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The ISIS threat to Europe


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This doesn't fit in exactly with the thread title but I wanted to share this story as we do generally discuss the wider Arab conflict in here.

Today I met a young man from Yemen. His father had worked for Chrysler in the the US when he was 6 years old and then he went back to Yemen in his teens and started his life and family there. He ended up back working in the US before the current crisis exploded but his wife and daughter were back in Yemen. His daughter is at a private school and ISIS wants to shut down all schools completely - essentially end education. To achieve this they shoot bullets at schools. One day they opened fire day on his daughters school bus killing twenty five 8&9 year olds. His daughter was one of the lucky ones who survived and he flew back the next day and got his family out of there - now they living are in America.

He said it is by complete luck that he has his American passport because his father worked here otherwise, he and his family would be stuck there.
His main remarks were that essentially you have the Saudis fighting with American weapons and another side with Russian weapons also being funded by Iran.

His final comment - "There is a lot of oil in Yemen, we will see who ends up with it."

This was just a personal story I wanted to share because all of the news of death of innocent people and refugees who's lives have been destroyed just becomes numbing eventually.

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2 hours ago, TheAuthority said:

This was just a personal story I wanted to share because all of the news of death of innocent people and refugees who's lives have been destroyed just becomes numbing eventually.

Thank you for doing so.

It does kind of fit in with the stuff that we hear from Awol with regard to Yemen, I think.


Edited by snowychap
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2 minutes ago, omariqy said:

Pretty sickening article from Kelvin Mackenzie questioning why a women presenter wearing a hijab on C4 news was allowed to report on the Nice attacks.

Not read it but I'm struggling to understand what possible argument there is for her not being allowed?

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I by no means consider myself an expert, or even well informed, but any system which harbours the belief that you are a good person and deserve to go to heaven for murdering as many innocent people as possible is hypocritical and ridiculous. These aholes I am assuming know this, and are just using this as an excuse to justify their own individual psychopathic homicidal tendencies/ fantasies/ actions. Daesh seems like a big club for all the f***ed up people in this world to come together and receive encouragement and support rather than arrest and imprisonment for their actions. For the tragic losses at Nice, Paris, and Belgium, I really cannot imagine a more pointless end to lives. I acknowledge and accept this is probably an over simplifying rambling on my part, and as usual, I welcome the well informed to put me in my place.

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7 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

Thankfully we've given all of our money to the school bully who has given us some fireworks and told us we can still be in his gang. I feel safer already  - hooray for Trident.

We'd never actually press the button and fire off a nuclear missile so the government should hopefully be working on authentic looking nuclear weapons that are actually just dummy's, and save the country a few billion pounds.

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2 hours ago, AJ said:

I by no means consider myself an expert, or even well informed, but any system which harbours the belief that you are a good person and deserve to go to heaven for murdering as many innocent people as possible is hypocritical and ridiculous. 

It is hard to argue otherwise and I'm certainly not going to try as an atheist. Sadly the same belief system is prevalent in many religions not just Islam, it certainly is within Christianity and hypocrisy is rife in religion.

While it's wrong to label Islam as the probablem it is fair to say Islam has a problem one which it's not addressed or in some quarters really recognised and for ISIS to be truly defeated (it can't be eradicated) it will need to confront its demons, in its mosque's, communities and Islamic countries.

The other key thing is though why given that other religions have similar ideological themes to those being exploited by ISIS why is it overwhelmingly an issue for Islam in a way it isn't currently for Christianity.

The answer to the is multi facited but needs to include quite a lot of introspective thought by the 'West' about their policies both foreign and domestic.

The other common theme that seems to be emerging with the domestic terrorists in Europe is that they are not really Muslims. They are Muslims in the same way I'm a Christian, they were born into it lived outside it but their life path and choices took them to lives of crime, often prison and little self worth. They appear to have sort something and found it in the warped ideology of ISIS or rather been found by them and exploited. I think it was Omar who said these people don't really understand Islam and its teachings and that is right, although the problem is even the Bible can be taught to bread hate and intolerance.

That is the real issue for both the Islamic faith and Western Governments, how do they better integrate and communicate and stop the growing trend of disaffected domestic youth turning to acts of horrific barbarity. 

That is the real war and one I don't think either the Western Governments or the larger Islamic community have truly engaged or really know how to counter.

Dropping bombs degrades military capacity or financial resources and arresting people at airports stops people going to Syria but those are nothing but band aids. The real battle is for people's minds particularly those living in the West harbouring deep rooted resentment for their native or adopted Government.

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Thank you Trent, your post was a good read and you raised some interesting points. In regards to the quote, I intentionally didnt put the focus on Islam, as my point could also be used towards other religions, especially Christianity, particularly during the Crusades among many other examples.  In my mind, I get the impression that Daesh couldnt really give a toss about Islam, and that they are just using religion as a hall pass for the commitment of their atrocities.

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I'd be fairly confident that if a soldier on either side of the Russia / Ukraine conflict went to their priest to explain that he was fighting and killing to protect the motherland then that priest would tell him it was ok. Now that doesn't make it a holy war, but religion can be flexible on these things. I'd imagine the same was going on in the Balkans recently.

Similarly, I think in our recent history we'd have had a lot of priests and ministers advising canon fodder farm hands that signing up for the Great War with your mates was the right thing to do and God was on our side.

I believe that right now the military still has chaplains offering spiritual support and moral guidance. I doubt this involves stepping in the middle of a fire fight and shouting 'everyone stop it'.

We aren't fighting in the name of religion, we don't shout stuff about Jesus or Spaghetti as we blow up a van from our computer screen in Utah, but it's provided quite close to the front line for those that want it.

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46 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

We aren't fighting in the name of religion, we don't shout stuff about Jesus or Spaghetti as we blow up a van from our computer screen in Utah, but it's provided quite close to the front line for those that want it.

Has there ever been a conflict where the leaders/chaplains/Imams/whoevers have said "sorry, we're going to have to go it alone on this one, as God's decided to sit on his hands this time?

I suppose the difference is as you say that some conflicts are done in the name of the Spaghetti Monster (he boiled for our sins) and some are done for other motives, but with the alleged support of Noodle based deities (other invisible friends are available).

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