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Player Match Ratings: A New Year but the same Villa!


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We dropped two home points again yesterday. This was not a point won it was two lost as was the case in our previous home game against Sunderland. To have drawn one of these games would have been bad enough but to have drawn both, without scoring or really looking like scoring let alone winning is unacceptable.


These are the sort of home games we need to win and we can take little comfort from the two draws that we managed. A six point return from these games would have widened the gap between the teams that currently occupy the relegation places and ourselves to nine points rather than the five points that now separate us. It would have provided us with some significant breathing space with games against the likes of Liverpool, Arsenal and Chelsea on the way that could bring us back into the pack near the foot of the table. But we were nowhere near good enough to get a home win and football is about winning games which is something that we have rarely done at Villa Park for way too long now.


Both Villa goals and entertainment are at a premium at Villa Park. This was another dull game that will do little to see the missing thousands return to Villa Park and it offered scant reward to those who did turn up to see what was a poor game that had a scoreless draw written all over it from early in the game.


We may have had the lion’s share of the possession but what use is that if there is no end product. Our opponents were content to see us play the ball around in our own half because that offered no threat to them. We had little by way of ideas or forward movement when the ball did approach their box and this was way too comfortable an afternoon for a team that were always going to be happy with a point but came nearest of the two sides to taking all three.


There is no sign of improvement or of any bright future and given how poor both teams were yesterday our manager was no doubt relieved that only one potential new manager was watching this game from the stands. Games are not won by defending alone and it will take another 16 draws to keep us up!                         


My player ratings from a game that did little to promise a happier New Year for us and during which Bolasie hit the bar with a very passable Ronny Rosenthal impression on 16 minutes are:


Brad Guzan – 6 – Had a quiet afternoon but did produce a fine save on 12 minutes to keep it all square.                                                               


Alan Hutton – 7 – Solid at the back and did what he could to try to get us moving forward. Alan forced a good save from Speroni on 14 minutes following some very good work by Cissokho.                          


Ron Vlaar – Replaced by Clark on 15 minutes due to injury. Not on long enough to gather a rating and as he made for the dressing room I guess I was not alone in questioning whether that would be the last time he did so wearing our shirt.     


Jores Okore – 8 – MOTM – A solid, confident and commanding defensive performance.                            


Aly Cissokho – 7 – A good defensive performance as demonstrated when he took the ball from McArthur’s feet on 63 minutes as he was about to pull the trigger.                 


Leandro Bacuna - 6 – Leo hit some misplaced passes but he was not alone in that. He also hit a free kick from the edge of the box just over on 27 minutes and had another one pushed away by Speroni on 87 minutes.  


Tom Cleverley – 5 – Started well enough but he did not maintain the level of performance we are still waiting for him to provide consistently for us. Had a shot from the edge of the box blocked on 53 minutes.                                        


Carlos Sánchez – 7 – Another good solid performance particularly given what was happening or was not happening around him.      


Gabby Agbonlahor – 4 – This game like far too many previous ones passed Gabby by without him making any sort of discernable impression upon it. He really should have had the legs to do more in this one as he for one has not had a busy festive period.      


Andreas Weimann – 4 – Works hard but that is not always enough and he produced no threat whatsoever up front yesterday.        


Christian Benteke – 5 – He is growing increasingly frustrated by his continued lack of service and it is becoming more obvious with each game. He needs to try to make things happen himself almost as much as we need to feed the one player who can win games week in and week out for us if he is given something approaching the sort of service he needs to be able to do this. Weimann pulled the ball back to him in the second minute and his first time shot was kept out at his near post by Speroni. That was as good as it got for both us and Christian. On 71 minutes he spurned a clear chance to win it for us after Sánchez had done well to pick him out but his shot flew well over the bar.




Ciaran Clark – 7 - Replaced Ron on 15 minutes and gave another solid performance alongside Jores .      


Jack Grealish – 5 - Replaced Cleverley on 64 minutes. It is expecting a lot of Jack to come on and try to rescue games from the bench with an hour or more already gone. He was unable to make the sort of impression he does more often than not when he came on yesterday.   


