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The 2015 General Election


General Election 2015  

178 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you vote at the general election on May 7th?

    • Conservative
    • Labour
    • Lib Dem
    • UKIP
    • Green
    • Regionally based party (SNP, Plaid, DUP, SF etc)
    • Local Independent Candidate
    • Other
    • Spoil Paper
    • Won't bother going to the polls

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I don't see that lasting 5 years!

Yes they just played the clip back, no deal, no coalition. I'm sure he's gutted, but I think that's me out of any tactical voting game, I'll stick to my morals and principles and vote for the guy that just got me a Super Furries ticket for tomorrow night.

Please be the Tory guy , please be the Tory guy

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I don't see that lasting 5 years!

Yes they just played the clip back, no deal, no coalition. I'm sure he's gutted, but I think that's me out of any tactical voting game, I'll stick to my morals and principles and vote for the guy that just got me a Super Furries ticket for tomorrow night.

Please be the Tory guy , please be the Tory guy



ha ha!

never gonna happen


one of my footy chums is the Plaid candidate, I'd have dropped him and tactically voted Labour, but I think I dropped that idea tonight (and it was nothing to do with the tickets either!)

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European fishermen plunder all the socks out of African waters .... He seems to imply we rob them and then give them back small amounts

Sock shortage in the EU? We need to relearn the art of darning ...

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I don't see that lasting 5 years!

Yes they just played the clip back, no deal, no coalition. I'm sure he's gutted, but I think that's me out of any tactical voting game, I'll stick to my morals and principles and vote for the guy that just got me a Super Furries ticket for tomorrow night.

Please be the Tory guy , please be the Tory guy

ha ha!

never gonna happen

one of my footy chums is the Plaid candidate, I'd have dropped him and tactically voted Labour, but I think I dropped that idea tonight (and it was nothing to do with the tickets either!)

Meh foiled

And there was me with this witty "I love Maggie" gif all lined up ready to go .....

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you'll have to forgive me, I zoned out for a while


did Ed really say he'd rather not be PM than have to even talk to the SNP


if that is true that is spectacularly stupid / arrogant / naive / bizarre


Really ?


I actually think Sturgeon is the fool.  She has ruled out doing anything with the Tories and will back labour to keep them out. Thus she has no brgaining power with EM - By and large she sticks to her words and blocks the tories - thus making EM prime minister.  - Or she does a complete U turn - doesn't back Labour - thus probably handing Cameron minority rule. 


ED doesn't really have to do anything. I think Sturgeon could be this years Nick Clegg - looking incrediby smug and smart before the election - then looking a complete fool after it.

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I take it back , I kinda feel sorry for Ed, did the BBC let Tory party members only ask him questions !!


Now that you mention it...





Well according to the Telegraph, Catherine Shuttleworth – the owner of a marketing business who memorably harangued Ed Miliband about how difficult times were for Tesco and told him to sack Ed Balls – “applied to join the Question Time audience as an undecided voter”. 


Ok…no issue there…except the Telegraph also says that she “gave a thumbs-up to George Osborne in the spin room”.


Probably just excited to see a politician she knows…maybe? This made us think again about Ms Shuttleworth, so we looked into her. She’s successful so it wasn’t too hard to find details about her, or her company “Savvy”. (Update: In the comments below, barrister Jolyon Maugham suggests that “Savvy Marketing Limited is a dormant company”. We’re looking into that now.) It didn’t take us long to find a profile in the Yorkshire Post, which contained this line:


“After doing some consultancy, she had the opportunity to pitch for the Asda business. She won it and set up Savvy as a result. Three people made up the business, including Ms Shuttleworth and Ms Skelton, plus company secretary Andrew Jones, who is now MP for Harrogate.”


So this would-be Miliband interrogator is just the sort of ordinary undecided voter who gives George Osborne a thumbs up in the spin room, and set up her a business with a Tory MP. Oh – and she signed the Tories much mocked “small business letter” too – number 3882 – which the Telegraph forgot to mention when they wrote up a piece on her attacking Miliband. So much for undecided.



Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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Could we get another election with new leaders of the parties within a few months ?

Let's say that Cameron wins the most seats but no majority SNP and labour vote together and remove him ... Labour then have a shot at forming a government but refuse to work with the SNP as Ed had clearly stated .... so the SNP abstain and Labour then lose the vote

Do we have another election ? Presumably with new leaders of the main parties

I see this as the best outcome to be honest.

A hung parliament, followed by another election within 12 months.

Cameron goes, Tories implode. Ed goes, the better brother comes in.

Labour majority in the rearranged election.

Winner winner, chicken dinner.

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I don't think David is an MP any more. More likely is Boris takes over the Tories and they win a new election IMO.

