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The ISIS threat to Europe


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Do people actually believe these false flag theories?

I believe there are things that dont add up, for instance the french media saying the policeman on the floor was shot in the head yet the video shows he clearly wasnt.

Reports of an RPG being used, how would these guys be driving around with AKs and RPGs, it aint Iraq.

Both guys decided to carry their I.Ds with them and both managed to drop them at the scene.

So the media might have got a couple of details wrong? Shocker. How does this in any way point to some sort of false flag attack?
I didnt claim it was a false flag attack.

There are more than a few things that dont add up just google it for yourself and watch the raw footage

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A little off topic but as Boko Haram (Nigerian flavour Islamist nutters) are mentioned above...

In the last 48 hours they entered a town in North East Nigeria (the last area in the region they didn't control) and massacred nigh on the entire population of 2000 men, women and children the vast majority of whom will have been Muslims.

No way of trying to blame 'western actions' in X, Y or Z country for this, it is the unadulterated and savage face of Islamic extremism. Their soul mates carrying out attacks elsewhere in the world will use whatever justification they find convenient, but underneath that veneer flows the same poisonous ideology that cannot and must not be appeased.

Was reading about this..sickening and really sad..also sad that it wont get as much media attention..will people gather in trafalger square to remember the innocent victims? I doubt it.


There's probably a case for blaming Western inaction, but given my traditional position on these things, I can't help but think that's wanting to have my cake and eat it.

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im not surprised that some muslims turn to extremism because of the way the west has acted for decades but it cant all be put on the west because there are extremists who would continue to terrorise their country or another country and even their own people in the name of allah. we need to play our part in uniting islam and the rest of the world and forcing these sick evil people out of a religion which is supposedly peaceful, islam also needs to play a bigger part because for all this we condemn this and that you can bet your bottom dollar behind close doors a lot of these big influential muslim countries support it in one way or another. im not sure islam and the rest of the world can integrate succesfully though if im honest.

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Integrate is a very important word. Its definition is a key to a more peaceful planet as is some sort of vision as to what integrated looks like.


It's going to be particularly interesting to watch the shift in media and opinion over the next decade as the war on 'terror' is replaced by the new cold war with China.

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If you look at the modern history of the West versus majority Muslim countries, the West wins the title of aggressor hands down. France's North African colonialist oppression, Britain and France meddling in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan etc., drawing arbitrary borders, creating the state of Israel, supporting the repressive Saudi royals. The USA meddling in Iran and Iraq, overthrowing X and installing Y, and becoming Israel's sugar daddy. There is a reason why they hate us, and it's really not about our "freedoms", it's about us supporting repressive regimes and intentionally keeping the whole area underdeveloped.

This is not to excuse the atrocities they commit, usually in the name of their god, but there is a reason they're not mad at Mexico or Finland.

There is a civil war going on in the Muslim world, and even if we extracted ourselves in every way from their world, they'd still be at each other's throats. But we make ourselves a very convenient target for their anger and frustration as along as we keep poking their hornets nest. And then we wonder why we got stung.

Not disagreeing with what you say but other than a spate of airline hijackings in the early 80's i can't remember Muslims targeting the west specifically until more recent times .... Almost as of Gulf War I was the catalyst rather than the Balfour declaration or the crusades Edited by tonyh29
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If you look at the modern history of the West versus majority Muslim countries, the West wins the title of aggressor hands down. France's North African colonialist oppression, Britain and France meddling in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan etc., drawing arbitrary borders, creating the state of Israel, supporting the repressive Saudi royals. The USA meddling in Iran and Iraq, overthrowing X and installing Y, and becoming Israel's sugar daddy. There is a reason why they hate us, and it's really not about our "freedoms", it's about us supporting repressive regimes and intentionally keeping the whole area underdeveloped.

This is not to excuse the atrocities they commit, usually in the name of their god, but there is a reason they're not mad at Mexico or Finland.

There is a civil war going on in the Muslim world, and even if we extracted ourselves in every way from their world, they'd still be at each other's throats. But we make ourselves a very convenient target for their anger and frustration as along as we keep poking their hornets nest. And then we wonder why we got stung.

I think the whole Israel thing is what frustrates the majority of Muslims, the minority of those turn thier frustration into anger and in turn act on it.

Great post mate.

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I also think some use it as an excuse to commit atrocities.  There is a big problem within the larget Muslim community of in-fighting, cultural/tribal wars, lack of education etc.  That needs to be addressed by us, the Muslim community.

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If you look at the modern history of the West versus majority Muslim countries, the West wins the title of aggressor hands down. France's North African colonialist oppression, Britain and France meddling in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan etc., drawing arbitrary borders, creating the state of Israel, supporting the repressive Saudi royals. The USA meddling in Iran and Iraq, overthrowing X and installing Y, and becoming Israel's sugar daddy. There is a reason why they hate us, and it's really not about our "freedoms", it's about us supporting repressive regimes and intentionally keeping the whole area underdeveloped.