Joe Cole – Replaced Andi on 83 minutes. A welcome return to the first team action and he along with Jack needs to start our next game. Joe did not get enough time to make a difference or gather a rating on this occasion.   


Up the Villa and a Happier New Year to all readers!

John Lewis

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I can't believe you spent so long on this dour piece. 


"There is no sign of improvement or of any bright future and given how poor both teams were yesterday our manager was no doubt relieved that only one potential new manager was watching this game from the stands. Games are not won by defending alone and it will take another 16 draws to keep us up!"


This in particular is completely nonsensical. 


- Of course we've improved. We've one of the best defences in the league and we actually look comfortable passing the ball for a change. Our style has changed massively and while we were pretty shit up front yesterday, we are a lot easier on the eye. 

- How were we the ones playing defensively? We had almost 70% of possession - they were the ones who parked the bus and made no real attempts at trying to win the game, besides the occasional hoof up top and the hope that Bolasie would get on it. 


I really think somebody who can analyse things properly and look at things a bit more objectively should be doing these ratings.

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I can't believe you spent so long on this dour piece. 


"There is no sign of improvement or of any bright future and given how poor both teams were yesterday our manager was no doubt relieved that only one potential new manager was watching this game from the stands. Games are not won by defending alone and it will take another 16 draws to keep us up!"


This in particular is completely nonsensical. 


- Of course we've improved. We've one of the best defences in the league and we actually look comfortable passing the ball for a change. Our style has changed massively and while we were pretty shit up front yesterday, we are a lot easier on the eye. 

- How were we the ones playing defensively? We had almost 70% of possession - they were the ones who parked the bus and made no real attempts at trying to win the game, besides the occasional hoof up top and the hope that Bolasie would get on it. 


I really think somebody who can analyse things properly and look at things a bit more objectively should be doing these ratings.

Can't believe I wasted two minutes of my life reading your nonsensical response to another exellent report by John. Some of us prefer to take the rose tinted spectacles off regarding our"progress" and see what is really happening to our club. We are awful to watch and not getting any better. Johns been compiling these reports for many years now, and, unlike yourself, his views are pretty much spot on. If your not happy with them, feel free to do your own. It would be interesting to hear the view from happy clappy land. 

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Ah yes, the old not-overly-negative-so-must-be-super-positive rubbish. 


We're 12th in the league and have one of the best defences in the league, we're playing much tidier possession football but are clearly lacking up front - that's how I see it and that is what I would call some progress. 

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"I can't believe you spent so long on this dour piece". I did lexicon and than you for taking the time to reply to it. 


I do consider our defence has improved as is shown in the ratings given to them above and in previous games this season. Sadly we are not scoring goals and not looking like scoring any. Possesion in itself will not get us wins and I also do not consider we are easy on the eye. The football we are playing is dull and the attendance figures show that I am not alone in that opinion.


But it is a matter of opinion and you are entitled to your own. This may be a lot different to the one that I hold but that would not lead me to conclude that what you have suggested is nonesensical, that it lacks objectivity or that it does not represent a proper analysis.



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Thanks for those stats lexicon I had wondered how our results of last season matched up with those to date this season. I hope our remaining games do see us improve on what was too low a points total for comfort last season and see us safe before we were last year which would represent progress.


I have no issue with our defence which is more solid than it has been for some years although that improvement has to be balanced against our lack of goals this season compared to last. So in general I have not noticed an overall improvement in what we have seen at Villa Park or real signs of a bright future. Let us hope that in 18 games time we can both agree that things have improved.       

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I suppose as long as there are enough Villa fans who are happy enough for us to "look comfortable passing the ball", and be "a lot easier on the eye", while admittedly being " a bit shit up front", and failing even to score at home against two of the worst sides in the league, there will be no real pressure for change to the management of Villa and our success on the pitch.


Unfortunately, I think the number of fans content with the dreary stuff served up over Christmas is dwindling - now possibly regularly below 30,000 - and those who are content with what they see as "progress" will find themselves looking out over increasing gaps in the stands.

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Thanks for those stats lexicon I had wondered how our results of last season matched up with those to date this season. I hope our remaining games do see us improve on what was too low a points total for comfort last season and see us safe before we were last year which would represent progress.


