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Why a kindle edition would cost more than a paperback.


If you buy a physical book off Amazon, they should give you the download free. They did it for CDs, why not books? 



The paperback is 6.99 and the download is 11.08. They must have their reasons (maybe the simplicity of ripping CDs) but it looks extortionate.




Different publishing deals for paper and electronic versions of the book probably.   

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Practicality more than anything else for me. My Kindle is thinner and can contain hundreds of books, whereas a book is bulkier and (generally) only contains one.


Yes, yes, there's the whole romantic side of books, the look, the feel, the smell, I get all that, but Kindles are brilliant. They can exist side-by-side, the world is big enough for both.

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Don't know why anyone would choose a Kindle over a book anyway.

My mother does, cuz you can increase font size, and she's getting old. But give me a book with pages every time, I love the feel of a book.

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Don't know why anyone would choose a Kindle over a book anyway.

My mother does, cuz you can increase font size, and she's getting old. But give me a book with pages every time, I love the feel of a book.



Don't forget that new book smell ^_^

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I love books too, but I find the whole 'I love real books, they smell great and feel great' a bit of a cliché and pretentious. There's nothing wrong with ebooks, in fact there's a lot right with them.


And hell, if I wanted to be a pretentious arsehole I'd even go as far as to say that Kindles go a ways toward protecting the planet as they are not made of paper and therefore poor, innocent trees are not cut down and destroyed.



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Don't know why anyone would choose a Kindle over a book anyway.

My mother does, cuz you can increase font size, and she's getting old. But give me a book with pages every time, I love the feel of a book.



Don't forget that new book smell ^_^


I love the new trend with paperbacks whose covers have that grainy feel to them. LOVE IT.

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I love books too, but I find the whole 'I love real books, they smell great and feel great' a bit of a cliché and pretentious. There's nothing wrong with ebooks, in fact there's a lot right with them.


And hell, if I wanted to be a pretentious arsehole I'd even go as far as to say that Kindles go a ways toward protecting the planet as they are not made of paper and therefore poor, innocent trees are not cut down and destroyed.



Yeah, but African miners are exploited whilst collecting the materials that comprise your Kindle machinery.


You can't win, it's like paper or plastic at the checkout counter

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I love books too, but I find the whole 'I love real books, they smell great and feel great' a bit of a cliché and pretentious. There's nothing wrong with ebooks, in fact there's a lot right with them.


And hell, if I wanted to be a pretentious arsehole I'd even go as far as to say that Kindles go a ways toward protecting the planet as they are not made of paper and therefore poor, innocent trees are not cut down and destroyed.




Hey, according to the Green party supporter on Sunday Politics, it's okay to chop down trees to burn to keep your house warm.


Not that I'm really complaining about ebooks, I work in publishing and they are another source of growing income.








Books are better though

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And hell, if I wanted to be a pretentious arsehole I'd even go as far as to say that Kindles go a ways toward protecting the planet as they are not made of paper and therefore poor, innocent trees are not cut down and destroyed.

Only innocent Chinese children...
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There is an argument to be said that one Kindle equals, let's say, a thousand books, and therefore the amount of material that goes into making that one Kindle compared to the paper that would be required to make a thousand books is significantly lesser.


But I'm not being entirely serious in this argument. I do think the whole thing is pretentious though. Practicality over clichéd romanticism every time for me.


Are Kindles really made from innocent Chinese children?  :o

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I generally prefer a physical book, but the reality set in when I had to start packing to move house, and over 3/4 of the boxes that I filled were books (up to 5 bookcases now...). My new rule of thumb is anything I would previously have thought it worth getting a hardback version has a physical book bought. Any paperbacks are replaced with the Kindle version. I just don't have the space.

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. I do think the whole thing is pretentious though. Practicality over clichéd romanticism every time for me.


Yes, what were human beings thinking over the last 5,000 years? Pretentious arseholes. 

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I didn't say it was pretentious to own a book  :rolleyes: I merely meant that whenever this argument of books vs. ebooks and ebook readers comes around the book supporting folk always trot out the same thing about the feel and smell and as nice as they are, it just always strikes me as a little pretentious.


It's a bit like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Ebooks are incredibly practical and have some great features books don't have. Say you're going on holiday. You don't have space to cram five books into your suitcase, so take a Kindle instead and you save on space and get 100 times the amount of literature. And if you finish that book on holiday and get the inspiration to read something else on a whim? Just connect to the internet and download it within seconds. 


But no, some people would rather have a smell.


By all means, buy books and enjoy their physicality, I have no issue with it, but it doesn't have to be an either or. Just because you love books doesn't mean ebook readers are a bad thing.


And back then they didn't have much of a choice, did they? The technology wasn't around.

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