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The ISIS threat to Europe


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I notice the BBC News did a long piece on Charlie but failed to show the cover.


Sensitivity or cowardice?


I've seen the cover a couple of times and what little news I've seen in the last 24 / 48 hours has all been BBC.


I suspect they are being selective and not putting it on the 1pm and 6pm main news but sticking it out on the 'serious' programmes like Newsnight or Hardtalk with a viewing audience of 7 intellectuals, 4 labour party wonks and a bloke in Wales with loads of sketches to draw up that's indulging in activity displacement waiting for Family Guy to start.

Edited by chrisp65
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A guy from work has just shown me the UK version, of the current edition Charlie Hebdo is selling on ebay for £100k a copy! Madness!!

1 million sold this week, when they normally sell 50,000 is what I heard

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I remember at school in the 70's we had 2 copies of Asterix the Gaul, one in english and one in french. Weekly an exclamation would go up from some flares wearing 8 year old "awww this is in french". I suspect some of the the people that buy charlie hebdo will be of the same thought. 

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A guy from work has just shown me the UK version, of the current edition Charlie Hebdo is selling on ebay for £100k a copy! Madness!!



The one I linked went for a grand!



that's in effect a waste of £1k as its value will be almost zero in the months to come

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A guy from work has just shown me the UK version, of the current edition Charlie Hebdo is selling on ebay for £100k a copy! Madness!!



The one I linked went for a grand!



that's in effect a waste of £1k as its value will be almost zero in the months to come



You'd be off your head to be caught paying that much...

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it's actually 4 women that have been cropped  




Whats the crack with that then? Is that par for the course in the Orthodox press. 



short version is  I think it's orthodox Jews being clearings in the woods in the name of religion  .....



Apparently it's a similar problem to the one the Saudi's have with females driving cars.


If they show pictures of females, some men might use those pictures to judge their own wives superficially and realise they've been short changed in the 'not looking like a dead horse' department. This can subsequently lead to the men being less sexually interested in their own woman that they bought fairly and squarely. This in turn, obviously, can lead to accidental homosexuality. This in turn is why the Egyptian army have had to invent a cure for AIDS / HIV, which I'm guessing is now top secret as they went quiet on that one recently when asked for any scientific validation they might have.


It's just easier to cut out the pictures of women than risk it.


I once flew Saudi airlines from Manchester to Saudi. The flight was on a Monday morning and it followed a very heavy weekend of lots of beer and basic debauchery. So to pass the many hours I had on the flight and to continue the sober process, I had purchased all of the red tops - Sun, Mirror, Star etc to read the football reports. Only struck me that this was a wrong move when I looked at the in-flight movies and they had pixelated any skin showing on women other than a bit of their faces. Arms, legs etc. Looking at the newspapers I had with me compared to the way they censored what they officially could see, showed how different their culture is.

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it's actually 4 women that have been cropped  




Whats the crack with that then? Is that par for the course in the Orthodox press. 



short version is  I think it's orthodox Jews being clearings in the woods in the name of religion  .....



Apparently it's a similar problem to the one the Saudi's have with females driving cars.


If they show pictures of females, some men might use those pictures to judge their own wives superficially and realise they've been short changed in the 'not looking like a dead horse' department. This can subsequently lead to the men being less sexually interested in their own woman that they bought fairly and squarely. This in turn, obviously, can lead to accidental homosexuality. This in turn is why the Egyptian army have had to invent a cure for AIDS / HIV, which I'm guessing is now top secret as they went quiet on that one recently when asked for any scientific validation they might have.


It's just easier to cut out the pictures of women than risk it.


I once flew Saudi airlines from Manchester to Saudi. The flight was on a Monday morning and it followed a very heavy weekend of lots of beer and basic debauchery. So to pass the many hours I had on the flight and to continue the sober process, I had purchased all of the red tops - Sun, Mirror, Star etc to read the football reports. Only struck me that this was a wrong move when I looked at the in-flight movies and they had pixelated any skin showing on women other than a bit of their faces. Arms, legs etc. Looking at the newspapers I had with me compared to the way they censored what they officially could see, showed how different their culture is.


enough about the Saudi's  ..what did you get up to ?




way OT but we have some good friends from Saudi .. their nieces are currently over here studying at Uni  ... Daddy bought them a £6m house in Chelsea whilst they struggled to survive as students  ...  I always think of them whenever there is a debate about student uni fees  ( well tbf they are both quite cute so I often think of them at other times as well  :P )

Edited by tonyh29
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On Saudi, a human rights blogger convicted of not being Islamic enough (or some such guff) has been sentenced to 1000 lashes, to be delivered in batches of 50 after Friday prayers every week for 20 consecutive weeks.

That's not punishment, it's the sort of public torture that the Islamic State would be proud of. Little to chose between their respective rulers IMO.

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Tbf modern shopping centres are pretty barbaric.


Yet we see Saudi as a friend and ally.  Hypocrite warning.

1) they have huge oil reserves

2) they like buying our weaponry

3) they own the bits of London the Russians don't own

Of course they are our friends

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pedant but the order of ownership of London is  Qatar , Kuwait , China  , Norway   ... I though Suadi just bailed out a few of the banks rather than buying London 


Norway made a lot of their purchases from the Church of England interestingly (or not)  ... maybe the C of E is donating all that money back to the poor and the needy  .... :crylaugh:

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"Counter-terrorism raid" in Belgium just happened, with up to 3 dead apparently...

All three recent returnees from Syria on Belgian passports according to reports, apparently planning to hit a Police Station. They opened fire on the Police so not surprised they didn't mess about, two dead and one survived but badly injured.

Glad they got to them before the event, this time.

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