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Things You Don't "Get"


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I didn't say it was pretentious to own a book  :rolleyes: I merely meant that whenever this argument of books vs. ebooks and ebook readers comes around the book supporting folk always trot out the same thing about the feel and smell and as nice as they are, it just always strikes me as a little pretentious. Like you're cutting off your nose to spite your face. By all means, buy books and enjoy their physicality, I have no issue with it, but it doesn't have to be an either or. Just because you love books doesn't mean ebook readers are a bad thing.


And back then they didn't have much of a choice, did they? The technology wasn't around.

It wasn't?  ;)


Personally speaking, I'm totally ok with Kindles, they just lack a certain pretentious romanticism.

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Let's settle this. Who works in publishing? I do. I can tell you for a fact books are better. Done.


You can't settle a matter of subjectivity, buddy. I would rather have something more practical, others would rather have a nice smell. Each to their own. I'm just saying don't hate on ebook readers just because they don't smell like paper and ink.


And you're an IT guy for a publishing company. Hardly as if you're manning the printing press ;)

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Let's settle this. Who works in publishing? I do. I can tell you for a fact books are better. Done.


You can't settle a matter of subjectivity, buddy. I would rather have something more practical, others would rather have a nice smell. Each to their own. I'm just saying don't hate on ebook readers just because they don't smell like paper and ink.


And you're an IT guy for a publishing company. Hardly as if you're manning the printing press ;)



There you go, I'm over on the cutting edge modern technology side of things and I'm telling you books are better.

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It wasn't?  ;)


Personally speaking, I'm totally ok with Kindles, they just lack a certain pretentious romanticism.



I'll amend myself to be clearer. It's only pretentious if people say that stuff AND hate ebook readers. I love the smell of a new book and I love buying a book with a beautiful cover. There is definite joy in owning a physical copy of a book.


I have three copies of The Lord of the Rings. One is a tatty paperback I've had since I was a kid, another is a slightly less worn paperback, and the last one is a beautifully bound hardback with an ornate cover that I've never even read.


So I really do get it. I just hate it when people dismiss Kindles and their practicality.

Edited by Ginko
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Vested interests.


Would be if we only produced printed books.


That's not quite how it works.

No wonder the labour party's on its uppers.



Seems that you don't know what "vested interests" are ;)

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The most important thing in a book is the content. That stays the same regardless of whether its an ebook or a fancy hardback. Ebooks win for me nowadays due to practicality. If i'm lying on the beach or by the pool for 2 weeks then I don't want to pack 4 paperworks that will fall to pieces in the sun due to the heat. I want a slim device that can hold hundreds of books should I change my mind on what I want to read.

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The main reason I enjoy books is probably a slightly aesthetically vain reason -  the chief decoration in my room that prevents it being completely blank are books. I have too many books, but they make my room feel more populated and I enjoy the visual of being able to see possible stories or non fiction books still to read there in front of me. 


However as a regular mover, I can easily see the appeal of not having to lug all the buggers around all the time, there's obviously space for both in the market. 

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I still have a bookcase groaning at the hinges and further boxes of books in the spare room. It too makes my living quarters look more homely!  :)

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I have loads of books. Half of them are destined for the second hand book shop but when I get round to it I can't decide.

Another thing, I live above a second hand bookshop and I went down to him a few days ago asking if he wants some English language books. He said - yeah sure, but I can't give you much. I replied with - no no, I'm giving them to you...for free. He then proceeded to have a meltdown about how he couldn't possibly accept and tried to bargain with me. In the end we ended up drinking glasses of tea and talking about Slavan Bilic.

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All of the above. I want books in every form possible. Our house is jammed full of them, bookcases in every room. I love them, for all the reasons mentioned (including smell, nostalgia, etc.) - even though I occasionally HAVE to have a purge and get rid of a few (dozen, score, hundred) for practical purposes. 


But who wouldn't also want a device containing hundreds of books, that you can carry around in your pocket? I don't have an actual Kindle, but I do have the Android Kindle reader app on my phone, and I use it all the time when I'm out and about. Also good if I can't sleep and want to read without waking the missus up. So I tend to have books on there that can be read in short bursts - short stories, essays, anthologies, poetry, etc. 

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The most important thing in a book is the content. That stays the same regardless of whether its an ebook or a fancy hardback. Ebooks win for me nowadays due to practicality. If i'm lying on the beach or by the pool for 2 weeks then I don't want to pack 4 paperworks that will fall to pieces in the sun due to the heat. I want a slim device that can hold hundreds of books should I change my mind on what I want to read.

See I get that point, completely but for me, i'd rather choose my books for the holiday, read them and pass them on to someone.

With a ebook-thingymajog, I'd be too worried that I'd get sand, sea or factor40 in my expensive electronic device and completely wreck it.

I get the ebook thing but by the pool or on the beach, nah not for me.

Oh and I generally read in the bath or having a shit, its especially not for me

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Sometimes I like to scatter books all over my bed and writhe on top of them in just a pair of small panties. It feels nice and they smell good. Or maybe I'll twerk in front of the mirror whilst rubbing a couple of paper backs over my naked skin.

Can't do that with a frickin kindle, can you fanboys!?!

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i also find the kindle harder to read on. i think it's because i associate books with sitting down for a few hours and reading solidly, whereas a kindle is a screen and i associate that with reading for a few minutes then clicking a link to something else to read or watch.


there is something to be said about physically distancing yourself from screens.

Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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I still read the VT gazette which, I have to say, Limpid is issuing less and less frequently.

It's more satisfying to read a proper newsprint version and catch up on a few months of VT in one go, but it can sometimes leave me slightly behind the times.


Still, I'm chuffed Lambert has signed the new contract.

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The real answer is obviously that there's room for both.

My missus had a new kindle delivered this weekend. Freakishly, she ordered it Friday evening and it arrived Saturday morning - with all her details and account pre loaded. Fair enough be impressive by delivering 10 or 11 hours after ordering, but to have also put her info on it in that time was quite impressive.

We've also got towering bookcases of books - mostly geology and general science reference books and cheap paperback novels.


The kids were amazed middle of last week to discover the contents of the Cambridge Encyclopedia that's been on the shelf for years. The interweb had gone down and they needed information on Denmark. They were amazed to find we had a book where it had a section on 'Denmark'. 


As they said at the time, 'How random is that!'

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