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The 2015 General Election


General Election 2015  

178 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you vote at the general election on May 7th?

    • Conservative
    • Labour
    • Lib Dem
    • UKIP
    • Green
    • Regionally based party (SNP, Plaid, DUP, SF etc)
    • Local Independent Candidate
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Ive been following these politcs threads for awhile and think i would represent a typical "young voter" (getting old now though :( ) who doesnt have a clue who to vote for and would like to be interested in politics but just cant. Think the main reasons i cant is because:

1. Its so boring, e.g. the whole settings of the house of commons just looks so dull + boring speaking (with some awful awful "banter") it just makes me flick over. But i dont really know what to suggest here as going down the American politics route is just as bad (shown by the exaggerated House of Cards Tv campaign debates) so i dont really know what can be done which will make people like me fully interested. Guess #3 could help?
2. Economy is soooo complex how am i supposed to know if what they say is going to work, going to be good for the economy, how its going to effect the economy. Theres so many factors and i am not educated or smart enough to figure if these are all good policies or not. If one party says its good, and the other says it isnt, then what is it? (im sure were supposed to make an "educated" guess, but if we arnt educated in the matter, and all we get is headline comments then all i am doing is guessing when it comes to economic policies). Especially with so many parties apparently going against their word when they get into power, how am i supposed to trust them aswell?
3. Sometimes i watch Question Time and i used to watch it a lot more (even though i didnt really understand what they was talking about). But the answers they give are complete horse Shit. Im watching to learn about poliics, not how you make your party out to look and whether it "looks" better than the other party. Most answers go like this, 20% talking nonsense not even related to the question, 60% blaming the other party, 10% some poor joke and 10% with some headline fact making the policy/party look amazing. Drop all that nonsense and educate me. Tell the pros and cons of your policies, tell me why the pro outweighs the cons, tell me which sections of the economy it will effect and how, and then i might actually believe you thought about this policy indepth and might vote for you because you're actually educating me on the matter.

Currently, the only things that i do know i care about and understand is the environment and animal rights so i guess ill be voting green without any REAL understanding on any  of the parties economic policies. Maybe im asking for too much (i dont really know what im asking for, just something different please). I dont know

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budget analysis,


lots of headline grabbing tax breaks that actually amount to pennies per week in real terms, a few poor jokes and a whole load of well chosen misleading statistics presented in an attempt to prove the chancellor has some sort of clue of what he's doing and it's working,


so a pretty standard budget really

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budget analysis,

lots of headline grabbing tax breaks that actually amount to pennies per week in real terms, a few poor jokes and a whole load of well chosen misleading statistics presented in an attempt to prove the chancellor has some sort of clue of what he's doing and it's working,

so a pretty standard budget really

That's about as far from "analysis" as you could get. Why not chose one of these allegedly misleading statistics and explain how and why it's wrong with some evidence?

At the moment your post is just bluster.

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But inner London tops the rich list, so that's OK, then. 

not really sure what that has to do with the 2015 election though ? London hasn't become rich overnight and cant' even be attributed to 2010 onwards as a result of Tory Policy


I suspect it became rich as a result of rich Russians moving there , rich French people moving there to avoid having to live in France  B)  , Norway buying up huge chunks of real estate there from their soverign fund  ..and of course Qatar adding it to their portfolio .

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He didn’t mention that it had been an issue since 2010.


I would think this is the perfect place for him to put this map. Surely one of the main roles of any future government should be to improve the living standards of the poorest people in this country.


Those people working but whose income falls below the poverty line has increased dramatically under this government. They waffle on about how many more people are now employed but many of these jobs are low paid and either part time or zero hour contracts. If the Tories again get in they will be cutting benefits for those working but in poverty.


The way this Tory led mob has treated the poorest and most vulnerable amongst us and actually demonised them is an absolute disgrace. They have revelled in tarring those claiming benefits as scroungers and almost tried to turn the rest of us against them.


Of course it is also the poorest and most vulnerable that most rely on our public services so they have had the double whammy of also seeing many of those services disappear or be slashed.


12 billion in welfare cuts the Tories have proposed. Cuts to public spending over the next 3 years far more savage than anything we have seen over the last 5 years. Again under them the biggest burden for reducing the deficit will impact most on those already with the least.


so is your proposal that we send troops into Hamburg , Groningen ,Vienna etc and steal all their money ?  just don't give it to those in Yorkshire as they will spnd it on a wall to keep everyone else out


I outlined why London is rich and it's not as result of this Governemnt policy ( at least wholly )


I guess what we can do to create some equality is hope for a Labour government and then  all those rich people will move out of London and go and live in Luxembourg and at least the whole country can be poor together :)

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budget analysis,

lots of headline grabbing tax breaks that actually amount to pennies per week in real terms, a few poor jokes and a whole load of well chosen misleading statistics presented in an attempt to prove the chancellor has some sort of clue of what he's doing and it's working,

so a pretty standard budget really

That's about as far from "analysis" as you could get. Why not chose one of these allegedly misleading statistics and explain how and why it's wrong with some evidence?

