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Paul Lambert


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Lambert does not deserve a new contract or anymore money to spend. He hasn't made us any better and his style of play and tactical ideas are Sunday league at best.

This villa team is bloody awful to watch 90% of the time. Some weeks it's so bad it's embarrassing to be an Aston Villa fan. If anybody thinks it will get better with Lambert in charge, even if he has more money to spend is pissing in the wind I'm afraid. He is bloody awful, just like the majority of his signings I'm afraid

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I think that first XI is actually OK (with a couple of obviously weaker areas). It's a real shame we've not seen it at all this season.



We had that exact team for Liverpool and Newcastle at home, bar Bertrand and for Newcastle swapped Bacuna for KEA.


Only 2 games but we were awful in both.

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It's obvious that Benteke has not been fully fit in the majority of our games. For a small team like us that's a big miss. And before someone from either of the extreme camps begins then I'm not using that as an excuse for Lambert, just pointing out what is common knowledge.


EDIT: This was in response to a conversation about Benteke on the previous page

Edited by bose
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No Benteke's injuries have certainly not been the only difference.


I think that it's played a part along with sudden atrocious performances after good games (inconsistency), poor tactical decisions, lack of motivation, inexperience from the players and just general lack of quality.

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I don't think it's a lack of effort or the team not playing for the manager. Even more worryingly, they just ain't good enough,

Yet certain performances like Chelsea for instance prove, well to me anyway, that the players do have the ability to perform better than our results would, on a whole, suggest.

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we're much better away than at home

17 pts from home fixtures and 17 pts from away fixtures.



You keep stating this like it proves we're not better away than we are at home. We're 10th in the away table and 18th in the home table.


What a pity that these tables don't actually matter. The fact is we have 17 points from home games and 17 points from away games. The only indicator is the actual number of games we have played home and away and at the moment because we have played less away then it could be deemed that our away form is better.

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Is the team (the players within it), the quality of football and the overall performances on the pitch (not just the odd game like against Chelsea) better now than it was at this stage last season and at the start of Lambert's tenure?


Simple question, it only requires simple answers and not a list of excuses.

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Is the team (the players within it), the quality of football and the overall performances on the pitch (not just the odd game like against Chelsea) better now than it was at this stage last season and at the start of Lambert's tenure?


Simple question, it only requires simple answers and not a list of excuses.


Team - Yes, it's full of potential with some real quality in there.


Performances - Yes, we've went from being terrible to inconsistent. There's been some great matches and some terrible ones and lots of mediocre ones.


Quality of football - Yes, again we've went to terrible to inconsistent. At our fluent best we press very well and teams can't deal with our pace, energy and power, but we can't control matches with the ball.

Edited by LordSepulchrave
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We didn't lose Benteke for the majority of the season though so it is a moot point.

If you read the whole post instead of reading the first sentence and reacting, people might start to take you more seriously.
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Thats because they're not. I'm not sure any sane rational Villa fan can say hand on heart Lambert is the BEST man for the job. What he is, is the current man WITH the job and given sacking him will mean 4 managers in 4 years I am yet to be convinced sacking him is the correct course of action. I believe he has done as well as fortune and finance have allowed him to do.

Maybe my comprehension skills need brushing up but saying no other manager can do better is *exactly* the same as saying he is the best man for the job. For example, if I hired an specific artist to draw my portrait and declared no other artist could do it any better, then I am effectively claiming that the said artist is the best man for the job. In fact, basic cognative ability would tell you that if nobody else can do a particular job better than a certain individual then that individual must ergo be the best man for the said task, or joint-best at least.

I also believe the players have let him down. ..not through lack of ability but lack of concentration and experience, only one of those Lambert has any direct influence over.

An argument so indeterminate, it can be universally applied to every team in the world.

Its also massively unhelpful labelling other fans as "apologists" again I've not seen anyone apologising on Lambert's behalf for the situation more that they can see that not all the fault lies with him, that 2 years given the financial constraints is not enough time for him to build the squad he wants and that what the club needs is the fans support, a packed VP with an atmosphere to encourage the players and to abandon this rotten sense of entitlement that is a blight on this football club.

I must have been posting on a different forum in an alternate universe then. As there are many posters here who completely negate any sort of reponsibility for what has been an unmistakably embarrassing, retrograde and unprogressive reign in my opinion and thus that renders such posters as apologists in my eyes.

I won't have changed your mind, I don't expect to...you won't change mine....but at least maybe this can be discussed without the cheap insults, I'm a better fan than you point scoring and the pathetic abused dished out to manager and players alike via the internet.

For crying out loud! The sensitivity levels of some on here border on the absurd at times. Labelling compulsive defenders of every aspect of the manager's reign as 'apologists' isn't an insult, let alone a 'cheap' one. I am often tagged with being a member of the 'Lambert out brigade'. Not a label I would use personally but you won't catch me going around trying my best to take offense from it either.

I notice that the 'point scoring' accusation is starting to be thrown around a lot now. Remind me what actually constitutes this though in your definition? Disagreeing with certain viewpoints? Challenging and refuting the said viewpoints? Holding the authors of them to account and weighing them up against previous posts to gauge the consistancy and thus the credibility of such authors? All seems to be a bit one-way and smacks of hypocrisy to me.

As for the last line, criticising the manager and players, no matter how harshly, doesn't equate to abuse. So stop with the sensationalism please.

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