Awww sheeeeeet, I don't know how I managed to forget about Boris.

Strike the previous comment, the easily duped British Public would lap up that clown and we would be royally taking one up the rear with an unrestrained Tory Party in the chair.

I'm starting to worry now.

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I don't think David is an MP any more. More likely is Boris takes over the Tories and they win a new election IMO.

Awww sheeeeeet, I don't know how I managed to forget about Boris.

Strike the previous comment, the easily duped British Public would lap up that clown and we would be royally taking one up the rear with an unrestrained Tory Party in the chair.

I'm starting to worry now.


Behind his cuddly clown act Boris is almost as egotistical as Brown was , when things don't go his way he resorts to bullying   .. He let the act drop against Ed the other day on the Andrew Marr show  ... I think it showed why Boris wont ever be PM

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Who do you think they would go for then Tony?

May and Osbourne have been mentioned, but I think both could be easily ripped apart by a credible opposition (if the others can muster such a thing)

Neither have much of a personality and both come across as more arrogant/aloof than Dave?

Boris is a loose cannon, but still their best bet for a majority imo?

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Who do you think they would go for then Tony?

May and Osbourne have been mentioned, but I think both could be easily ripped apart by a credible opposition (if the others can muster such a thing)

Neither have much of a personality and both come across as more arrogant/aloof than Dave?

Boris is a loose cannon, but still their best bet for a majority imo?


I'm not sure tbh  , I don't' see May or Osborne as good candidates , at least in the publics eye's  ( see Ed for the effect that can have)  so I suspect the party would still got for Boris regardless


I'm in a minority as I like Gove and think he would be the best candidate , if you watch him on QT he's always very fair to his opponents ( maybe we'd final get a PMQ with some respect and dignity ?) and puts his point across well   ... He is another one though that is prone to strutting around like Napoleon and his wife would probably also alienate large amounts of the public  

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I don't think ED has refused to work with SNP - What he is saying is that he put his Labour policies forward - and the SNP either agree - or effectivley endorse a Tory minority Govt. (Thats why Sturgeon IMO isn't sitting that pretty)


I don't see Boris as leader of the Tory party - short term he would be very popular  - but IMO would make to may gaffe's and it 'im only joking' tag line would get irksome very quickly. Osborne or May more serious candidates IMO.

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Being as the only chance Labour have of forming a govt is to form a coalition with the snp, I can't understand why the Labour party would want to rule this out.

Edited by PaulC
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The most laughable part of that debate was ed saying they did not over spend. He absolutely blew it there. Terrible mistake. Should ahve held his hands up and said we did but we have learned from it.

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The left don't like it when it's pointed out that unions are having an unhealthy influence on certain professions' salaries, and I speak as the son of a former tube driver.

That's an interesting take on it, Mart. In what way in the tube driver example, is the union influence "unhealthy" in getting the tube drivers the pay they have , or in protecting their pensions?

Surely £50 K odd for someone living and working in that fancy London isn't exactly excessive, or unhealthy? - not the the way I look at it, at least. I'd say that the way their Union (i.e. them) act together to try and make sure they are fairly rewarded for their labour is a healthy thing.

I wouldn't fancy the job, sat down in a tunnel all day, maybe people topping themselves by jumping in front of the train,, not seeing daylight for a large part of their working day.

Sure they do well compared to say nurses, or some teachers, but that's more down to those professions being less collectively motivated to stand up for themselves perhaps? and due to their paymasters determination to keep their pay down.

I just don't see Unions as unhealthy. They can be from time to time, but then again so can toxic management or incompetent management. In general unions are a huge force for good.

The best non-management jobs are mostly all where Union representation is strong.

Good for the workers with unions that can hold a city hostage , not so good for thegeneral public who have to pay ridiculously high prices to travel on the underground :P



"Hold a city hostage". What an absolute crock of shit that is.


I live and work in said city, I do not have a single place of work either. I'm all over the shop, from North to South, East to West. I have never once not been able to complete my day whilst there has been a tube strike on. Though the right wing media would love you to think that Greater London becomes like an outtake from Mad Max every time the Union makes a stand that simply isn't the case, we are a hardy bunch and many of us support the strikes. We support our fellow Londoners in their plight and we appreciate the significant and often massively under appreciated work they put in to making our daily commute as simple and hassle free as possible. 


Plus, the underground is cheap for the service it provides. I cannot stress that enough. Anyone who suggests otherwise is talking out of their arse.   

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Being as the only chance Labour have of forming a govt is to form a coalition with the snp, I can't understand why the Labour party would want to rule this out.




Because the SNP have ruled out any deal with the tories. They have no where else to go but Labour - so Ed doesn't need an agreement\Coalition - its already there   (Called showing your hand to early !)

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