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The 2015 General Election


General Election 2015  

178 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you vote at the general election on May 7th?

    • Conservative
    • Labour
    • Lib Dem
    • UKIP
    • Green
    • Regionally based party (SNP, Plaid, DUP, SF etc)
    • Local Independent Candidate
    • Other
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Sturgeon isn't even running in this election, not sure why she was there and not Robertson. The people that won't be prime minister faired better because they can say things and don't have to worry about sticking to it.

I thought Farage actually said, if immigrants catch hiv whilst here we should send them home, instead of treating them. More heart than a Tory that guy.

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Sturgeon isn't even running in this election, not sure why she was there and not Robertson. The people that won't be prime minister faired better because they can say things and don't have to worry about sticking to it.

I thought Farage actually said, if immigrants catch hiv whilst here we should send them home, instead of treating them. More heart than a Tory that guy.

That's probably the best point so far.it's easier being the attacker than the defender and I think milband failed there. Farage although he might have radical views did a far better job than miliBand st attacking and getting his point across

Also i thought clegg did abetted job than Cameron defending. Clegg at least apologised for his mistakes refreshing in comparison to Cameron and miliBand who have both made countless eff ups.

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Sturgeon impressed me the most.


Bennett the least. If she's the head of their party they haven't got a hope.


Of Milliband and Cameron I was more impressed with Cameron than Milliband.


But my overwhelming feeling when watching it was "It doesn't matter"


In that it doesn't matter what they say or promise. It's all bollocks anyway. They won't keep their word.



Farage was embarrassing. He has one answer (leave the EU) and recycled it for every single question and tried to mask it by being sarcastic and "amusing". Even not taking into account his politics, it was a shit performance.

Edited by Stevo985
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Big night for Miliband however. Tonight could be the night Labour won the election potentially. Bad night for Cameron I thought although the opinion polls surprise me in that he got a decent reception. I thought he was woeful whilst Miliband was excellent.

I thought the complete opposite.


And I genuinely have no allegiances either way.

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As game shows go, it was pretty entertaining but inevitably idiotic and irrelevant.


Miliband was quite good if you pretended not to remember what Labour achieved last time they were in office (war, increasing inequality, facilitating the crash, Stafford Hospital).


Cameron trying to take credit for jobs his government didn't create while admitting he sacked more NHS bureaucrats than he hired nurses and doctors.


Clegg attempted the impossible by trying to claim credit for government achievements while distancing himself from their vindictive failings.


Farage taking everyone out of their comfort-zone of denial about immigration and the EU.


Wood sounding like the only sincere person there and recognisably a good old fashioned red and Welsh patriot.


Sturgeon playing the down-trodden Scot to perfection by avoiding giving any hint that Scotland is richer than many parts of England and more generously subsidised.


Bennett came across as slow-witted and generally unappealing with not much to say about anything except climate change.

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ITV News did their own version of gogglebox with 'undecided' voters.

Person 1) They all did well, apart from Milliband. He looked completely out of his depth

Person 2) I thought that Milliband stood out as the best performer in that debate.

Says it all really...

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Didn't watch it, had no interest really. The after show media dick fest proves I was right, it went almost exactly as I expected.

Bit pointless really, changed very little. If the media is anything to go by everyone "won" the debate. Silly pop idol politics show.

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I thought Miliband was more impressive than I've seen him previously. I thought he had a better night than Cameron did.

He did well, but the strength of the SNP performance surely makes it all a bit fruitless. Cameron was happy to just sit back and watch. I doubt many people will have changed their minds based on the debate, so it's as you were and coalition time again.

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I think it was a bad idea. There's millions of people up and down the country who are undecided or don't vote, and a chunk of those people will now vote based off a two hour TV show slagging match rather than doing their own research into the policies of each party and forming their own opinion.


Another example of the growing culture of superficiality we have nowadays. Maybe that's a bit dramatic. It's not like it's the first year that an election turned into a popularity contest.

Edited by Ginko
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Is there anybody on this forum that can actually vote for anyone that was on that panel last night?


None of them appear to be standing in my constituency. Is the idea that we vote for a Prime Minister via proxies?

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Amongst my facebook friends, a mix of left and right wing, they agreed that Sturgeon had the best night.


Aye, wee Jimmy Krankie impressed me the most. I found Bennett a little stilted.

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Interesting this morning to see members of both of the main parties praising leaders of the minor parties for last night - the Conservatives are being  particularly generous to Sturgeon. Oddly, Cameron and Miliband might be the least able to influence the election of those behind podiums last night - they'll each get a reasonable chunk of the electorate to vote for them, the one in charge will be decided by which of the other five on the stage vote for them.

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