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The 2015 General Election


General Election 2015  

178 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you vote at the general election on May 7th?

    • Conservative
    • Labour
    • Lib Dem
    • UKIP
    • Green
    • Regionally based party (SNP, Plaid, DUP, SF etc)
    • Local Independent Candidate
    • Other
    • Spoil Paper
    • Won't bother going to the polls

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Garage not done himself any favours https://youtu.be/W70PXllDAso

I think his chances of winning anything are (up and) over.
I doubt it harmed him to be honest , the type of people that he appeals to will probably be more likely to vote for him as he got booed by a group of lefties
Tbh, I just wanted to shoe horn a garage pun in.
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Nobody on here seems to have mentioned that Housing trusts tend to have charitable status and it is illegal for any charity to sell any asset for less than market value.

Also I don't see how this will solve a housing crisis. History proves that overtime something like this has been attempted less than 30% of the housing stock sold is replaced. Also the supposed idea that selling off council houses was supposed to give more people the chance of owning their own home but 60% of those houses sold under the Witches scheme are now owned by landlords and privately rented.

Some housing association big wig was on 5 live today touched on this scheme his conclusion was housing associations will have lots of money but will have lost all their assets.... And then it will take around 5 years or so before they get new property to replace the ones they've sold

He didn't necessarily say it was a bad policy just that they were on the fence on it at present


There were plenty saying yesterday that they'd sue the government if it was implemented


can you sue a government ? and if so , can we sue the government for all our bank money back whilst we are at it ?


Wait for TTIP, oh sorry that only allows for large international corporations to sue governments for compensation when they don't like legislation etc, not real living people. But if your point is it was a bad decision  to hand over huge amounts of money to bail out a bunch of crooks and fraudsters that make up the "Banking Industry" yes it was, the only public money spent on them should have been for their jail time.

Edited by mockingbird_franklin
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Milliband was a total failure in the debate. Says the BBC's unbiased political editor Nick Robinson.

Pienaar managed to mask his impartiality by saying Ed just about held his own , whilst making it sound like an insult


Couple of times I thought he looked confident and carried himself well , he's handled the TV debates better than he handels PMQ's that's for sure  .... still wouldn't want him as my PM though .... but for his blatant lie on Syria he should have been slapped with a wet haddock and been taken to task  .... but as I supsect the vast majority aren't aware of his shameful behaviour there he made himself look like this potential leader who stood up to everyone and may have scored a few points

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Hmmm, Nick Robinson is an odd one, he does come over as a frightened middle age harrumphing tory. I actually thought the whole debate was fairly good. People had chance to make their point, there was just enough space to talk and it didn't get too much into just criticising the other guy.

It's probably a personal bias, but I thought four of them were ok and Farage was Farage. Even Natalie Bennett had a fairly decent showing, with the three female leaders showing that different parties can support points of agreement rather than pretending there are cavenous differences where there aren't.

It didn't change my opinion on anything. I'd quite like to vote for a party that was a pick n mix of Labour and Plaid, but that doesn't exist. So then you look at the two horse race that is my local scenario and think, do I need to vote tactically?


I have to say I'm utterly torn on trident. Is it worthy of a trident thread? 


Like Tony, I too thought somebody would have made a bigger deal of Ed's 'I saved the world from war' claim. It was Brownesque.

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Farage for me was playing to those people that spam your facebook feed with stories like "Muslims get benefits for their 492 children but our brave soldiers have to eat tesco value baked beans ..share if you agree " people


he probably succeeded in that regard 


Bennet - I thought was the weakest of the 5 and she will have to carry the can when the Greens fail abysmally at the election


Sturgeon – even it if means we get Ed , I’d love it if the SNP ended up only winning one or two seats just to wipe the arrogance out of her  , you had your referendum , you lost , get over it … my view is the fringe parties have a duty to try and support the largest party , be it labour or Tory  , for sure there are going to be differences in policy and they can deal with that on each issues .. what a minority party should not be allowed to do is  dictate terms on how the country is going to be governed , especially when 90% of it don’t’ even have an opportunity to vote for them

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yep, agreed you are never going to get sense through to the people that want to kick all the paediatricians out of Britain, but Farage is doing his best to harness their voting power.


Nationalist minority parties shouldn't have a hope in a Britain that feels 'all in it together', any protest or moderation vote shouldn't have the risk of economic and social chaos, which is why this should have been an easy election for the Lib Dems....

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election forecast


It's actually beyond a simple 2 party buddy up though, isn't it.


Neither main party is looking like getting anywhere near 326 seats to govern alone.


Current predictions suggest Tory and Lib Dem and UKIP would still be about 20 seats short.


Labour and SNP and Plaid would still be short.


Could 4 party official coalitions even be possible? It would be like trying to herd cats.


The only possible 2 party coalition with a chance of getting over the magic 326 and having broadly similar policies is Con / Lab. 

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election forecast


It's actually beyond a simple 2 party buddy up though, isn't it.


Neither main party is looking like getting anywhere near 326 seats to govern alone.


Current predictions suggest Tory and Lib Dem and UKIP would still be about 20 seats short.


Labour and SNP and Plaid would still be short.


Could 4 party official coalitions even be possible? It would be like trying to herd cats.


The only possible 2 party coalition with a chance of getting over the magic 326 and having broadly similar policies is Con / Lab. 


I could see Labour/SNP/Lib Dem

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