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The 2015 General Election


General Election 2015  

178 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you vote at the general election on May 7th?

    • Conservative
    • Labour
    • Lib Dem
    • UKIP
    • Green
    • Regionally based party (SNP, Plaid, DUP, SF etc)
    • Local Independent Candidate
    • Other
    • Spoil Paper
    • Won't bother going to the polls

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Top tax rate in Holland is 52% starting at €57,585. Companies pay their top people a bit less so they aren't as heavily taxed and the money saved goes to help raise wages for the rest of the employees.

But in Holland there isn't the culture of greed that we have in the UK.

Is that why you live in the UK ?

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you say you wnat the rich to pay more but at the moment 

Over £150,000 45%

thats how much they pay thats more than double of anyone earning up to £41,865


How much would you like them to pay half of their salaries? (im not a millionaire btw) And the mansion tax is a london tax so its unfair and plain out stupid idea


I hadn't appreciated the mansion tax only applied in London, presumed it was national.

Will that be a bad thing though? Won't it potentially mean some of the wealthy push out around the country and spread the wealth map?

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He he .. I blame Lambert

Browser wasn't doing anything so I did what all good users do and just kept pushing the button over and over again


tory in 'blame the unemployed' shocker!



They've just moved him onto a zero hours contract. That way he's still 'employed'.

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how do u vote for a class of people that is toxic and rotten to the core.

out of touch with the voter, corrupted by big business and in it to get as much personal wealth as quickly as possible.



I don't vote Tory.

No but you vote Labour to whom the above statement equally applies with a few exceptions.

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how do u vote for a class of people that is toxic and rotten to the core.

out of touch with the voter, corrupted by big business and in it to get as much personal wealth as quickly as possible.



I don't vote Tory.

No but you vote Labour to whom the above statement equally applies with a few exceptions.



I'm surprised it took you this long to come up with that one :rolleyes:

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Sturgeon doing her bit to keep the Tories in power today


First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has told Sky News the SNP could do a post-election deal with Labour that would put Ed Miliband in Downing Street - even if his party does not win the General Election.



The SNP are getting a bit full of themselves lately  , The idea of an English only parliament becomes more appealing every time she opens her mouth ...


Evil since 2010 News Corporation

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I'd actually pay less tax in Holland than I do here.


What about the health costs in NL?  


That's included in the UK tax but NL make you have private health cover insurance thingy.  It's quite expensive these days and it keeps going up every year.


Also,  the costs of public transport in NL are very expensive BUT the service is very good.  Costs about the same as running a car if I went to work on public transport though but I suppose you get what you pay for.


I pay well over €1500 per month income tax but I would never live anywhere else tbh. 

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Sturgeon doing her bit to keep the Tories in power today

I fail to see the problem with what she's said.

Any party has the right (and perhaps duty to those who voted for it) to form alliances in whatever way they think may further their party's agenda.

As for this 'Clegg rule' tripe - it's probably got the same kind of shelf life as his time in government (hopefully).

Edited by snowychap
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Sturgeon doing her bit to keep the Tories in power today

I fail to see the problem with what she's said.

Any party has the right (and perhaps duty to those who voted for it) to form alliances in whatever way they think may further their party's agenda.

As for this 'Clegg rule' tripe - it's probably got the same kind of shelf life as his time in government (hopefully).




the problem will be it plays into the hands of people that don't like the idea of Scotland dictating who governs in England  .. now it will be Vote for UKIP get Ed , Vote for SNP get a power crazed Jock and Ed


as for the Clegg rule.......





...  the mandate to form a  government should to go to the party with the most votes .. Brown didn't have a lot of dignity left , but even that small bit disappeared as he tried to cling on to power

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the problem will be it plays into the hands of people that don't like the idea of Scotland dictating who governs in England

Oh, I understand how people might play on it but, I repeat, I don't see a problem with what she said.


the mandate to form a  government should to go to the party with the most votes...

It doesn't, though: the incumbents have first dibs.

Thus, should there be another hung parliament come May, Cameron remains PM (as Gordo did) and has the first call on forming a government (either a coalition or proceeding as a minority government).

As far as whether it 'should', I guess there are many arguments about how better to handle parliaments with no overall control but I'm not sure that 'most votes' should be put up over 'most seats' considering it's about control of parliament and whether the government can rely upon winning votes in the house.

Edited by snowychap
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the mandate to form a  government should to go to the party with the most votes...

It doesn't, though: the incumbents have first dibs.

Thus, should there be another hung parliament come May, Cameron remains PM and has the first call on forming a government (either a coalition or proceeding as a minority government).

As far as whether it 'should', I guess there are many arguments about how better to handle parliaments with no overall control but I'm not sure that 'most votes' should be put up over 'most seats' considering it's about control of parliament and whether the government can rely upon winning votes in the house.



my bad .. I meant most "seats" not votes  .. though presumably they equate to the same thing



and if come May ,Labour have more seats but not a majority I hope Cameron stands aside

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my bad .. I meant most "seats" not votes  .. though presumably they equate to the same thing

They have done but it's not necessarily so.

Edit: I should also have said that it was fair enough that you meant seats rather than votes.   :)

and if come May ,Labour have more seats but not a majority I hope Cameron stands aside

I think he has a duty, as PM, to follow the constitution and not make it up on the hoof.

Though I accept there's an argument to made about how conventions start, I don't think it should be down to one person to decide on a break with current convention (that way lies no constitution at all).

Edited by snowychap
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I will probably vote Conservative. 


I think i'd rather the government spent less money than wasted money. 


The NHS budget doubled in 10 years and it's still struggling?



that's because (and i've banged on about this before) that Labour quite literally took the lead on PFI from the tories and ran like FENTON into the distance. 




That's why the budget is so massive, yet the service struggles. There's huge increases in doctors and consultants. 



The population shift hasn't helped and yes neither has the continuation under the tories to not continuing. 



but I cannot see how something can carry on without adjustment, when the budget doubles and the service gets marginally better. 






I don't really sit with any one party, I have a mix of policies from all of them. 



for example why did the nonce Tories sell of the profitable rail line which Virgin/NE purchased a few months ago? madness.... short term gain maybe?




Germany are propping up the Entire Eurozone, if they left the whole thing finishes, game over man, game over.





SOmeone on here quite a long time ago posted a very good political orientation quiz, maybe it's worth locating that again and see where our thoughts truly lie. 



I think I was a 70/30 split between tories and lib dem. 




sorry i am tired and ranting. 



Also I don't blame Lib Dem for the uni fees at all. not one bit. They had a clear choice between that and raising the tax threshold. Tax threshold benefits far more people than tuition fees, so I think they made the right choice. They have also staved off and throttled a lot of tory policies, which obviously no one remembers or will remember. 


We would be in a very different state of affairs if it was a pure Tory government in power. 



But lets vote green because they're policies make no economic sense whatsoever. 

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