind Cameron, yes he's a public schoolboy with a plummy voice but I think he means well. However, there are too many Tories that I do not trust, May, Osbourne, Gove (thank god he's only Chief Whip now) et al  and this sways me


Labour - In my opinion, royally screwed the pooch when they last had power - Blair, came in was a tory-light Labour leader but then went power crazy, leaving under a dust cloud and we somehow ended up with Brown as PM through the backdoor. Economy went to shit (worldwide finances taken into account too) and we're still reaping the rewards of it. Now they have Milliband in charge and there is no way I will contribute to having that man in charge - weak, inept and comes across as a victim.


Lib Dem -wasted vote


UKIP - not a f**king chance -my major worry is we're almost certainly going to have a coalition government again and Farage will be made Deputy PM... scary bloody times.


Green - another 'wasted' vote, they have some good idea but that is all they are. 


What a crap state of affairs our Countries Politics are in - everytime I watch Parliament it comes across as schoolboys taunting each other with 'your mum's fat' jokes and snipes. It's embarassing.

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Better to vote for the protest vote party that has some good ideas though surely. You know they won't get elected but their good ideas may actually get more "mainstream" as a result. Influence doesn't always mean the party winning anything.

For example, there are many within Labour that favour renationalising the railways, if the Greens get a big turnout (for them) the Labour Party are bound to take note of that

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It is notable that there is a media campaign hinting and demanding that the UK should not make cuts to the defence budget.


Most newspapers including the Guardian are lamenting that we can't get involved in Ukraine or taking on IS.


The Times demands that we promise to spend 2% GDP (presently 2.4%) into the future, which means that expenditure will grow with the economy.


The Germans have stirred up the hornets nest in Ukraine but they only spend 1.4%, so why us?


I am not aware that the electorate are concerned about the UK's diminishing role but the media definitely are.


Obviously, whatever promises are made about future expenditure on defence, will mean bigger cuts elsewhere.

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I see there is a new political party running against Farage in Thanet. The Al-Zebabist Nation of OOOG.


I do like their policy to lower taxes for bearded people, though I don't agree with leagalising dog meat for food.


On another interesting note, Ladbrokes is giving Al Murry better odds in Thanet than the Lib Dems.

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wonder if that chelsea scumbag fan being pictured with farage will hurt ukip.

Can't see why it would, even Herr Farago can't be expected to vet everyone that stands next to him.

There are a F**Kton of reasons why people shouldn't vote for UKIP, that berk standing next to that berk isn't one of them

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