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The ISIS threat to Europe


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3 minutes ago, Ikantcpell said:

And those indoctrinated locals shoud be shipped back to the middle east, or wichever shit country they are coming from.

I think you must misunderstand the comment there. The point is that they are 'local'. There isn't anywhere to ship them off to because they are from where they are. I.e. the local attacker in Paris they've identified was French.

Unless you're going off the deep end in which case... Well...

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4 hours ago, CVByrne said:

There is no perfect solution, but simply put Assad government doesn't plan attacks on European Cities, or Russian Airliners...

I really don't think the solution is to, however indirectly, help out the Assad regime. I would be incredibly concerned about the potential swelling of the pool of disenchanted and potential radicals/terrorists if we were to chuck in those on the receiving end from Assad, too.

On the leverage comment, what western country will/would seriously want to get involved with trying to decide the future for another country after Afghanistan, Iraq, &c.?


Edited by snowychap
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2 hours ago, Chindie said:

I think you must misunderstand the comment there. The point is that they are 'local'. There isn't anywhere to ship them off to because they are from where they are. I.e. the local attacker in Paris they've identified was French.

Unless you're going off the deep end in which case... Well...

The quite sad/frighting thing is it seems ( Jihadi John being a prime example) that some of the most dangerous fanatics are the ones born and raised in the West.

They could literally anyone so how do you stop that ? The problem also I'd imagine is attacking ISIS in Syria would lead to more of this sleeper cells retaliating and committing acts of destruction  that we saw in Paris Friday.

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6 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:

In the Koran's prophecy of the "End of Days" the town of Dabiq is very important (currently under their control.) 

Before reading that article I didn't know the anti Christ and Jesus were involved in ISIS's future plans.

"After its battle in Dabiq, Cerantonio said, the caliphate will expand and sack Istanbul. Some believe it will then cover the entire Earth, but Cerantonio suggested its tide may never reach beyond the Bosporus. An anti-Messiah, known in Muslim apocalyptic literature as Dajjal, will come from the Khorasan region of eastern Iran and kill a vast number of the caliphate’s fighters, until just 5,000 remain, cornered in Jerusalem. Just as Dajjal prepares to finish them off, Jesus—the second-most-revered prophet in Islam—will return to Earth, spear Dajjal, and lead the Muslims to victory."

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On 14/11/2015, 15:06:44, ermie123 said:

I don't no never seen any Muslim marches against all this anywhere.

Hopefully all this " you never see muslims speak out about this"/"why dont muslims condem this" line of thinking comes to an end now. ( i know you said marches, but i feel its pretty similar). It happens a lot but just isnt often on skysnews/bbc/dailyfail


Edited by gharperr
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7 minutes ago, TheAuthority said:

Before reading that article I didn't know the anti Christ and Jesus were involved in ISIS's future plans.

They want Jesus back. You couldn't make it up.

It would be brilliant, if it wasn't all so terribly tragic.

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1 minute ago, Xann said:

They want Jesus back. You couldn't make it up.

It would be brilliant, if it wasn't all so terribly tragic.

It is absolute madness.

Under the Caliphate re: Christians and Jews.

"Baghdadi permits them to live, as long as they pay a special tax, known as the jizya, and acknowledge their subjugation."

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3 hours ago, Chindie said:

I think you must misunderstand the comment there. The point is that they are 'local'. There isn't anywhere to ship them off to because they are from where they are. I.e. the local attacker in Paris they've identified was French.

Unless you're going off the deep end in which case... Well...

I dont missunderstood anything, do you think the persons that did this see themself as french?

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9 minutes ago, Ikantcpell said:

I dont missunderstood anything, do you think the persons that did this see themself as french?

do you honestly not see the problem with what you're saying? what they see themselfs really doesnt matter, its who they actually are that counts.

lets pretend for a minute that Brevik identified as Finnish, and he loathed the Norweigans obviously. I bet the general consensus in Norway is that the dude is a complete and utter word removed and has nothing to do with the generall identification of a Norweigan. So they all decide he's Finnish and they put him on a plane over there. do you think Finland would let him in with open arms? or do you think they will tell him to **** off? where does he go to then?

a bit of folkvett plix.

Edited by tomaspg
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5 minutes ago, limpid said:

Just been reading the ISIS magazine.

Their stated intent is to remove the "grey zone" i.e.. to engineer that there is no mixing between Muslims and non-Muslims (almost certainly they mean just their own type of Muslim). Attacks on foreign soil are purely to increase hatred against indigent Muslims so that they come to the caliphate. They want non-Muslims to drive out the Muslims. People spouting the anti-Muslim stuff are unknowing puppets of ISIS.

This is published by them on line. I've probably already got myself on a list by reading it so I'm not going to link it here. It's not hard to find.

surely its to then spread to the whole of the world. cant see them just being happy with that and living in peace.

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18 hours ago, Chindie said:

That would tie up with what a witness the Beeb interviewed yesterday said, that they had seen unusually large police presences in the locality immediately before the attack began, which they felt was strange and guessed something was up.

Nothing to do with the match that night?

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It turns out the German Police arrested a man 10 days ago after his car was found to contain numerous weapons including 8 machine guns.

The mans sat nav was programmed for Paris and that they informed the French authorities.

Some questions to be answered perhaps by the French authorities.

It just reinforces for me my belief we are hugely indebted to our Police and security services for the job they've done and continue to do.


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11 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

surely its to then spread to the whole of the world. cant see them just being happy with that and living in peace.

I can't speak for ISIS, but they don't have an end game, they are just power seeking nutters.

They sell it to their followers as being about prophecy and to hasten Armageddon (or whatever Islam calls it) when Jesus returns to lead them to victory. Don't mistake ISIS for Islam, Islam is just their tool.

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5 minutes ago, TrentVilla said:

It turns out the German Police arrested a man 10 days ago after his car was found to contain numerous weapons including 8 machine guns.

The mans sat nav was programmed for Paris and that they informed the French authorities.

Some questions to be answered perhaps by the French authorities.

It just reinforces for me my belief we are hugely indebted to our Police and security services for the job they've done and continue to do.


There are something's you read that are so mind blowing that they are actually annoying. Was there no law that was being broken by driving around with those weapons. If I had those in my blog and got stopped in Birmingham I would imagine there would be some interviews at the local station followed by some charges

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