This is not to excuse the atrocities they commit, usually in the name of their god, but there is a reason they're not mad at Mexico or Finland.

There is a civil war going on in the Muslim world, and even if we extracted ourselves in every way from their world, they'd still be at each other's throats. But we make ourselves a very convenient target for their anger and frustration as along as we keep poking their hornets nest. And then we wonder why we got stung.

Not disagreeing with what you say but other than a spate of airline hijackings in the early 80's i can't remember Muslims targeting the west specifically until more recent times .... Almost as of Gulf War I was the catalyst rather than the Balfour declaration or the crusades


As someone mentioned earlier, the means by which small groups are able wage small battles against the West exist to a much greater degree than ever before. That said, Paris dealt with Algerian bombings back in the 60's.


But now that we live in a much more interconnected world, the idea that attacks have arrived at our doorstep is not a surprise. Greater access to a broader variety of weaponry, the ability to communicate via the internet etc., gives them an ability and capability they never had before.

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I have always thought that the creation of the state of Israel was a big, big mistake. It was always going to be disastrous for all concerned, not least the Jews.

However, it is what it is. Turning the clock back is never a viable option. Are we going to give the USA back to the 'native Americans' who undoubtedly had their land stolen from them? No.

Mandela didn't try and kick the whites out of South Africa, and he was right. You start with what you've got, and TRY to set up a state where all citizens have equal rights under the law, no concession to tribes, cultures, religions, historical feuds, etc.

Until the world learns to put that principle into practice, we are doomed to go on destroying ourselves.

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anybody wondering if integration is possible needs to consider the example of Issana Bathily




it would appear that a muslim employee in the Jewish supermarket ..... well, that's probably all the story you really need isn't it, a muslim employee in a jewish supermarket


At a kosher supermarket in Paris, a quick-thinking Muslim employee hides several Jewish shoppers in the basement before sneaking out to brief police on the hostage-taker upstairs. In the town of Dammartin-en-Goele, a poker-faced businessman fools a pair of gunmen into believing they're alone in the building before being allowed to leave unharmed.

In the days after the bloody end of twin French hostage crises Friday, stories of life-saving courage are beginning to filter out. One of the most striking is the story of Lassana Bathily, a young immigrant from Mali who literally provided police with the key to ending the hostage crisis at the supermarket....

the rest of the story is also positive

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How on earth is Boko Haram massacring TWO THOUSAND civilians on Friday NOT on the front pages of the BBC?????????  :o

Amazing isn't it? In fairness to the BBC, they cover African issues more than any other English speaking non-African* news organization. All the more reason it's a head scratcher that they've buried the story.

Edited by maqroll
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How on earth is Boko Haram massacring TWO THOUSAND civilians on Friday NOT on the front pages of the BBC????????? :o

Possibly a (wrong headed) decision based on too much bad news about Muslims in too short a period - fuel on the fire and all that.

If that's correct then it is unforgivable and betrays either an internal political agenda against its own charter or (more likely) direction from 'above', particularly given the absence of the story from every UK broadcaster. The alternative that those organisations didn't know it had happened or considered it un newsworthy is a staggering and wholly unrealistic proposition.

For comparison that massacre amounts to more casualties that Boko Haram managed in all attack last year, combined.

The MSM silence on this (bar an article in the Daily Mail) is totally inexplicable, absent government intervention.

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The article in my paper ( independent) about BH says no one has any idea if it's 2000 or 200. I know it's still an awful massacre either way, but I guess that the absence of clear facts and so on means it gets further downgraded as a piece of MSM news

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How on earth is Boko Haram massacring TWO THOUSAND civilians on Friday NOT on the front pages of the BBC????????? :o

Possibly a (wrong headed) decision based on too much bad news about Muslims in too short a period - fuel on the fire and all that.

If that's correct then it is unforgivable and betrays either an internal political agenda against its own charter or (more likely) direction from 'above', particularly given the absence of the story from every UK broadcaster. The alternative that those organisations didn't know it had happened or considered it un newsworthy is a staggering and wholly unrealistic proposition.

For comparison that massacre amounts to more casualties that Boko Haram managed in all attack last year, combined.

The MSM silence on this (bar an article in the Daily Mail) is totally inexplicable, absent government intervention.


If it's going to be anything, it's really unlikely it'll have been downgraded to avoid too much bad Muslim news in one go - terrorism and especially Islamic terrorism is the most pushed media agenda outside of immigration - by rights this should have been grabbed and pushed out front and centre. 


The likelihood is that there's an interest somewhere in this story not being a big one, possibly because we don't want to open up a new and expensive front in the war on 'terror' and possibly because publicising this might have an effect on our control of the region as a whole.


It's a very strange one that this isn't being mentioned more though.

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