At the moment your post is just bluster.


He said Youth unemployment is down, the Office for National Statistics advises that it is up.

He said that people are earning more, or will be by the election, than they were when the swine got in. Not true.

He said he'll finance various things by cuts to benefits - he won't. So there will be "no money" for those things. SO he'll have to cut other areas.

Most of the twunt's cuts have yet to be implemented anyway.

He came in, did cuts, killed the fledgling recovery that was going on, waited 2 years, realised he'd made a howler, started spending money, the economy started getting back to where it was (albeit 2 years later than it should, if he'd just left it alone). Now he's lying about what he'll do again.

He's also making various claims about cutting the defecit and the like, but by and large this is happening/will happen due to selling off more state assets and due to immigration increasing GDP.

The man's an absolute cock.


 the Economist has some interesting graphs and such on it's web page here


it shows our economy in relation to the rest of Europe ...


Hard to say how it would differ had Balls been pulling the strings rather than Osborne , but our economy cleary has done better than others , not that I'd expect you to credit a Tory government for any part of this :)

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But inner London tops the rich list, so that's OK, then. 

not really sure what that has to do with the 2015 election though ? London hasn't become rich overnight and cant' even be attributed to 2010 onwards as a result of Tory Policy


I suspect it became rich as a result of rich Russians moving there , rich French people moving there to avoid having to live in France  B)  , Norway buying up huge chunks of real estate there from their soverign fund  ..and of course Qatar adding it to their portfolio .


Not having a dig at you Moonman but this sort of dumbed down internet friendly fact happy political meme bollocks really pisses me off. There are so many problems and flaws with this stuff it is laughable. Dr Eoin Clarke would be proud of this one.


Presumably data from Spain, Italy and the Baltic states, former Yugoslavia, Greece and Poland was all omitted in order to make the point.


"Look how bad the UK is compared to all these other rich nations" You cant even argue they've used comparable sized economies thanks to the inclusion of Belgium.


Ask the poor oppressed people of Wales is they feel they'd be richer under the glouious regieme in Budapest or the Sudetenland I have a feeling I know what the answer would be.


Also - "Inner" London. ie. Westminster and the City, conveniently ignoring all the shit bits to force the point.


Compare apples with apples and we could have had a decent conversation.

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it shows our economy in relation to the rest of Europe ...

...but our economy cleary has done better than others...

On some things, perhaps; on other things, perhaps not:

From the ONS:

Output per hour in the UK was 17 percentage points below the average for the rest of the major G7 advanced economies in 2013, the widest productivity gap since 1992. On an output per worker basis, UK productivity was 19 percentage points below the average for the rest for the G7 in 2013.

Across the G7 as a whole, productivity as measured by output per hour and output per worker grew by around 1% in 2013 as the global economic recovery gathered momentum. In the UK, output per worker also grew in 2013, but output per hour fell.

For the first time this release includes comparisons of productivity across the G7 after taking account of depreciation of fixed capital such as offices, factories, plant and equipment. Generally this approach reduces productivity differentials between the UK and the rest of the G7, although productivity in the US, Germany and France remains considerably above that of the UK on this basis.

This release also includes comparisons with some of the UK's major trading partners outside the G7. In 2013, UK output per hour was 9 percentage points lower than Spain and considerably lower than productivity in Ireland, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Link to 'infographic'.

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budget analysis,

lots of headline grabbing tax breaks that actually amount to pennies per week in real terms, a few poor jokes and a whole load of well chosen misleading statistics presented in an attempt to prove the chancellor has some sort of clue of what he's doing and it's working,

so a pretty standard budget really

That's about as far from "analysis" as you could get. Why not chose one of these allegedly misleading statistics and explain how and why it's wrong with some evidence?

At the moment your post is just bluster.


Is it? surely saying upon analysis the budget sounded like a potato would be much further from my anlysis,


You appear to have confused the term bluster, with the term condensed

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The map looks interesting and looks believable, but I tend to give that sort of data a pinch of salt. As a gut reaction, I'd have expected areas of London to be amongst the poorest. 

Also, what exactly has been measured?


We had that fantastic statistic the other day in the Libertarian thread that Saudi Arabia was more free than Portugal.


But perhaps, like a politicians lies and dalliances they don't need to be factual, they just need to feel true.

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The map looks interesting and looks believable, but I tend to give that sort of data a pinch of salt. As a gut reaction, I'd have expected areas of London to be amongst the poorest. 

Also, what exactly has been measured?


We had that fantastic statistic the other day in the Libertarian thread that Saudi Arabia was more free than Portugal.


But perhaps, like a politicians lies and dalliances they don't need to be factual, they just need to feel true.

A quick look suggests that the data is from Eurostat.

Unfortunately, the link given is from earlyish in 2014 and Eurostat seems to have revamped its website and data links last december.

Thus, if anyone can be arsed, the raw data, methodology and wotnots should be somewhere here.

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