I have no issue with our defence which is more solid than it has been for some years although that improvement has to be balanced against our lack of goals this season compared to last. So in general I have not noticed an overall improvement in what we have seen at Villa Park or real signs of a bright future. Let us hope that in 18 games time we can both agree that things have improved.       


Despite the fact that we are comparatively better, with the above comparison of last season to prove it, you still don't see an overall improvement? 

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Just a word of caution about those stats, Lexicon. They are a snapshot of where we are right now and it would be wrong to regard them as too definitive. Like investments, points comparisons with equivalent games last season can go down as well as up!


Best to see how we have done at the end of the season once all the matches are played.

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Thought it was spot on as well John.


Funnily enough all the things lexicon says shows progress and improvement have resulted in the exact same points per game as his first year.  And lets see what that points total is at the end of the year.  I'd be amazed if it's much different to the 42 he managed that first year.  Yeah real progress there.


And lacking upfront is a bit of an understatement isn't it.

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Thanks for those stats lexicon I had wondered how our results of last season matched up with those to date this season. I hope our remaining games do see us improve on what was too low a points total for comfort last season and see us safe before we were last year which would represent progress.


I have no issue with our defence which is more solid than it has been for some years although that improvement has to be balanced against our lack of goals this season compared to last. So in general I have not noticed an overall improvement in what we have seen at Villa Park or real signs of a bright future. Let us hope that in 18 games time we can both agree that things have improved.       


Despite the fact that we are comparatively better, with the above comparison of last season to prove it, you still don't see an overall improvement? 


Was this exact same message not put out at points last season? And the result was 38 points at the end.


If you think we've improved then I envy the way you view games.

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Despite the fact that we are comparatively better, with the above comparison of last season to prove it, you still don't see an overall improvement?

It's reasonable I suppose to compare one season's results against equivalent sides with another seasons. It's reasonable to look at that comparison at a particular point and conclude "better/worse".

I don't think it's reasonable to use that comparison as some kind of definitive judgement, however.

The defence is better, statistically and through observation. The attack is clearly worse. The midfield much the same, perhaps.

Entertainment - still largely absent.

Guile and invention - absent.

Discipline of players - not great.

Number of games in which we score a goal (kick ball in big netty thing, for those not old enough to remember) - hasn't improved - it's possibly worse. 11 goals all season!

Value for money for fans - still absolutely appalling.

From all that lot, and there's more, it's hard to go with the "we've got more points from sort of similar games to last year" as the proof of improvement it's made out to be. It's one piece of a more complex story, which sadly, as John's report reflects, isn't a very happy one.

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"Despite the fact that we are comparatively better, with the above comparison of last season to prove it, you still don't see an overall improvement?" - Sorry lexicon but I do not.


As briny_ear & DCJonah have said above the end of year stats will be the time that any improvement can be best measured and I agree 100% with blandy's breakdown of the areas that we need to improve on.


We need more points and a higher league position than we have managed of late along with the odd goal or three and to be entertained in our remaining games. If we get that I think we will all agree there has been a marked improvement. As things stand the best I see as being likely is that we will be able to tread water for another season. Time will tell.        

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Statistics is interesting and don't tell the whole truth.


We need huge improvements.  In last games we are totally lost.  In previous posts you are compare bad season to really bad season.  

Last year we scored 19 goals in first 20 games.  This season 11 goals in 20 games.  8 goals in difference or 42%

Last year we were no. 14 in scored goals.  Now no. 20.  


Last year other teams scored 25 goals.  This season 22. goals. 3 goals in difference or 12%.

We have 22 points in 20 games.  1,1 point pr. game.  Last season we got 1 point pr. game (38/38)

Are we doing better this season?


But last and definately not least, we are playing lousy football.  No statitistics can measure that :)

Good analysis John.  

Same Villa,  I aggree Sanchez and Okore.  But I would give Grealish more than 5.  He tried, but needed more support.


To Lambert I will say, go away.



This happens in NY, maybe it is our time to turn back to Lambert in next game against Leicester.  I challenge to every Villa fan who will attend next game.  Turn back to Lambert in first 10 minutes.  He needs clear message.
Thousands of officers turned their backs on the mayor during Ramos' funeral


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