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On the back of the argument on freedom to offend.  I just saw in the New Statesman a poll that shows 82% of Brits think people should be prosecuted for burning the poppy,

quite shocking that it isn't 100% to be honest but then a lot of the younger generation don't seem to full understand and appreciate the sacrifices that were made by older generations

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I'd say and hope that there's a vast difference between being of the opinion that it oughtn't to be done and thinking that it is worthy of criminal prosecution.


Indeed.  And context is important too.  So while I think newspapers should be free to print pictures of Muhammed, walking with a poster mocking him outside a mosque would cross the line.

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On the back of the argument on freedom to offend. I just saw in the New Statesman a poll that shows 82% of Brits think people should be prosecuted for burning the poppy,

In these modern times of faux outrage and trial by social media I'm of the opinion that most people these days just enjoy getting off of being offended as it gives them the energy to kick off a twitter storm or start a Facebook petition and feel self important.


Agreed and hence my one man crusade against Stephen Fry all these years :) Edited by tonyh29
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On the back of the argument on freedom to offend. I just saw in the New Statesman a poll that shows 82% of Brits think people should be prosecuted for burning the poppy,

In these modern times of faux outrage and trial by social media I'm of the opinion that most people these days just enjoy getting off of being offended as it gives them the energy to kick off a twitter storm or start a Facebook petition and feel self important.


Agreed and hence my one man crusade against Stephen Fry all these years :)



Two man.....I'm with you brother Tone!

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This why I thought that peterms was entirely wrong in taking the cartoons at face value and declaring them racist.  They were certainly challenging, but a dig through the history of the magazine and you could in no way accuse them of being racist or anti-islam, more than they were anti-everything else.

Actually they are perceived as being racist, and have been explicitly accused of that, and last year they wrote a piece in Le Monde defending themselves against this charge.


That article led to this response from a former Charlie Hebdo journalist, where he criticises what he describes as their obsessive Islamophobia, having witnessed it from the inside over a period of time.


Mocking other groups from time to time doesn't in some way cancel that out.  If someone is racist, it's really no defence to claim that they are also deeply offensive to a range of other people from time to time.


Un ancien journaliste de Charlie Hebdo dénonce la "névrose islamophobe" de l’équipe du journal


Olivier Cyran, un ancien journaliste au sein de la publication controversée, Charlie Hebdo, sort de son silence pour dénoncer cette « névrose islamophobe » qui s’est emparée de son équipe après le 11 septembre 2001, selon ses dires.


En fait, Olivier Cyran n’a fait que répondre à un article publié, il y a quelques jours, au nom de sa rédaction, dans Le Monde. Dans cet article, Charlie Hebdo se dit « non-raciste ».


« Charlie Hebdo », pas raciste ? Si vous le dites…  » écrit à son tour Olivier Cyran qui évoque une « navrante mutation » qui a contaminé l’équipe de Charlie Hebdo après le « tournant du 11 septembre 2001 ».


« Ainsi donc Le Monde vous a charitablement ouvert son rayon blanchisserie, pour un repassage express de votre honneur tout chiffonné », ironise le journaliste qui ajoute que « le rire dévastateur du « Charlie » que j’avais aimé sonnait désormais à mes oreilles comme le rire de l’imbécile heureux qui se déboutonne au comptoir du commerce, ou du cochon qui se roule dans sa merde. »


« Je ne faisais déjà plus partie de Charlie Hebdo quand les avions suicide ont percuté votre ligne éditoriale, mais la névrose islamophobe qui s’est peu à peu emparée de vos pages à compter de ce jour-là m’affectait personnellement, car elle salopait le souvenir des bons moments que j’avais passés dans ce journal au cours des années 1990 », écrit le journaliste.


Le journaliste « montre » clairement l’islamophobie de Charb, le dessinateur de Charlie Hebdo : « Dans une vidéo postée fin 2011 sur le site de Charlie Hebdo, on te voyait, Charb, imiter l’appel du muezzin sous les hoquets hilares de tes petits camarades. Tordant, le numéro de la psalmodie coranique à l’heure du bouclage, Michel Leeb n’aurait pas fait mieux. »


Olivier exprime par ailleurs toute son amertume en pointant du doigt le « rôle » joué par Charlie Hebdo dans l’atmosphère d’islamophobie qui règne en France : « Je ne vous écris pas pour vous parler de bon goût, plutôt de ce pays que vous avez contribué à rendre plus insalubre. Un pays qui désormais interdit à une femme de travailler dans une crèche au motif que le bout de tissu qu’elle porte sur la tête traumatiserait les bambins. »


Ainsi, Olivier Cyran estime que l’acharnement de Charlie Hebdo est devenu une sorte d’obsession, ce qui a contribué à donner une fausse image de l’islam et des musulmans.


« Le pilonnage obsessionnel des musulmans auquel votre hebdomadaire se livre depuis une grosse dizaine d’années a des effets tout à fait concrets. Il a puissamment contribué à répandre dans l’opinion “de gauche” l’idée que l’islam est un “problème” majeur de la société française. Que rabaisser les musulmans n’est plus un privilège de l’extrême droite, mais un droit à l’impertinence sanctifié par la laïcité, la république, le “vivre ensemble”. Et même, ne soyons pas pingres sur les alibis, par le droit des femmes – étant largement admis aujourd’hui que l’exclusion d’une gamine voilée relève non d’une discrimination stupide, mais d’un féminisme de bon aloi consistant à s’acharner sur celle que l’on prétend libérer », écrit-il.



I don't doubt that they are indeed, perceived as racist.  Mainly by people like you, who look at the pictures and can't comprehend the story behind them.

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I don't doubt that they are indeed, perceived as racist. Mainly by people like you, who look at the pictures and can't comprehend the story behind them.

I wonder how seriously we should take this assessment considering your first response to that same post was too French; couldn't read.
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According to a radio report this morning, people were out early queuing outside newsagents across France.


The only logical response.


If you don't agree with the content just buy it and stick it in the recycling, unread.

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On the back of the argument on freedom to offend. I just saw in the New Statesman a poll that shows 82% of Brits think people should be prosecuted for burning the poppy,

In these modern times of faux outrage and trial by social media I'm of the opinion that most people these days just enjoy getting off of being offended as it gives them the energy to kick off a twitter storm or start a Facebook petition and feel self important.


Agreed and hence my one man crusade against Stephen Fry all these years :)



Two man.....I'm with you brother Tone!


Where do I sign up?

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I don't doubt that they are indeed, perceived as racist. Mainly by people like you, who look at the pictures and can't comprehend the story behind them.

I wonder how seriously we should take this assessment considering your first response to that same post was too French; couldn't read.



I've no doubt that you'll take it extremely seriously.

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I don't doubt that they are indeed, perceived as racist. Mainly by people like you, who look at the pictures and can't comprehend the story behind them.

I wonder how seriously we should take this assessment considering your first response to that same post was too French; couldn't read.


I've no doubt that you'll take it extremely seriously.


In keeping with (one of) the current theme(s), I wouldn't read stuff in to things just because you want them to be so. ;)

Edited by snowychap
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this is a fun game you can play along at home  ... can you spot the difference between the 2 pictures below








They've cropped one woman (no idea who she is) and photoshopped Merkel out!! :lol:


How very progressive of them. 

They are taken at a slightly different angela?

Re-read this a couple of times.....excellent.  :clap: 

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